
时间:2022-12-05 13:49:34

I've created a basic web app using Express, and provided a dynamic route such as:


app.get('/myroute/:user_id', function (req, res) {

This renders the EJS template "mytemplate.ejs" when the user visits /myroute/15

当用户访问/ myroute / 15时,这将呈现EJS模板“mytemplate.ejs”

Now, I'd also like to create a second route /staticroute that transmits a static HTML page somepage.html.

现在,我还想创建第二个路由/ staticroute,它传输静态HTML页面somepage.html。

What's the best way to do this? Should these static pages be served outside of Express? I've seen some related answers on *, but they either use deprecated functionality or they do not support cacheing.


2 个解决方案



There's res.sendfile() for such cases. Although if you don't need special routes for static files, you might look into using the express.static middleware instead.




Here's a quick solution you can try with memcached (too long to put into comments, I'd still recommend nginx's proxy_cache to avoid coding this below):


var Memcached = require('memcached'); // sudo apt-get install memcached
                                      // npm install memcached
var memcached = new Memcached('localhost:11211'); // default
var ttl = 86400; // 24hrs time to live

function readContent(callback) { // async read with callback
    fs.readFile("./someIndex.html", function (err, content) {
        (err) ? callback(err) : callback(null, content);

app.get('/someRoutes', function (req, res) {

  memcached.get('foo', function( err, content){ // get 'foo' from memcached
    if( err ) console.error( err ); // .get() error handling

    if( content ) { // data in memcached
      // render content and output
    } else { // data not in memcached

      readContent(function (err, myFile) { // try reading file
        if (myFile) { // file found, save to memcached & render
           memcached.set('foo', myFile, ttl, function( err, data ){
             if( err ) console.error( err ); // .set() error handling
           // render myFile and output
      }); // end readContent()

    } // end if-content-else-
  }); // end memcached.get()
}); // end app.get



There's res.sendfile() for such cases. Although if you don't need special routes for static files, you might look into using the express.static middleware instead.




Here's a quick solution you can try with memcached (too long to put into comments, I'd still recommend nginx's proxy_cache to avoid coding this below):


var Memcached = require('memcached'); // sudo apt-get install memcached
                                      // npm install memcached
var memcached = new Memcached('localhost:11211'); // default
var ttl = 86400; // 24hrs time to live

function readContent(callback) { // async read with callback
    fs.readFile("./someIndex.html", function (err, content) {
        (err) ? callback(err) : callback(null, content);

app.get('/someRoutes', function (req, res) {

  memcached.get('foo', function( err, content){ // get 'foo' from memcached
    if( err ) console.error( err ); // .get() error handling

    if( content ) { // data in memcached
      // render content and output
    } else { // data not in memcached

      readContent(function (err, myFile) { // try reading file
        if (myFile) { // file found, save to memcached & render
           memcached.set('foo', myFile, ttl, function( err, data ){
             if( err ) console.error( err ); // .set() error handling
           // render myFile and output
      }); // end readContent()

    } // end if-content-else-
  }); // end memcached.get()
}); // end app.get