从弹出式CRM Dynamics 2015中获取父表单中的数据

时间:2022-12-03 15:41:31

I have a button on an entity form which opens a CRM modal. I need to get to form data from the IFrame inside that modal, I tried a lot of ways. I included ClientGlobalContext.js.aspx reference in the IFrame html, I also tried with

我在实体表单上有一个按钮,用于打开CRM模式。我需要从该模态中的IFrame中形成数据,我尝试了很多方法。我在IFrame html中包含了ClientGlobalContext.js.aspx引用,我也试过了

$.each(parent.window.frames, function (i, val) {
               if (parent.window.frames[i].Xrm.Page.data.entity != null) {

window.parent.Xrm.Page ...
window.top.opener.frames[0].Xrm.Page... //here window top opener is null

window.parent.opener.crmForm.all.name.DataValue //window parent opener is null

Are there any other options?


1 个解决方案



Can you show how your modal is created? Is this a jQuery-UI style modal that inserts a frame in the page or something like window.showModalDialog (deprecated!)?


Assuming a dialog somewhere in the same 'top' frame, this is how I handle this. Let's say I have a form script on the Account record. In my onload function I configured ISV_Account_Form_onload:


// Return some data from the form
function ISV_GetAccountData(){ 
  return { 
    Name: Xrm.Page.getAttribute('name').getValue()

// Runs onload
function ISV_Account_Form_onload{
  // Define my function on the top window
  top.ISV_GetAccountData = ISV_GetAccountData;

Then in my inline-frame I would call:


var accountData = top.ISV_GetAccountData();

This can also work from a pop-up window:


var accountData = top.opener.top.ISV_GetAccountData();

For brevity I've excluded cleaning up the function when the form unloads, making sure the function is defined before calling, etc.




Can you show how your modal is created? Is this a jQuery-UI style modal that inserts a frame in the page or something like window.showModalDialog (deprecated!)?


Assuming a dialog somewhere in the same 'top' frame, this is how I handle this. Let's say I have a form script on the Account record. In my onload function I configured ISV_Account_Form_onload:


// Return some data from the form
function ISV_GetAccountData(){ 
  return { 
    Name: Xrm.Page.getAttribute('name').getValue()

// Runs onload
function ISV_Account_Form_onload{
  // Define my function on the top window
  top.ISV_GetAccountData = ISV_GetAccountData;

Then in my inline-frame I would call:


var accountData = top.ISV_GetAccountData();

This can also work from a pop-up window:


var accountData = top.opener.top.ISV_GetAccountData();

For brevity I've excluded cleaning up the function when the form unloads, making sure the function is defined before calling, etc.
