
时间:2022-12-07 17:46:54








1. 可下载的少量淘宝数据,并在本地调试算法,提交结果;若队伍一天内多次提交结果,新结果版本将覆盖原版本; 

2.4月1日起开放提交结果入口,4月2日出首次排行榜,每天更新排行榜, 按照F1分从高到低排序;排行榜将选择选手在本阶段的历史最优成绩进行排名展示; 


4. 第一赛季截止时,最好成绩排名前500名的队伍进入第二赛季; 


1. 第二赛季分为2个阶段:

1)Part 1,4月30日-6月23日, Part 1截止时,最好成绩排名前200名的队伍进入Part 2;

2)Part 2,6月24日-7月1日, Part 2截止时,最好成绩排名前5名的队伍将受邀参加决赛答辩;


Part 1答案数据包含在观测日期当天有购买行为的用户全集50%的用户购买数据;

Part 2答案数据包含在观测日期当天有购买行为的用户全集100%的用户购买数据,即Part 2阶段的用户量是Part 1阶段的2倍; 


3.第二赛季提供每天1次的评测机会,提交截止时间为0点,每天更新排行榜, 按照F1分从高到低排序;
































 item_ geohash








































select user_id,count(behavior_type) from user_item where behavior_type=1 andtime<'2014-12-18 00:00:00' group by user_id into outfile'D://model//signal_feature//buser_click.txt';
select user_id,count(behavior_type) from user_item where behavior_type=2 andtime<'2014-12-18 00:00:00' group by user_id into outfile'D://model//signal_feature//buser_collect.txt';
select user_id,count(behavior_type) from user_item where behavior_type=3 andtime<'2014-12-18 00:00:00' group by user_id into outfile'D://model//signal_feature//buser_cart.txt';
select user_id,count(behavior_type) from user_item where behavior_type=4 andtime<'2014-12-18 00:00:00' group by user_id into outfile'D://model//signal_feature//buser_buy.txt';
select item_id,count(behavior_type) from user_item where behavior_type=1 andtime<'2014-12-18 00:00:00' group by item_id into outfile'D://model//signal_feature//bitem_click.txt';
select item_id,count(behavior_type) from user_item where behavior_type=2 andtime<'2014-12-18 00:00:00' group by item_id into outfile'D://model//signal_feature//bitem_collect.txt';
select item_id,count(behavior_type) from user_item where behavior_type=3 andtime<'2014-12-18 00:00:00' group by item_id into outfile'D://model//signal_feature//bitem_cart.txt';
select item_id,count(behavior_type) from user_item where behavior_type=4 andtime<'2014-12-18 00:00:00' group by item_id into outfile'D://model//signal_feature//bitem_buy.txt';
select user_id,item_id,count(behavior_type) from user_item where behavior_type=1 andtime<'2014-12-18 00:00:00' group by user_id,item_id into outfile'D://model//signal_feature//bu_it_click.txt';
select user_id,item_id,count(behavior_type) from user_item where behavior_type=2 andtime<'2014-12-18 00:00:00' group by user_id,item_id into outfile'D://model//signal_feature//bu_it_collect.txt';
select user_id,item_id,count(behavior_type) from user_item where behavior_type=3 andtime<'2014-12-18 00:00:00' group by user_id,item_id into outfile'D://model//signal_feature//bu_it_cart.txt';
select user_id,item_id,count(behavior_type) from user_item where behavior_type=4 andtime<'2014-12-18 00:00:00' group by user_id,item_id into outfile'D://model//signal_feature//bu_it_buy.txt';
select user_id,count(behavior_type) from user_item where behavior_type=1 group byuser_id into outfile 'D://model//signal_feature//nuser_click.txt';
select user_id,count(behavior_type) from user_item where behavior_type=2 group byuser_id into outfile 'D://model//signal_feature//nuser_collect.txt';
select user_id,count(behavior_type) from user_item where behavior_type=3 group byuser_id into outfile 'D://model//signal_feature//nuser_cart.txt';
select user_id,count(behavior_type) from user_item where behavior_type=4 group byuser_id into outfile 'D://model//signal_feature//nuser_buy.txt';
select item_id,count(behavior_type) from user_item where behavior_type=1 group byitem_id into outfile 'D://model//signal_feature//nitem_click.txt';
select item_id,count(behavior_type) from user_item where behavior_type=2 group byitem_id into outfile 'D://model//signal_feature//nitem_collect.txt';
select item_id,count(behavior_type) from user_item where behavior_type=3 group byitem_id into outfile 'D://model//signal_feature//nitem_cart.txt';
select item_id,count(behavior_type) from user_item where behavior_type=4 group byitem_id into outfile 'D://model//signal_feature//nitem_buy.txt';
select user_id,item_id,count(behavior_type) from user_item where behavior_type=1 groupby user_id,item_id into outfile 'D://model//signal_feature//nu_it_click.txt';
select user_id,item_id,count(behavior_type) from user_item where behavior_type=2 groupby user_id,item_id into outfile 'D://model//signal_feature//nu_it_collect.txt';
select user_id,item_id,count(behavior_type) from user_item where behavior_type=3 groupby user_id,item_id into outfile 'D://model//signal_feature//nu_it_cart.txt';
select user_id,item_id,count(behavior_type) from user_item where behavior_type=4 groupby user_id,item_id into outfile 'D://model//signal_feature//nu_it_buy.txt';
select user_id,count(behavior_type) from user_item where behavior_type=1 andtime<'2014-12-18 00:00:00' and time>'2014-12-15 00:00:00' group byuser_id into outfile 'D://model//signal_feature//buser_recent3day_click.txt';
select user_id,count(behavior_type) from user_item where behavior_type=2 andtime<'2014-12-18 00:00:00' and time>'2014-12-15 00:00:00' group byuser_id into outfile 'D://model//signal_feature//buser_recent3day_collect.txt';
select user_id,count(behavior_type) from user_item where behavior_type=3 andtime<'2014-12-18 00:00:00' and time>'2014-12-15 00:00:00' group byuser_id into outfile 'D://model//signal_feature//buser_recent3day_cart.txt';
select user_id,count(behavior_type) from user_item where behavior_type=4 andtime<'2014-12-18 00:00:00' and time>'2014-12-15 00:00:00' group byuser_id into outfile 'D://model//signal_feature//buser_recent3day_buy.txt';
select item_id,count(behavior_type) from user_item where behavior_type=1 andtime<'2014-12-18 00:00:00' and time>'2014-12-15 00:00:00' group byitem_id into outfile 'D://model//signal_feature//bitem_recent3day_click.txt';
select item_id,count(behavior_type) from user_item where behavior_type=2 andtime<'2014-12-18 00:00:00' and time>'2014-12-15 00:00:00' group byitem_id into outfile 'D://model//signal_feature//bitem_recent3day_collect.txt';
select item_id,count(behavior_type) from user_item where behavior_type=3 andtime<'2014-12-18 00:00:00' and time>'2014-12-15 00:00:00' group byitem_id into outfile 'D://model//signal_feature//bitem_recent3day_cart.txt';
select item_id,count(behavior_type) from user_item where behavior_type=4 andtime<'2014-12-18 00:00:00' and time>'2014-12-15 00:00:00' group byitem_id into outfile 'D://model//signal_feature//bitem_recent3day_buy.txt';
select user_id,item_id,count(behavior_type) from user_item where behavior_type=1 andtime<'2014-12-18 00:00:00' and time>'2014-12-15 00:00:00' group byuser_id,item_id into outfile'D://model//signal_feature//bu_it_recent3day_click.txt';
select user_id,item_id,count(behavior_type) from user_item where behavior_type=2 andtime<'2014-12-18 00:00:00' and time>'2014-12-15 00:00:00' group byuser_id,item_id into outfile'D://model//signal_feature//bu_it_recent3day_collect.txt';
select user_id,item_id,count(behavior_type) from user_item where behavior_type=3 andtime<'2014-12-18 00:00:00' and time>'2014-12-15 00:00:00' group byuser_id,item_id into outfile'D://model//signal_feature//bu_it_recent3day_cart.txt';
select user_id,item_id,count(behavior_type) from user_item where behavior_type=4 andtime<'2014-12-18 00:00:00' and time>'2014-12-15 00:00:00' group byuser_id,item_id into outfile'D://model//signal_feature//bu_it_recent3day_buy.txt';
select user_id,count(behavior_type) from user_item where behavior_type=1 andtime<'2014-12-19 00:00:00' and time>'2014-12-16 00:00:00' group byuser_id into outfile 'D://model//signal_feature//nuser_recent3day_click.txt';
select user_id,count(behavior_type) from user_item where behavior_type=2 andtime<'2014-12-19 00:00:00' and time>'2014-12-16 00:00:00' group byuser_id into outfile 'D://model//signal_feature//nuser_recent3day_collect.txt';
select user_id,count(behavior_type) from user_item where behavior_type=3 andtime<'2014-12-19 00:00:00' and time>'2014-12-16 00:00:00' group byuser_id into outfile 'D://model//signal_feature//nuser_recent3day_cart.txt';
select user_id,count(behavior_type) from user_item where behavior_type=4 andtime<'2014-12-19 00:00:00' and time>'2014-12-16 00:00:00' group byuser_id into outfile 'D://model//signal_feature//nuser_recent3day_buy.txt';
select item_id,count(behavior_type) from user_item where behavior_type=1 andtime<'2014-12-19 00:00:00' and time>'2014-12-16 00:00:00' group byitem_id into outfile 'D://model//signal_feature//nitem_recent3day_click.txt';
select item_id,count(behavior_type) from user_item where behavior_type=2 andtime<'2014-12-19 00:00:00' and time>'2014-12-16 00:00:00' group byitem_id into outfile 'D://model//signal_feature//nitem_recent3day_collect.txt';
select item_id,count(behavior_type) from user_item where behavior_type=3 andtime<'2014-12-19 00:00:00' and time>'2014-12-16 00:00:00' group byitem_id into outfile 'D://model//signal_feature//nitem_recent3day_cart.txt';
select item_id,count(behavior_type) from user_item where behavior_type=4 andtime<'2014-12-19 00:00:00' and time>'2014-12-16 00:00:00' group byitem_id into outfile 'D://model//signal_feature//nitem_recent3day_buy.txt';
select user_id,item_id,count(behavior_type) from user_item where behavior_type=1 andtime<'2014-12-19 00:00:00' and time>'2014-12-16 00:00:00' group byuser_id,item_id into outfile'D://model//signal_feature//nu_it_recent3day_click.txt';
select user_id,item_id,count(behavior_type) from user_item where behavior_type=2 andtime<'2014-12-19 00:00:00' and time>'2014-12-16 00:00:00' group byuser_id,item_id into outfile'D://model//signal_feature//nu_it_recent3day_collect.txt';
select user_id,item_id,count(behavior_type) from user_item where behavior_type=3 andtime<'2014-12-19 00:00:00' and time>'2014-12-16 00:00:00' group byuser_id,item_id into outfile'D://model//signal_feature//nu_it_recent3day_cart.txt';
select user_id,item_id,count(behavior_type) from user_item where behavior_type=4 andtime<'2014-12-19 00:00:00' and time>'2014-12-16 00:00:00' group byuser_id,item_id into outfile'D://model//signal_feature//nu_it_recent3day_buy.txt';










--                              参数说明                                     --
--label_day:分类标签的日期,如:'2014-12-18 00'
--           ${table_label}_ui_features_1,....,${table_label}_ui_features_n,${table_label}_ui_features,
--           ${table_label}_user_features_1,....,${table_label}_user_features_n,${table_label}_user_features,
<div style="text-align: center;"><span style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px;">    sum(case when(behavior_type=1 andtime<'${label_day}') then 1 else 0 end) as i1,</span></div>--数据融合处理:
--           ${table_label}_feature_table,${table_label}_normal,${table_label}_under_sample
--                              特征提取                                     --
drop table if exists${table_label}_item_features_1;
create table${table_label}_item_features_1 as
    sum(case when(behavior_type=2 andtime<'${label_day}') then 1 else 0 end) as i2,
    sum(case when(behavior_type=3 andtime<'${label_day}') then 1 else 0 end) as i3,
    sum(case when(behavior_type=4 andtime<'${label_day}') then 1 else 0 end) as i4,
    sum(case when(behavior_type=1 andtime<'${label_day}') then 1 else 0 end)/count(distinct user_id) as i5,
    case when sum(case when behavior_type=1then 1 else 0 end)=0 then 0 else sum(case when behavior_type=1 anddatediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-dd hh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-ddhh'),'dd')=1 then 1 else 0 end)*datediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-ddhh'),to_date('2014-11-18 00','yyyy-mm-dd hh'),'dd')/sum(case whenbehavior_type=1 then 1 else 0 end) end as i6,
    case when sum(case when behavior_type=2then 1 else 0 end)=0 then 0 else sum(case when behavior_type=2 anddatediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-dd hh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-ddhh'),'dd')=1 then 1 else 0 end)*datediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-ddhh'),to_date('2014-11-18 00','yyyy-mm-dd hh'),'dd')/sum(case whenbehavior_type=2 then 1 else 0 end) end as i7,
    case when sum(case when behavior_type=3then 1 else 0 end)=0 then 0 else sum(case when behavior_type=3 anddatediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-dd hh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-ddhh'),'dd')=1 then 1 else 0 end)*datediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-ddhh'),to_date('2014-11-18 00','yyyy-mm-dd hh'),'dd')/sum(case whenbehavior_type=3 then 1 else 0 end) end as i8,
    case when sum(case when behavior_type=1then 1 else 0 end)=0 then 0 else sum(case when behavior_type=1 anddatediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-dd hh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-ddhh'),'dd')=2 then 1 else 0 end)*datediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-ddhh'),to_date('2014-11-18 00','yyyy-mm-dd hh'),'dd')/sum(case whenbehavior_type=1 then 1 else 0 end) end as i9,
    case when sum(case when behavior_type=2then 1 else 0 end)=0 then 0 else sum(case when behavior_type=2 anddatediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-dd hh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-ddhh'),'dd')=2 then 1 else 0 end)*datediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-ddhh'),to_date('2014-11-18 00','yyyy-mm-dd hh'),'dd')/sum(case whenbehavior_type=2 then 1 else 0 end) end as i10,
    case when sum(case when behavior_type=3then 1 else 0 end)=0 then 0 else sum(case when behavior_type=3 anddatediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-dd hh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-ddhh'),'dd')=2 then 1 else 0 end)*datediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-ddhh'),to_date('2014-11-18 00','yyyy-mm-dd hh'),'dd')/sum(case whenbehavior_type=3 then 1 else 0 end) end as i11,
    case when sum(case when behavior_type=4then 1 else 0 end)=0 then 0 else sum(case when behavior_type=4 anddatediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-dd hh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-ddhh'),'dd')=2 then 1 else 0 end)*datediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-ddhh'),to_date('2014-11-18 00','yyyy-mm-dd hh'),'dd')/sum(case whenbehavior_type=4 then 1 else 0 end) end as i12,
    case when sum(case when behavior_type=1then 1 else 0 end)=0 then 0 else sum(case when behavior_type=1 anddatediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-dd hh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-ddhh'),'dd')=3 then 1 else 0 end)*datediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-ddhh'),to_date('2014-11-18 00','yyyy-mm-dd hh'),'dd')/sum(case whenbehavior_type=1 then 1 else 0 end) end as i13,
    case when sum(case when behavior_type=2then 1 else 0 end)=0 then 0 else sum(case when behavior_type=2 anddatediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-dd hh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-ddhh'),'dd')=3 then 1 else 0 end)*datediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-ddhh'),to_date('2014-11-18 00','yyyy-mm-dd hh'),'dd')/sum(case whenbehavior_type=2 then 1 else 0 end) end as i14,
    case when sum(case when behavior_type=3then 1 else 0 end)=0 then 0 else sum(case when behavior_type=3 anddatediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-dd hh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-ddhh'),'dd')=3 then 1 else 0 end)*datediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-ddhh'),to_date('2014-11-18 00','yyyy-mm-dd hh'),'dd')/sum(case whenbehavior_type=3 then 1 else 0 end) end as i15,
    case when sum(case when behavior_type=4then 1 else 0 end)=0 then 0 else sum(case when behavior_type=4 anddatediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-dd hh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-ddhh'),'dd')=3 then 1 else 0 end)*datediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-ddhh'),to_date('2014-11-18 00','yyyy-mm-dd hh'),'dd')/sum(case whenbehavior_type=4 then 1 else 0 end) end as i16,
    case when sum(case when behavior_type=1then 1 else 0 end)=0 then 0 else sum(case when behavior_type=1 anddatediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-dd hh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-ddhh'),'dd')<4 then 1 else 0 end)*datediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-ddhh'),to_date('2014-11-18 00','yyyy-mm-dd hh'),'dd')/sum(case whenbehavior_type=1 then 1 else 0 end) end as i17,
    case when sum(case when behavior_type=2then 1 else 0 end)=0 then 0 else sum(case when behavior_type=2 anddatediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-dd hh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-ddhh'),'dd')<4 then 1 else 0 end)*datediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-ddhh'),to_date('2014-11-18 00','yyyy-mm-dd hh'),'dd')/sum(case whenbehavior_type=2 then 1 else 0 end) end as i18,
    case when sum(case when behavior_type=3then 1 else 0 end)=0 then 0 else sum(case when behavior_type=3 anddatediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-dd hh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-ddhh'),'dd')<4 then 1 else 0 end)*datediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-ddhh'),to_date('2014-11-18 00','yyyy-mm-dd hh'),'dd')/sum(case whenbehavior_type=3 then 1 else 0 end) end as i19,
    case when sum(case when behavior_type=4then 1 else 0 end)=0 then 0 else sum(case when behavior_type=4 anddatediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-dd hh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-ddhh'),'dd')<4 then 1 else 0 end)*datediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-ddhh'),to_date('2014-11-18 00','yyyy-mm-dd hh'),'dd')/sum(case whenbehavior_type=4 then 1 else 0 end) end as i20
group by item_id;
drop table if exists${table_label}_item_features_2;
create table${table_label}_item_features_2 as
select item_id,
    dense_rank() over(partition byitem_category order by ii1 desc) as i21,
    dense_rank() over(partition byitem_category order by ii2 desc) as i22,
    dense_rank() over(partition byitem_category order by ii3 desc) as i23,
    dense_rank() over(partition byitem_category order by ii4 desc) as i24
    select item_category,item_id,
    sum(case when behavior_type=1 then 1 else 0end) as ii1,
    sum(case when behavior_type=2 then 1 else 0end) as ii2,
    sum(case when behavior_type=3 then 1 else 0end) as ii3,
    sum(case when behavior_type=4 then 1 else 0end) as ii4
    where time<'${label_day}'
    group by item_id,item_category
drop table if exists${table_label}_item_features_3;
create table${table_label}_item_features_3 as
select item_id,
sum(casewhen behavior_type=1 then 1 else 0 end) as i25,
sum(casewhen behavior_type=2 then 1 else 0 end) as i26,
sum(casewhen behavior_type=3 then 1 else 0 end) as i27,
sum(casewhen behavior_type=4 then 1 else 0 end) as i28,
sum(casewhen behavior_type=1 and datediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-ddhh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-dd hh'),'dd')=1 then 1 else 0 end) as i29,
sum(casewhen behavior_type=2 and datediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-ddhh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-dd hh'),'dd')=1 then 1 else 0 end) as i30,
sum(casewhen behavior_type=3 and datediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-ddhh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-dd hh'),'dd')=1 then 1 else 0 end) as i31,
sum(casewhen behavior_type=4 and datediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-ddhh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-dd hh'),'dd')=1 then 1 else 0 end) as i32,
sum(casewhen behavior_type=1 and datediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-ddhh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-dd hh'),'dd')<4 then 1 else 0 end) as i33,
sum(casewhen behavior_type=2 and datediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-ddhh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-dd hh'),'dd')<4 then 1 else 0 end) as i34,
sum(casewhen behavior_type=3 and datediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-ddhh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-dd hh'),'dd')<4 then 1 else 0 end) as i35,
sum(casewhen behavior_type=4 and datediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-ddhh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-dd hh'),'dd')<4 then 1 else 0 end) as i36
selectdistinct item_id,user_id,time,behavior_type
group by item_id;
drop table if exists${table_label}_item_features_4;
create table${table_label}_item_features_4 as
select item_id,
sum(casewhen behavior_type=1 and datediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-ddhh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-dd hh'),'dd')=1 then 1 else 0 end) as i37,
sum(casewhen behavior_type=2 and datediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-ddhh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-dd hh'),'dd')=1 then 1 else 0 end) as i38,
sum(casewhen behavior_type=3 and datediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-ddhh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-dd hh'),'dd')=1 then 1 else 0 end) as i39,
sum(casewhen behavior_type=4 and datediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-ddhh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-dd hh'),'dd')=1 then 1 else 0 end) as i40,
sum(casewhen behavior_type=1 and datediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-ddhh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-dd hh'),'dd')<4 then 1 else 0 end) as i41,
sum(casewhen behavior_type=2 and datediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-ddhh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-dd hh'),'dd')<4 then 1 else 0 end) as i42,
sum(casewhen behavior_type=3 and datediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-ddhh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-dd hh'),'dd')<4 then 1 else 0 end) as i43,
sum(casewhen behavior_type=4 and datediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-ddhh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-dd hh'),'dd')<4 then 1 else 0 end) as i44
group by item_id;
drop table if exists${table_label}_item_features_5;
create table${table_label}_item_features_5 as
select item_id,r1 asi45,r2 as i46,r3 as i47,
casewhen cr1>0 then r1/cr1 else 0 end as i48,
casewhen cr2>0 then r2/cr2 else 0 end as i49,
casewhen cr3>0 then r3/cr3 else 0 end as i50
casewhen sum(case when behavior_type=4 then 1 else 0 end)>0 then sum(case whenbehavior_type=1 then 1 else 0 end)/sum(case when behavior_type=4 then 1 else 0end) else 0 end as r1,
casewhen sum(case when behavior_type=4 then 1 else 0 end)>0 then sum(case whenbehavior_type=2 then 1 else 0 end)/sum(case when behavior_type=4 then 1 else 0end) else 0 end as r2,
casewhen sum(case when behavior_type=4 then 1 else 0 end)>0 then sum(case whenbehavior_type=3 then 1 else 0 end)/sum(case when behavior_type=4 then 1 else 0end) else 0 end as r3
group byitem_id,item_category
) t1
casewhen sum(case when behavior_type=4 then 1 else 0 end)>0 then sum(case whenbehavior_type=1 then 1 else 0 end)/sum(case when behavior_type=4 then 1 else 0end) else 0 end as cr1,
casewhen sum(case when behavior_type=4 then 1 else 0 end)>0 then sum(case whenbehavior_type=1 then 1 else 0 end)/sum(case when behavior_type=4 then 1 else 0end) else 0 end as cr2,
casewhen sum(case when behavior_type=4 then 1 else 0 end)>0 then sum(case whenbehavior_type=1 then 1 else 0 end)/sum(case when behavior_type=4 then 1 else 0end) else 0 end as cr3
groupby item_category
) t2
drop table if exists${table_label}_item_features_6;
create table${table_label}_item_features_6 as
select item_id,
casewhen t2.click>0 then t1.click/t2.click else 0 end as i51,
casewhen t2.favorite>0 then t1.favorite/t2.favorite else 0 end i52,
casewhen t2.cart>0 then t1.cart/t2.cart else 0 end i53,
casewhen t2.buy>0 then t1.buy/t2.buy else 0 end i54
sum(casewhen behavior_type=1 then 1 else 0 end) as click,
sum(casewhen behavior_type=2 then 1 else 0 end) as favorite,
sum(casewhen behavior_type=3 then 1 else 0 end) as cart,
sum(casewhen behavior_type=4 then 1 else 0 end) as buy
groupby item_id,item_category
avg(casewhen behavior_type=1 then 1 else 0 end) as click,
avg(casewhen behavior_type=1 then 1 else 0 end) as favorite,
avg(casewhen behavior_type=1 then 1 else 0 end) as cart,
avg(casewhen behavior_type=1 then 1 else 0 end) as buy
groupby item_category
drop table if exists${table_label}_item_features;
create table${table_label}_item_features as
drop table if exists${table_label}_ui_features_1;
create table${table_label}_ui_features_1 as
    sum(case when (behavior_type=1 andtime<'${label_day}') then 1 else 0 end)/30 as ui1,
    sum(case when (behavior_type=2 andtime<'${label_day}') then 1 else 0 end)/30 as ui2,
    sum(case when (behavior_type=3 andtime<'${label_day}') then 1 else 0 end)/30 as ui3,
    sum(case when (behavior_type=4 andtime<'${label_day}') then 1 else 0 end)/30 as ui4,
    sum(case when (behavior_type=1 anddatediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-dd hh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-ddhh'),'dd')=1) then 1 else 0 end) as ui5,
    sum(case when (behavior_type=2 anddatediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-dd hh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-ddhh'),'dd')=1) then 1 else 0 end) as ui6,
    sum(case when (behavior_type=3 anddatediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-dd hh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-ddhh'),'dd')=1) then 1 else 0 end) as ui7,
    sum(case when (behavior_type=1 anddatediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-dd hh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-ddhh'),'dd')=2) then 1 else 0 end) as ui8,
    sum(case when (behavior_type=2 anddatediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-dd hh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-ddhh'),'dd')=2) then 1 else 0 end) as ui9,
    sum(case when (behavior_type=3 anddatediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-dd hh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-ddhh'),'dd')=2) then 1 else 0 end) as ui10,
    sum(case when (behavior_type=4 anddatediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-dd hh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-ddhh'),'dd')=2) then 1 else 0 end) as ui11,
    sum(case when (behavior_type=1 anddatediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-dd hh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-ddhh'),'dd')=3) then 1 else 0 end) as ui12,
    sum(case when (behavior_type=2 anddatediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-dd hh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-ddhh'),'dd')=3) then 1 else 0 end) as ui13,
    sum(case when (behavior_type=3 anddatediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-dd hh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-ddhh'),'dd')=3) then 1 else 0 end) as ui14,
    sum(case when (behavior_type=4 anddatediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-dd hh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-ddhh'),'dd')=3) then 1 else 0 end) as ui15,
    sum(case when (behavior_type=1 anddatediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-dd hh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-ddhh'),'dd')<8) then 1 else 0 end) as ui16,
    sum(case when (behavior_type=2 anddatediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-dd hh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-ddhh'),'dd')<8) then 1 else 0 end) as ui17,
    sum(case when (behavior_type=3 anddatediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-dd hh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-ddhh'),'dd')<8) then 1 else 0 end) as ui18,
    sum(case when (behavior_type=4 anddatediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-dd hh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-ddhh'),'dd')<8) then 1 else 0 end) as ui19,
    max(case when (behavior_type=1 anddatediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-dd hh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-ddhh'),'dd')=1) then cast(substr(time,-2,2) as bigint) else 0 end) as ui20,
    max(case when (behavior_type=2 anddatediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-dd hh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-ddhh'),'dd')=1) then cast(substr(time,-2,2) as bigint) else 0 end) as ui21,
    max(case when (behavior_type=3 anddatediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-dd hh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-ddhh'),'dd')=1) then cast(substr(time,-2,2) as bigint) else 0 end) as ui22,
    min(case when (behavior_type=1 anddatediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-dd hh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-ddhh'),'dd')=1) then cast(substr(time,-2,2) as bigint) else 24 end) as ui23,
    min(case when (behavior_type=2 anddatediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-dd hh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-ddhh'),'dd')=1) then cast(substr(time,-2,2) as bigint) else 24 end) as ui24,
    min(case when (behavior_type=3 anddatediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-dd hh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-ddhh'),'dd')=1) then cast(substr(time,-2,2) as bigint) else 24 end) as ui25,
    min(case when behavior_type=1 thendatediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-dd hh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-ddhh'),'hh') else 744 end) as ui26,
    min(case when behavior_type=2 thendatediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-dd hh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-ddhh'),'hh') else 744 end) as ui27,
    min(case when behavior_type=3 thendatediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-dd hh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-ddhh'),'hh') else 744 end) as ui28,
    min(case when behavior_type=4 thendatediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-dd hh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-ddhh'),'hh') else 744 end) as ui29,
    count(distinct case when behavior_type=1then substr(time,7,4) end) as ui30,
    count(distinct case when behavior_type=4then substr(time,7,4) end) as ui31,
    sum(case when (behavior_type=1 anddatediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-dd hh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-ddhh'),'dd')<4) then 1 else 0 end) as ui32,
    sum(case when (behavior_type=2 anddatediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-dd hh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-ddhh'),'dd')<4) then 1 else 0 end) as ui33,
    sum(case when (behavior_type=3 anddatediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-dd hh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-ddhh'),'dd')<4) then 1 else 0 end) as ui34,
    sum(case when (behavior_type=4 anddatediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-dd hh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-ddhh'),'dd')<4) then 1 else 0 end) as ui35
GROUP BYuser_id,item_id;
drop table if exists${table_label}_ui_features_2;
create table${table_label}_ui_features_2 as
sum(casewhen behavior_type=1 and datediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-ddhh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-dd hh'),'hh')=24 then 1 else 0 end) as ui36,
sum(casewhen behavior_type=1 and datediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-ddhh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-dd hh'),'hh')=23 then 1 else 0 end) as ui37,
sum(casewhen behavior_type=1 and datediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-ddhh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-dd hh'),'hh')=22 then 1 else 0 end) as ui38,
sum(casewhen behavior_type=1 and datediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-ddhh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-dd hh'),'hh')=21 then 1 else 0 end) as ui39,
sum(casewhen behavior_type=1 and datediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-ddhh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-dd hh'),'hh')=20 then 1 else 0 end) as ui40,
sum(casewhen behavior_type=1 and datediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-ddhh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-dd hh'),'hh')=19 then 1 else 0 end) as ui41,
sum(casewhen behavior_type=1 and datediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-ddhh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-dd hh'),'hh')=18 then 1 else 0 end) as ui42,
sum(casewhen behavior_type=1 and datediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-ddhh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-dd hh'),'hh')=17 then 1 else 0 end) as ui43,
sum(casewhen behavior_type=1 and datediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-ddhh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-dd hh'),'hh')=16 then 1 else 0 end) as ui44,
sum(casewhen behavior_type=1 and datediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-ddhh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-dd hh'),'hh')=15 then 1 else 0 end) as ui45,
sum(casewhen behavior_type=1 and datediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-ddhh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-dd hh'),'hh')=14 then 1 else 0 end) as ui46,
sum(casewhen behavior_type=1 and datediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-ddhh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-dd hh'),'hh')=13 then 1 else 0 end) as ui47,
sum(casewhen behavior_type=1 and datediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-ddhh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-dd hh'),'hh')=12 then 1 else 0 end) as ui48,
sum(casewhen behavior_type=1 and datediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-ddhh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-dd hh'),'hh')=11 then 1 else 0 end) as ui49,
sum(casewhen behavior_type=1 and datediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-ddhh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-dd hh'),'hh')=10 then 1 else 0 end) as ui50,
sum(casewhen behavior_type=1 and datediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-ddhh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-dd hh'),'hh')=9 then 1 else 0 end) as ui51,
sum(casewhen behavior_type=1 and datediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-ddhh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-dd hh'),'hh')=8 then 1 else 0 end) as ui52,
sum(casewhen behavior_type=1 and datediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-ddhh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-dd hh'),'hh')=7 then 1 else 0 end) as ui53,
sum(casewhen behavior_type=1 and datediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-ddhh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-dd hh'),'hh')=6 then 1 else 0 end) as ui54,
sum(casewhen behavior_type=1 and datediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-ddhh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-dd hh'),'hh')=5 then 1 else 0 end) as ui55,
sum(casewhen behavior_type=1 and datediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-ddhh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-dd hh'),'hh')=4 then 1 else 0 end) as ui56,
sum(casewhen behavior_type=1 and datediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-ddhh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-dd hh'),'hh')=3 then 1 else 0 end) as ui57,
sum(casewhen behavior_type=1 and datediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-ddhh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-dd hh'),'hh')=2 then 1 else 0 end) as ui58,
sum(casewhen behavior_type=1 and datediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-ddhh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-dd hh'),'hh')=1 then 1 else 0 end) as ui59,
sum(casewhen behavior_type=2 and datediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-ddhh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-dd hh'),'hh')=24 then 1 else 0 end) as ui60,
sum(casewhen behavior_type=2 and datediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-ddhh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-dd hh'),'hh')=23 then 1 else 0 end) as ui61,
sum(casewhen behavior_type=2 and datediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-ddhh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-dd hh'),'hh')=22 then 1 else 0 end) as ui62,
sum(casewhen behavior_type=2 and datediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-ddhh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-dd hh'),'hh')=21 then 1 else 0 end) as ui63,
sum(casewhen behavior_type=2 and datediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-ddhh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-dd hh'),'hh')=20 then 1 else 0 end) as ui64,
sum(casewhen behavior_type=2 and datediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-ddhh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-dd hh'),'hh')=19 then 1 else 0 end) as ui65,
sum(casewhen behavior_type=2 and datediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-ddhh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-dd hh'),'hh')=18 then 1 else 0 end) as ui66,
sum(casewhen behavior_type=2 and datediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-ddhh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-dd hh'),'hh')=17 then 1 else 0 end) as ui67,
sum(casewhen behavior_type=2 and datediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-ddhh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-dd hh'),'hh')=16 then 1 else 0 end) as ui68,
sum(casewhen behavior_type=2 and datediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-ddhh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-dd hh'),'hh')=15 then 1 else 0 end) as ui69,
sum(casewhen behavior_type=2 and datediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-ddhh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-dd hh'),'hh')=14 then 1 else 0 end) as ui70,
sum(casewhen behavior_type=2 and datediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-ddhh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-dd hh'),'hh')=13 then 1 else 0 end) as ui71,
sum(casewhen behavior_type=2 and datediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-ddhh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-dd hh'),'hh')=12 then 1 else 0 end) as ui72,
sum(casewhen behavior_type=2 and datediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-ddhh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-dd hh'),'hh')=11 then 1 else 0 end) as ui73,
sum(casewhen behavior_type=2 and datediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-ddhh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-dd hh'),'hh')=10 then 1 else 0 end) as ui74,
sum(casewhen behavior_type=2 and datediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-ddhh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-dd hh'),'hh')=9 then 1 else 0 end) as ui75,
sum(casewhen behavior_type=2 and datediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-ddhh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-dd hh'),'hh')=8 then 1 else 0 end) as ui76,
sum(casewhen behavior_type=2 and datediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-ddhh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-dd hh'),'hh')=7 then 1 else 0 end) as ui77,
sum(casewhen behavior_type=2 and datediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-ddhh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-dd hh'),'hh')=6 then 1 else 0 end) as ui78,
sum(casewhen behavior_type=2 and datediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-ddhh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-dd hh'),'hh')=5 then 1 else 0 end) as ui79,
sum(casewhen behavior_type=2 and datediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-ddhh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-dd hh'),'hh')=4 then 1 else 0 end) as ui80,
sum(casewhen behavior_type=2 and datediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-ddhh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-dd hh'),'hh')=3 then 1 else 0 end) as ui81,
sum(casewhen behavior_type=2 and datediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-ddhh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-dd hh'),'hh')=2 then 1 else 0 end) as ui82,
sum(casewhen behavior_type=2 and datediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-ddhh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-dd hh'),'hh')=1 then 1 else 0 end) as ui83,
sum(casewhen behavior_type=3 and datediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-ddhh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-dd hh'),'hh')=24 then 1 else 0 end) as ui84,
sum(casewhen behavior_type=3 and datediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-ddhh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-dd hh'),'hh')=23 then 1 else 0 end) as ui85,
sum(casewhen behavior_type=3 and datediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-ddhh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-dd hh'),'hh')=22 then 1 else 0 end) as ui86,
sum(casewhen behavior_type=3 and datediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-ddhh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-dd hh'),'hh')=21 then 1 else 0 end) as ui87,
sum(casewhen behavior_type=3 and datediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-ddhh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-dd hh'),'hh')=20 then 1 else 0 end) as ui88,
sum(casewhen behavior_type=3 and datediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-ddhh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-dd hh'),'hh')=19 then 1 else 0 end) as ui89,
sum(casewhen behavior_type=3 and datediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-ddhh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-dd hh'),'hh')=18 then 1 else 0 end) as ui90,
sum(casewhen behavior_type=3 and datediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-ddhh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-dd hh'),'hh')=17 then 1 else 0 end) as ui91,
sum(casewhen behavior_type=3 and datediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-ddhh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-dd hh'),'hh')=16 then 1 else 0 end) as ui92,
sum(casewhen behavior_type=3 and datediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-ddhh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-dd hh'),'hh')=15 then 1 else 0 end) as ui93,
sum(casewhen behavior_type=3 and datediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-ddhh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-dd hh'),'hh')=14 then 1 else 0 end) as ui94,
sum(casewhen behavior_type=3 and datediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-ddhh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-dd hh'),'hh')=13 then 1 else 0 end) as ui95,
sum(casewhen behavior_type=3 and datediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-ddhh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-dd hh'),'hh')=12 then 1 else 0 end) as ui96,
sum(casewhen behavior_type=3 and datediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-ddhh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-dd hh'),'hh')=11 then 1 else 0 end) as ui97,
sum(casewhen behavior_type=3 and datediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-ddhh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-dd hh'),'hh')=10 then 1 else 0 end) as ui98,
sum(casewhen behavior_type=3 and datediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-ddhh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-dd hh'),'hh')=9 then 1 else 0 end) as ui99,
sum(casewhen behavior_type=3 and datediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-ddhh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-dd hh'),'hh')=8 then 1 else 0 end) as ui100,
sum(casewhen behavior_type=3 and datediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-ddhh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-dd hh'),'hh')=7 then 1 else 0 end) as ui101,
sum(casewhen behavior_type=3 and datediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-ddhh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-dd hh'),'hh')=6 then 1 else 0 end) as ui102,
sum(casewhen behavior_type=3 and datediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-ddhh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-dd hh'),'hh')=5 then 1 else 0 end) as ui103,
sum(casewhen behavior_type=3 and datediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-ddhh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-dd hh'),'hh')=4 then 1 else 0 end) as ui104,
sum(casewhen behavior_type=3 and datediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-ddhh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-dd hh'),'hh')=3 then 1 else 0 end) as ui105,
sum(casewhen behavior_type=3 and datediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-ddhh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-dd hh'),'hh')=2 then 1 else 0 end) as ui106,
sum(casewhen behavior_type=3 and datediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-ddhh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-dd hh'),'hh')=1 then 1 else 0 end) as ui107
wheredatediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-dd hh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-ddhh'),'dd')=1
group byuser_id,item_id;
drop table if exists${table_label}_ui_features_2;
create table${table_label}_ui_features_2 as
sum(casewhen behavior_type=1 then 1 else 0 end) as ui36,
sum(casewhen behavior_type=2 then 1 else 0 end) as ui37,
sum(casewhen behavior_type=3 then 1 else 0 end) as ui38,
sum(casewhen behavior_type=4 then 1 else 0 end) as ui39,
sum(casewhen behavior_type=1 then 1 else 0 end)*sum(case when behavior_type=1 then 1else 0 end) as ui40,
sum(casewhen behavior_type=2 then 1 else 0 end)*sum(case when behavior_type=2 then 1else 0 end) as ui41,
sum(casewhen behavior_type=3 then 1 else 0 end)*sum(case when behavior_type=2 then 1else 0 end) as ui42,
sum(casewhen behavior_type=4 then 1 else 0 end)*sum(case when behavior_type=4 then 1else 0 end) as ui43,
casewhen sum(case when behavior_type=4 then 1 else 0 end)>0 then sum(case whenbehavior_type=1 then 1 else 0 end)/sum(case when behavior_type=4 then 1 else 0end) else 0 end as ui44,
casewhen sum(case when behavior_type=4 then 1 else 0 end)>0 then sum(case whenbehavior_type=2 then 1 else 0 end)/sum(case when behavior_type=4 then 1 else 0end) else 0 end as ui45,
casewhen sum(case when behavior_type=4 then 1 else 0 end)>0 then sum(case whenbehavior_type=3 then 1 else 0 end)/sum(case when behavior_type=4 then 1 else 0end) else 0 end as ui46,
casewhen sum(case when behavior_type=4 then 1 else 0 end)>0 then sum(case whenbehavior_type=4 then 1 else 0 end)/sum(case when behavior_type=4 then 1 else 0end) else 0 end as ui47
group byuser_id,item_id;
drop table if exists${table_label}_ui_features_3;
create table${table_label}_ui_features_3 as
sum(casewhen t1.behavior_type=1 and t2.behavior_type=1 and t2.hour<=t1.s then 1 else0 end) as ui48,
sum(casewhen t1.behavior_type=2 and t2.behavior_type=2 and t2.hour<=t1.s then 1 else0 end) as ui49,
sum(casewhen t1.behavior_type=3 and t2.behavior_type=3 and t2.hour<=t1.s then 1 else0 end) as ui50,
sum(casewhen t2.behavior_type=4 and t2.hour<=t1.s then 1 else 0 end) as ui51,
sum(casewhen t1.behavior_type=1 and t2.behavior_type=1 and t2.hour>t1.e then 1 else0 end) as ui52,
sum(casewhen t1.behavior_type=2 and t2.behavior_type=1 and t2.hour>t1.e then 1 else0 end) as ui53,
sum(casewhen t1.behavior_type=3 and t2.behavior_type=1 and t2.hour>t1.e then 1 else0 end) as ui54,
sum(casewhen t2.behavior_type=4 and t2.hour>t1.e then 1 else 0 end) as ui55
selectuser_id,item_id,behavior_type,min(cast(substr(time,-2,2) as bigint)) ass,max(cast(substr(time,-2,2) as bigint)) as e
wheredatediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-dd hh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-ddhh'),'dd')=1
groupby user_id,item_id,behavior_type
) t1
selectdistinct user_id,item_id,behavior_type,cast(substr(time,-2,2) as bigint) ashour
wheredatediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-dd hh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-ddhh'),'dd')=1
) t2
group byt1.user_id,t1.item_id;
drop table if exists${table_label}_ui_features;
create table${table_label}_ui_features as
    ,case when ui36 is not null then ui36 else0 end as ui36
,casewhen ui37 is not null then ui37 else 0 end as ui37
,casewhen ui38 is not null then ui38 else 0 end as ui38
,casewhen ui39 is not null then ui39 else 0 end as ui39
,casewhen ui40 is not null then ui40 else 0 end as ui40
,casewhen ui41 is not null then ui41 else 0 end as ui41
,casewhen ui42 is not null then ui42 else 0 end as ui42
,casewhen ui43 is not null then ui43 else 0 end as ui43
,casewhen ui44 is not null then ui44 else 0 end as ui44
,casewhen ui45 is not null then ui45 else 0 end as ui45
,casewhen ui46 is not null then ui46 else 0 end as ui46
,casewhen ui47 is not null then ui47 else 0 end as ui47
,casewhen ui48 is not null then ui48 else 0 end as ui48
,casewhen ui49 is not null then ui49 else 0 end as ui49
,casewhen ui50 is not null then ui50 else 0 end as ui50
,casewhen ui51 is not null then ui51 else 0 end as ui51
,casewhen ui52 is not null then ui52 else 0 end as ui52
,casewhen ui53 is not null then ui53 else 0 end as ui53
,casewhen ui54 is not null then ui54 else 0 end as ui54
,casewhen ui55 is not null then ui55 else 0 end as ui55
left outer join${table_label}_ui_features_2
on${table_label}_ui_features_1.user_id=${table_label}_ui_features_2.user_id and${table_label}_ui_features_1.item_id=${table_label}_ui_features_2.item_id
left outer join${table_label}_ui_features_3
on${table_label}_ui_features_1.user_id=${table_label}_ui_features_3.user_id and${table_label}_ui_features_1.item_id=${table_label}_ui_features_3.item_id;
drop table if exists${table_label}_user_features_1;
create table${table_label}_user_features_1 as
select user_id,
    sum(case when (behavior_type=1 anddatediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-dd hh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-ddhh'),'dd')=1) then 1 else 0 end) as u1,
    sum(case when (behavior_type=2 anddatediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-dd hh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-ddhh'),'dd')=1) then 1 else 0 end) as u2,
    sum(case when (behavior_type=3 anddatediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-dd hh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-ddhh'),'dd')=1) then 1 else 0 end) as u3,
    sum(case when (behavior_type=4 anddatediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-dd hh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-ddhh'),'dd')=1) then 1 else 0 end) as u4,
    sum(case when (behavior_type=1 anddatediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-dd hh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-ddhh'),'dd')<4 and datediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-ddhh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-dd hh'),'dd')>0) then 1 else 0 end) as u5,
    sum(case when (behavior_type=2 anddatediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-dd hh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-ddhh'),'dd')<4 and datediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-ddhh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-dd hh'),'dd')>0) then 1 else 0 end) as u6,
    sum(case when (behavior_type=3 anddatediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-dd hh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-ddhh'),'dd')<4 and datediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-ddhh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-dd hh'),'dd')>0) then 1 else 0 end) as u7,
    sum(case when (behavior_type=4 anddatediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-dd hh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-ddhh'),'dd')<4 and datediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-ddhh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-dd hh'),'dd')>0) then 1 else 0 end) as u8,
    sum(case when (behavior_type=1 andtime<'${label_day}') then 1 else 0 end) as u9,
    sum(case when (behavior_type=2 andtime<'${label_day}') then 1 else 0 end) as u10,
    sum(case when (behavior_type=3 andtime<'${label_day}') then 1 else 0 end) as u11,
    sum(case when (behavior_type=4 andtime<'${label_day}') then 1 else 0 end) as u12,
    min(case when (behavior_type=1 anddatediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-dd hh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-ddhh'),'dd')=1) then cast(substr(time,-2,2) as bigint) else 24 end) as u13,
    min(case when (behavior_type=2 anddatediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-dd hh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-ddhh'),'dd')=1) then cast(substr(time,-2,2) as bigint) else 24 end) as u14,
    min(case when (behavior_type=3 anddatediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-dd hh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-ddhh'),'dd')=1) then cast(substr(time,-2,2) as bigint) else 24 end) as u15,
    max(case when (behavior_type=1 anddatediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-dd hh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-ddhh'),'dd')=1) then cast(substr(time,-2,2) as bigint) else 0 end) as u16,
    max(case when (behavior_type=2 anddatediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-dd hh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-ddhh'),'dd')=1) then cast(substr(time,-2,2) as bigint) else 0 end) as u17,
    max(case when (behavior_type=3 anddatediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-dd hh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-ddhh'),'dd')=1) then cast(substr(time,-2,2) as bigint) else 0 end) as u18,
    count(distinct case when behavior_type=1and datediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-dd hh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-ddhh'),'dd')=1 then item_id end) as u19,
    count(distinct case when behavior_type=2and datediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-dd hh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-ddhh'),'dd')=1 then item_id end) as u20,
    count(distinct case when behavior_type=3and datediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-dd hh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-ddhh'),'dd')=1 then item_id end) as u21,
    count(distinct case when behavior_type=4and datediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-dd hh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-ddhh'),'dd')=1 then item_id end) as u22
group by user_id;
drop table if exists${table_label}_user_features_2;
create table${table_label}_user_features_2 as
selectuser_id,count(item_category) as u23 from
selectdistinct user_id,item_category
wheredatediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-dd hh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-ddhh'),'dd')=1
group by user_id;
drop table if exists${table_label}_user_features_3;
create table${table_label}_user_features_3 as
select user_id,
casewhen sum(case when behavior_type=4 then 1 else 0 end)>0 then sum(case whenbehavior_type=1 then 1 else 0 end)/sum(case when behavior_type=4 then 1 else 0end) else 0 end as u24,
casewhen sum(case when behavior_type=4 then 1 else 0 end)>0 then sum(case whenbehavior_type=2 then 1 else 0 end)/sum(case when behavior_type=4 then 1 else 0end) else 0 end as u25,
casewhen sum(case when behavior_type=4 then 1 else 0 end)>0 then sum(case whenbehavior_type=3 then 1 else 0 end)/sum(case when behavior_type=4 then 1 else 0end) else 0 end as u26
group by user_id;
drop table if exists${table_label}_user_features_4;
create table${table_label}_user_features_4 as
select user_id,
max(cli)as u27,
min(cli)as u28,
avg(cli)as u29,
max(fav)as u30,
min(fav)as u31,
avg(fav)as u32,
max(car)as u33,
min(car)as u34,
avg(car)as u35,
max(buy)as u36,
min(buy)as u37,
avg(buy)as u38
sum(casewhen behavior_type=1 then 1 else 0 end) as cli,
sum(casewhen behavior_type=2 then 1 else 0 end) as fav,
sum(casewhen behavior_type=3 then 1 else 0 end) as car,
sum(casewhen behavior_type=4 then 1 else 0 end) as buy
groupby user_id,item_id
) t
group by user_id;
drop table if exists${table_label}_user_features_5;
create table${table_label}_user_features_5 as
select user_id,
max(cast(substr(time,-2,2)as bigint)) as u39,
min(cast(substr(time,-2,2)as bigint)) as u40,
avg(cast(substr(time,-2,2)as bigint)) as u41
group by user_id;
drop table if exists${table_label}_user_features_6;
create table${table_label}_user_features_6 as
select user_id,
sum(casewhen behavior_type=1 then 1 else 0 end) as u42,
sum(casewhen behavior_type=2 then 1 else 0 end) as u43,
sum(casewhen behavior_type=3 then 1 else 0 end) as u44,
sum(casewhen behavior_type=4 then 1 else 0 end) as u45
selectdistinct user_id,behavior_type,substr(time,9,2) as daynum
 ) t
group by user_id;
drop table if exists${table_label}_user_features;
create table${table_label}_user_features as
,casewhen u23 is not null then u23 else 0 end as u23
,casewhen u24 is not null then u24 else 0 end as u24
,casewhen u25 is not null then u25 else 0 end as u25
,casewhen u26 is not null then u26 else 0 end as u26
,casewhen u27 is not null then u27 else 0 end as u27
,casewhen u28 is not null then u28 else 0 end as u28
,casewhen u29 is not null then u29 else 0 end as u29
,casewhen u30 is not null then u30 else 0 end as u30
,casewhen u31 is not null then u31 else 0 end as u31
,casewhen u32 is not null then u32 else 0 end as u32
,casewhen u33 is not null then u33 else 0 end as u33
,casewhen u34 is not null then u34 else 0 end as u34
,casewhen u35 is not null then u35 else 0 end as u35
,casewhen u36 is not null then u36 else 0 end as u36
,casewhen u37 is not null then u37 else 0 end as u37
,casewhen u38 is not null then u38 else 0 end as u38
,casewhen u39 is not null then u39 else 0 end as u39
,casewhen u40 is not null then u40 else 0 end as u40
,casewhen u41 is not null then u41 else 0 end as u41
,casewhen u42 is not null then u42 else 0 end as u42
,casewhen u43 is not null then u43 else 0 end as u43
,casewhen u44 is not null then u44 else 0 end as u44
,casewhen u45 is not null then u45 else 0 end as u45
left outer join${table_label}_user_features_2
left outer join${table_label}_user_features_3
left outer join${table_label}_user_features_4
left outer join${table_label}_user_features_5
left outer join${table_label}_user_features_6
--                              分类标签                                     --
drop table if existstemp_pairs_table;
create tabletemp_pairs_table as
wheredatediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-dd hh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-ddhh'),'dd')<3 and datediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-ddhh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-dd hh'),'dd')>0
group byuser_id,item_id
having sum(case whenbehavior_type=4 then 1 else 0 end)=0;
drop table if existstemp_label_table;
create tabletemp_label_table as
selecta.user_id,a.item_id,case when b.user_id is null and b.item_id is null then 0else 1 end as tag
temp_pairs_table a
left outer join
    select distinct user_id,item_id
    wheredatediff(to_date('${label_day}','yyyy-mm-dd hh'),to_date(time,'yyyy-mm-ddhh'),'dd')=0 and behavior_type=4
) b
ona.user_id=b.user_id and a.item_id=b.item_id;
--                              数据融合                                     --
drop table if exists${table_label}_feature_table;
create table${table_label}_feature_table as
fromtemp_label_table a
left outer join${table_label}_item_features
left outer join${table_label}_ui_features
ona.user_id=${table_label}_ui_features.user_id anda.item_id=${table_label}_ui_features.item_id
left outer join${table_label}_user_features
drop table if existstemp_label_table;
drop table if existstemp_pairs_table;
--                              归一化                                       --
drop table if exists${table_label}_normal;
PAI -name Normalize-project algo_public -DkeepOriginal="false"-DoutputTableName="${table_label}_normal"-DinputTableName="${table_label}_feature_table"
--                              欠采样                                       --
drop table if existstemp_pos_table;
create tabletemp_pos_table as
select * from${table_label}_normal where tag=1;
drop table if existstemp_nat_table;
create tabletemp_nat_table as
select * from${table_label}_normal where tag=0;
drop table if existssub_nat_table;
PAI -nameRandomSample -project algo_public -Dreplace="false"-DoutTableName="sub_nat_table" -DsampleSize="2000000"-DinputTableName="temp_nat_table";
drop table if exists${table_label}_under_sample;
create table${table_label}_under_sample as
select * from
    select * from sub_nat_table
    union all
    select * from temp_pos_table
) t;
drop table if existssub_nat_table;
drop table if existstemp_nat_table;
drop table if existstemp_pos_table;
-- --清洁工先上场清扫垃圾
-- --清除上次的分类器
drop offlinemodel ifexists gbdt_model_0626;
-- --训练工作开始啦!!!
-- --切分16日数据为两个部分各50%
drop table if existstrain_p1;
drop table if existstrain_p2;
PAI -nameDeclustering -project algo_public -Dfactors="0.5,0.5"-DoutputTableNames="train_p1,train_p2"-DinputTableName="16_under_sample";
PAI -nameLogisticRegression -project algo_public -DmodelName="lr_model_0626"
-DregularizedLevel="20"-DmaxIter="200" -Depsilon="0.000001"-DlabelColName="tag"
drop table if existsp2_after_lr;
PAI -name Prediction-project algo_public -DdetailColName="prediction_detail1"
-DsplitCharacteristic="1"  -DmodelName="lr_model_0626"-DresultColName="prediction_result1"-DoutputTableName="p2_after_lr"-DscoreColName="prediction_score1" -DinputTableName="train_p2"-DlabelValueToPredict="1"
drop table if existstemp_nat;
create tabletemp_nat as
select * fromp2_after_lr where tag=0 and prediction_score1>0.1;
drop table if existstemp_pos;
create tabletemp_pos as
select * fromp2_after_lr where tag=1 and prediction_score1>0.1;
drop table if existssub_nat;
PAI -nameRandomSample -project algo_public -DoutTableName="sub_nat"
drop table if existssub_pos;
PAI -nameRandomSample -project algo_public -DoutTableName="sub_pos"
drop table if existstrain_2;
create table train_2as
select * from
select * fromsub_pos
union all
select * fromsub_nat
drop offlinemodel ifexists gbdt_model_0630;
PAI -name GBDT_LR-project algo_public -DfeatureSplitValueMaxSize="500"-DrandSeed="0"
-Dshrinkage="0.05"-DmaxLeafCount="32" -DlabelColName="tag"-DinputTableName="train_2"
-DminLeafSampleCount="500"-DsampleRatio="0.6" -DmaxDepth="11"-DmodelName="gbdt_model_0630" -DmetricType="2"-DfeatureRatio="0.6" -DtestRatio="0.2"  -DtreeCount="500"
drop table if existspre_after_lr;
PAI -name Prediction-project algo_public -DdetailColName="prediction_detail1"
-DsplitCharacteristic="1"  -DmodelName="lr_model_0626"-DresultColName="prediction_result1"-DoutputTableName="pre_after_lr"-DscoreColName="prediction_score1" -DinputTableName="17_normal"-DlabelValueToPredict="1"
drop table if existspre_for_gbdt;
create tablepre_for_gbdt as
from pre_after_lrwhere prediction_score1>0.1;
drop table if existspre_after_gbdt;
PAI -name Prediction-project algo_public -DdetailColName="prediction_detail2"-DsplitCharacteristic="1"-DappendColNames="user_id,item_id,tag"
-DscoreColName="prediction_score2"-DinputTableName="pre_for_gbdt" -DlabelValueToPredict="1";
drop table if existsgbdtlr_confusion;
PAI -nameconfusionmatrix -project algo_public-DoutputTableName="gbdtlr_confusion" -DlabelColName="tag"-DpredictionColName="prediction_result2"-DinputTableName="pre_after_gbdt";
 select * from gbdtlr_confusion;
drop table if existspre_after_lr_181;
PAI -name Prediction-project algo_public -DdetailColName="prediction_detail1"
-DsplitCharacteristic="1"  -DmodelName="lr_model_0626"-DresultColName="prediction_result1"-DoutputTableName="pre_after_lr_181"-DscoreColName="prediction_score1" -DinputTableName="18_normal"-DlabelValueToPredict="1"
drop table if existspre_for_gbdt_181;
create tablepre_for_gbdt_181 as
frompre_after_lr_181 where prediction_score1>0.1;
drop table if existspre_after_gbdt_181;
PAI -name Prediction-project algo_public -DdetailColName="prediction_detail2"-DsplitCharacteristic="1"-DappendColNames="user_id,item_id,tag"
drop table if existstianchi_mobile_recommendation_predict_0630;
create tabletianchi_mobile_recommendation_predict_0630 as
select distinctb.user_id,b.item_id
joinpre_after_gbdt_181 b
ona.item_id=b.item_id and b.prediction_result2="1";


--label_day:分类标签的日期,如:'2014-12-18 00'这是用18号的数据打标签

--table_label:保存的表名label,例如16 这是用16号及之前的数据产生特征




第二赛季由于投入时间太少,很多想法没实现,比如用两天的数据训练,还有就是试试其他模型,调节参数等等.挺遗憾的.不过参加这个比赛确实学到了很多东西,希望同学们多多参加类似的比赛.我在比赛期间,画了很多图表,整理后会再上传上来,分享给大家!另外我水平有限,有问题及需要交流的地方请及时联系我,我的QQ 1192625541,谢谢!






来自 <http://write.blog.csdn.net/postedit