
时间:2022-12-03 15:41:49

Let's say you don't want other sites to "frame" your site in an <iframe>:


<iframe src="http://example.org"></iframe>

So you insert anti-framing, frame busting JavaScript into all your pages:


/* break us out of any containing iframes */
if (top != self) { top.location.replace(self.location.href); }

Excellent! Now you "bust" or break out of any containing iframe automatically. Except for one small problem.


As it turns out, your frame-busting code can be busted, as shown here:


<script type="text/javascript">
    var prevent_bust = 0  
    window.onbeforeunload = function() { prevent_bust++ }  
    setInterval(function() {  
      if (prevent_bust > 0) {  
        prevent_bust -= 2  
        window.top.location = 'http://example.org/page-which-responds-with-204'  
    }, 1)  

This code does the following:


  • increments a counter every time the browser attempts to navigate away from the current page, via the window.onbeforeunload event handler
  • 每当浏览器试图通过窗口从当前页面导航时,增加一个计数器。onbeforeunload事件处理程序
  • sets up a timer that fires every millisecond via setInterval(), and if it sees the counter incremented, changes the current location to a server of the attacker's control
  • 设置一个计时器,通过setInterval()每毫秒触发一次,如果看到计数器递增,则将当前位置更改为攻击者控制的服务器
  • that server serves up a page with HTTP status code 204, which does not cause the browser to navigate anywhere
  • 该服务器提供一个带有HTTP状态代码204的页面,这不会导致浏览器在任何地方导航

My question is -- and this is more of a JavaScript puzzle than an actual problem -- how can you defeat the frame-busting buster?


I had a few thoughts, but nothing worked in my testing:


  • attempting to clear the onbeforeunload event via onbeforeunload = null had no effect
  • 尝试通过onbeforeunload = null清除onbeforeunload事件没有任何效果
  • adding an alert() stopped the process let the user know it was happening, but did not interfere with the code in any way; clicking OK lets the busting continue as normal
  • 添加一个alert()停止了进程,让用户知道它正在发生,但不以任何方式干扰代码;点击OK让崩溃照常继续
  • I can't think of any way to clear the setInterval() timer
  • 我想不出任何清除setInterval()计时器的方法

I'm not much of a JavaScript programmer, so here's my challenge to you: hey buster, can you bust the frame-busting buster?


19 个解决方案



I'm not sure if this is viable or not - but if you can't break the frame, why not just display a warning. For example, If your page isn't the "top page" create a setInterval method that tries to break the frame. If after 3 or 4 tries your page still isn't the top page - create a div element that covers the whole page (modal box) with a message and a link like...


You are viewing this page in a unauthorized frame window - (Blah blah... potential security issue)


click this link to fix this problem


Not the best, but I don't see any way they could script their way out of that.




FWIW, most current browsers support the X-Frame-Options: deny directive, which works even when script is disabled.

FWIW是目前大多数浏览器都支持X-Frame-Options: deny指令,即使禁用了脚本,它也能工作。



Firefox (3.6.9)

Firefox(3.6.9)https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id = 475530 https://developer.mozilla.org/en/The_X-FRAME-OPTIONS_response_header


Chrome / Webkit http://blog.chromium.org/2010/01/security-in-depth-new-security-features.html http://trac.webkit.org/changeset/42333



We have used the following approach in one of our websites from http://seclab.stanford.edu/websec/framebusting/framebust.pdf


 body { 
 display : none   
if(self == top) {
document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].style.display = 'block';
top.location = self.location;



Came up with this, and it seems to work at least in Firefox and the Opera browser.


if(top != self) {
 top.onbeforeunload = function() {};



After pondering this for a little while, I believe this will show them who's boss...


if(top != self) {
  window.open(location.href, '_top');

Using _top as the target parameter for window.open() will launch it in the same window.

使用_top作为windows .open()的目标参数将在同一个窗口中启动它。



Considering current HTML5 standard that introduced sandbox for iframe, all frame busting codes that provided in this page can be disabled when attacker uses sandbox because it restricts the iframe from following:


allow-forms: Allow form submissions.
allow-popups: Allow opening popup windows.
allow-pointer-lock: Allow access to pointer movement and pointer lock.
allow-same-origin: Allow access to DOM objects when the iframe loaded form same origin
allow-scripts: Allow executing scripts inside iframe
allow-top-navigation: Allow navigation to top level window

Please see: http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/the-iframe-element.html#attr-iframe-sandbox

请参见:http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/the-iframe-element.html # attr-iframe-sandbox

Now, consider attacker used the following code to host your site in iframe:


<iframe src="URI" sandbox></iframe>

Then, all JavaScript frame busting code will fail.


After checking all frame busing code, only this defense works in all cases:


<style id="antiClickjack">body{display:none !important;}</style>
<script type="text/javascript">
   if (self === top) {
       var antiClickjack = document.getElementById("antiClickjack");
   } else {
       top.location = self.location;

that originally proposed by Gustav Rydstedt, Elie Bursztein, Dan Boneh, and Collin Jackson (2010)

最初由Gustav Rydstedt, Elie Bursztein, Dan Boneh和Collin Jackson提出(2010)



if (top != self) {
  location.replace("about:blank"); // want me framed? no way!



Ok, so we know that were in a frame. So we location.href to another special page with the path as a GET variable. We now explain to the user what is going on and provide a link with a target="_TOP" option. It's simple and would probably work (haven't tested it), but it requires some user interaction. Maybe you could point out the offending site to the user and make a hall of shame of click jackers to your site somewhere.. Just an idea, but it night work..




All the proposed solutions directly force a change in the location of the top window. What if a user wants the frame to be there? For example the top frame in the image results of search engines.


I wrote a prototype where by default all inputs (links, forms and input elements) are disabled and/or do nothing when activated.


If a containing frame is detected, the inputs are left disabled and a warning message is shown at the top of the page. The warning message contains a link that will open a safe version of the page in a new window. This prevents the page from being used for clickjacking, while still allowing the user to view the contents in other situations.


If no containing frame is detected, the inputs are enabled.


Here is the code. You need to set the standard HTML attributes to safe values and add additonal attributes that contain the actual values. It probably is incomplete and for full safety additional attributes (I am thinking about event handlers) will probably have to be treated in the same way:


      function replaceAttributeValuesWithActualOnes( array, attributeName, actualValueAttributeName, additionalProcessor ) {
        for ( var elementIndex = 0; elementIndex < array.length; elementIndex += 1 ) {
          var element = array[ elementIndex ];
          var actualValue = element.getAttribute( actualValueAttributeName );
          if ( actualValue != null ) {
            element[ attributeName ] = actualValue;

          if ( additionalProcessor != null ) {
            additionalProcessor( element );

      function detectFraming() {
        if ( top != self ) {
          document.getElementById( "framingWarning" ).style.display = "block";
        } else {
          replaceAttributeValuesWithActualOnes( document.links, "href", "acme:href" );

          replaceAttributeValuesWithActualOnes( document.forms, "action", "acme:action", function ( form ) {
            replaceAttributeValuesWithActualOnes( form.elements, "disabled", "acme:disabled" );
      // -->
  <body onload="detectFraming()">
    <div id="framingWarning" style="display: none; border-style: solid; border-width: 4px; border-color: #F00; padding: 6px; background-color: #FFF; color: #F00;">
        <b>SECURITY WARNING</b>: Acme App is displayed inside another page.
        To make sure your data is safe this page has been disabled.<br>
        <a href="framing-detection.html" target="_blank" style="color: #090">Continue working safely in a new tab/window</a>
      Content. <a href="#" acme:href="javascript:window.alert( 'Action performed' );">Do something</a>
    <form name="acmeForm" action="#" acme:action="real-action.html">
      <p>Name: <input type="text" name="name" value="" disabled="disabled" acme:disabled=""></p>
      <p><input type="submit" name="save" value="Save" disabled="disabled" acme:disabled=""></p>



I'm going to be brave and throw my hat into the ring on this one (ancient as it is), see how many downvotes I can collect.


Here is my attempt, which does seem to work everywhere I have tested it (Chrome20, IE8 and FF14):


(function() {
    if (top == self) {

    setInterval(function() {
        setTimeout(function() {
            var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
        }, 0);
    }, 1);

I placed this code in the <head> and called it from the end of the <body> to ensure my page is rendered before it starts arguing with the malicious code, don't know if this is the best approach, YMMV.


How does it work?


...I hear you ask - well the honest answer is, I don't really know. It took a lot of fudging about to make it work everywhere I was testing, and the exact effect that it has varies slightly depending on where you run it.


Here is the thinking behind it:


  • Set a function to run at the lowest possible interval. The basic concept behind any of the realistic solutions I have seen is to fill up the scheduler with more events than the frame buster-buster has.
  • 将函数设置为在可能的最低间隔运行。我所见过的任何实际解决方案背后的基本概念都是用比frame buster-buster更多的事件填充调度器。
  • Every time the function fires, try and change the location of the top frame. Fairly obvious requirement.
  • 每当函数触发时,尝试更改顶部框架的位置。相当明显的要求。
  • Also schedule a function to run immediately which will take a long time to complete (thereby blocking the frame buster-buster from interfering with the location change). I chose a synchronous XMLHttpRequest because it's the only mechanism I can think of that doesn't require (or at least ask for) user interaction and doesn't chew up the user's CPU time.
  • 还可以安排一个函数立即运行,这将花费很长时间来完成(从而阻止frame buster-buster来干扰位置的改变)。我选择了同步XMLHttpRequest,因为我能想到的唯一一种机制不需要(或至少不需要)用户交互,也不会占用用户的CPU时间。

For my http://mysite.tld/page-that-takes-a-while-to-load (the target of the XHR) I used a PHP script that looks like this:

为我的http://mysite。tld/page-that- at-take -a- to-load (XHR的目标)我使用的PHP脚本如下所示:

<?php sleep(5);

What happens?


  • Chrome and Firefox wait the 5 seconds while the XHR completes, then successfully redirect to the framed page's URL.
  • Chrome和Firefox在XHR完成后等待5秒,然后成功重定向到框架页面的URL。
  • IE redirects pretty much immediately
  • IE立即重定向

Can't you avoid the wait time in Chrome and Firefox?


Apparently not. At first I pointed the XHR to a URL that would return a 404 - this didn't work in Firefox. Then I tried the sleep(5); approach that I eventually landed on for this answer, then I started playing around with the sleep length in various ways. I could find no real pattern to the behaviour, but I did find that if it is too short, specifically Firefox will not play ball (Chrome and IE seem to be fairly well behaved). I don't know what the definition of "too short" is in real terms, but 5 seconds seems to work every time.


If any passing Javascript ninjas want to explain a little better what's going on, why this is (probably) wrong, unreliable, the worst code they've ever seen etc I'll happily listen.




As of 2015, you should use CSP2's frame-ancestors directive for this. This is implemented via an HTTP response header.




Content-Security-Policy: frame-ancestors 'none'

Of course, not many browsers support CSP2 yet so it is wise to include the old X-Frame-Options header:


X-Frame-Options: DENY

I would advise to include both anyway, otherwise your site would continue to be vulnerable to Clickjacking attacks in old browsers, and of course you would get undesirable framing even without malicious intent. Most browsers do update automatically these days, however you still tend to get corporate users being stuck on old versions of Internet Explorer for legacy application compatibility reasons.




Well, you can modify the value of the counter, but that is obviously a brittle solution. You can load your content via AJAX after you have determined the site is not within a frame - also not a great solution, but it hopefully avoids firing the on beforeunload event (I am assuming).


Edit: Another idea. If you detect you are in a frame, ask the user to disable javascript, before clicking on a link that takes you to the desired URL (passing a querystring that lets your page know to tell the user that they can re-enable javascript once they are there).


Edit 2: Go nuclear - if you detect you are in a frame, just delete your document body content and print some nasty message.


Edit 3: Can you enumerate the top document and set all functions to null (even anonymous ones)?




If you add an alert right after the buster code, then the alert will stall the javascript thread, and it will let the page load. This is what * does, and it busts out of my iframes, even when I use the frame busting buster. It also worked with my simple test page. This has only been tested in Firefox 3.5 and IE7 on windows.

如果您在buster代码之后添加一个警告,那么这个警告将会使javascript线程停止,并且它会让页面载入。这就是*的功能,它会从我的iframe中跳出来,即使我使用了frame buster。它也适用于我的简单测试页面。这只在Firefox 3.5和IE7中测试过。



<script type="text/javascript">
if (top != self){
  alert("for security reasons bla bla bla");



I think you were almost there. Have you tried:


window.parent.onbeforeunload = null;

or, alternatively:


window.parent.prevent_bust = 0;

Note: I didn't actually test this.




What about calling the buster repeatedly as well? This'll create a race condition, but one may hope that the buster comes out on top:


(function() {
    if(top !== self) {
        top.location.href = self.location.href;
        setTimeout(arguments.callee, 0);



If you look at the values returned by setInterval() they are usually single digits, so you can usually disable all such interrupts with a single line of code:


for (var j = 0 ; j < 256 ; ++j) clearInterval(j)



I might just have just gotten a way to bust the frame buster buster javascript. Using the getElementsByName in my javascript function, i've set a loop between the frame buster and the actual frame buster buster script. check this post out. http://www.phcityonweb.com/frame-buster-buster-buster-2426

我可能刚刚找到了一种方法来破坏框架破坏者javascript。使用我的javascript函数中的getElementsByName,我在frame buster脚本和frame buster脚本之间设置了一个循环。看看这篇文章。http://www.phcityonweb.com/frame -巴斯特克星-巴斯特- 2426



setInterval and setTimeout create an automatically incrementing interval. Each time setTimeout or setInterval is called, this number goes up by one, so that if you call setTimeout, you'll get the current, highest value.


   var currentInterval = 10000;
   currentInterval += setTimeout( gotoHREF, 100 );
   for( var i = 0; i < currentInterval; i++ ) top.clearInterval( i );
   // Include setTimeout to avoid recursive functions.
   for( i = 0; i < currentInterval; i++ )     top.clearTimeout( i );

   function gotoHREF(){
           top.location.href = "http://your.url.here";

Since it is almost unheard of for there to be 10000 simultaneous setIntervals and setTimeouts working, and since setTimeout returns "last interval or timeout created + 1", and since top.clearInterval is still accessible, this will defeat the black-hat attacks to frame websites which are described above.

因为几乎没有人听说过有10000个同步的setinterval和setTimeouts在工作,而setTimeout返回“最后一个interval或创建+ 1的timeout”,并且从top开始。clearInterval仍然是可访问的,这将击败黑帽攻击框架网站如上所述。



Use htaccess to avoid high-jacking frameset, iframe and any content like images.


RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^http://www\.yoursite\.com/ [NC]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^$
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /copyrights.html [L]

This will show a copyright page instead of the expected.




I'm not sure if this is viable or not - but if you can't break the frame, why not just display a warning. For example, If your page isn't the "top page" create a setInterval method that tries to break the frame. If after 3 or 4 tries your page still isn't the top page - create a div element that covers the whole page (modal box) with a message and a link like...


You are viewing this page in a unauthorized frame window - (Blah blah... potential security issue)


click this link to fix this problem


Not the best, but I don't see any way they could script their way out of that.




FWIW, most current browsers support the X-Frame-Options: deny directive, which works even when script is disabled.

FWIW是目前大多数浏览器都支持X-Frame-Options: deny指令,即使禁用了脚本,它也能工作。



Firefox (3.6.9)

Firefox(3.6.9)https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id = 475530 https://developer.mozilla.org/en/The_X-FRAME-OPTIONS_response_header


Chrome / Webkit http://blog.chromium.org/2010/01/security-in-depth-new-security-features.html http://trac.webkit.org/changeset/42333



We have used the following approach in one of our websites from http://seclab.stanford.edu/websec/framebusting/framebust.pdf


 body { 
 display : none   
if(self == top) {
document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].style.display = 'block';
top.location = self.location;



Came up with this, and it seems to work at least in Firefox and the Opera browser.


if(top != self) {
 top.onbeforeunload = function() {};



After pondering this for a little while, I believe this will show them who's boss...


if(top != self) {
  window.open(location.href, '_top');

Using _top as the target parameter for window.open() will launch it in the same window.

使用_top作为windows .open()的目标参数将在同一个窗口中启动它。



Considering current HTML5 standard that introduced sandbox for iframe, all frame busting codes that provided in this page can be disabled when attacker uses sandbox because it restricts the iframe from following:


allow-forms: Allow form submissions.
allow-popups: Allow opening popup windows.
allow-pointer-lock: Allow access to pointer movement and pointer lock.
allow-same-origin: Allow access to DOM objects when the iframe loaded form same origin
allow-scripts: Allow executing scripts inside iframe
allow-top-navigation: Allow navigation to top level window

Please see: http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/the-iframe-element.html#attr-iframe-sandbox

请参见:http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/the-iframe-element.html # attr-iframe-sandbox

Now, consider attacker used the following code to host your site in iframe:


<iframe src="URI" sandbox></iframe>

Then, all JavaScript frame busting code will fail.


After checking all frame busing code, only this defense works in all cases:


<style id="antiClickjack">body{display:none !important;}</style>
<script type="text/javascript">
   if (self === top) {
       var antiClickjack = document.getElementById("antiClickjack");
   } else {
       top.location = self.location;

that originally proposed by Gustav Rydstedt, Elie Bursztein, Dan Boneh, and Collin Jackson (2010)

最初由Gustav Rydstedt, Elie Bursztein, Dan Boneh和Collin Jackson提出(2010)



if (top != self) {
  location.replace("about:blank"); // want me framed? no way!



Ok, so we know that were in a frame. So we location.href to another special page with the path as a GET variable. We now explain to the user what is going on and provide a link with a target="_TOP" option. It's simple and would probably work (haven't tested it), but it requires some user interaction. Maybe you could point out the offending site to the user and make a hall of shame of click jackers to your site somewhere.. Just an idea, but it night work..




All the proposed solutions directly force a change in the location of the top window. What if a user wants the frame to be there? For example the top frame in the image results of search engines.


I wrote a prototype where by default all inputs (links, forms and input elements) are disabled and/or do nothing when activated.


If a containing frame is detected, the inputs are left disabled and a warning message is shown at the top of the page. The warning message contains a link that will open a safe version of the page in a new window. This prevents the page from being used for clickjacking, while still allowing the user to view the contents in other situations.


If no containing frame is detected, the inputs are enabled.


Here is the code. You need to set the standard HTML attributes to safe values and add additonal attributes that contain the actual values. It probably is incomplete and for full safety additional attributes (I am thinking about event handlers) will probably have to be treated in the same way:


      function replaceAttributeValuesWithActualOnes( array, attributeName, actualValueAttributeName, additionalProcessor ) {
        for ( var elementIndex = 0; elementIndex < array.length; elementIndex += 1 ) {
          var element = array[ elementIndex ];
          var actualValue = element.getAttribute( actualValueAttributeName );
          if ( actualValue != null ) {
            element[ attributeName ] = actualValue;

          if ( additionalProcessor != null ) {
            additionalProcessor( element );

      function detectFraming() {
        if ( top != self ) {
          document.getElementById( "framingWarning" ).style.display = "block";
        } else {
          replaceAttributeValuesWithActualOnes( document.links, "href", "acme:href" );

          replaceAttributeValuesWithActualOnes( document.forms, "action", "acme:action", function ( form ) {
            replaceAttributeValuesWithActualOnes( form.elements, "disabled", "acme:disabled" );
      // -->
  <body onload="detectFraming()">
    <div id="framingWarning" style="display: none; border-style: solid; border-width: 4px; border-color: #F00; padding: 6px; background-color: #FFF; color: #F00;">
        <b>SECURITY WARNING</b>: Acme App is displayed inside another page.
        To make sure your data is safe this page has been disabled.<br>
        <a href="framing-detection.html" target="_blank" style="color: #090">Continue working safely in a new tab/window</a>
      Content. <a href="#" acme:href="javascript:window.alert( 'Action performed' );">Do something</a>
    <form name="acmeForm" action="#" acme:action="real-action.html">
      <p>Name: <input type="text" name="name" value="" disabled="disabled" acme:disabled=""></p>
      <p><input type="submit" name="save" value="Save" disabled="disabled" acme:disabled=""></p>



I'm going to be brave and throw my hat into the ring on this one (ancient as it is), see how many downvotes I can collect.


Here is my attempt, which does seem to work everywhere I have tested it (Chrome20, IE8 and FF14):


(function() {
    if (top == self) {

    setInterval(function() {
        setTimeout(function() {
            var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
        }, 0);
    }, 1);

I placed this code in the <head> and called it from the end of the <body> to ensure my page is rendered before it starts arguing with the malicious code, don't know if this is the best approach, YMMV.


How does it work?


...I hear you ask - well the honest answer is, I don't really know. It took a lot of fudging about to make it work everywhere I was testing, and the exact effect that it has varies slightly depending on where you run it.


Here is the thinking behind it:


  • Set a function to run at the lowest possible interval. The basic concept behind any of the realistic solutions I have seen is to fill up the scheduler with more events than the frame buster-buster has.
  • 将函数设置为在可能的最低间隔运行。我所见过的任何实际解决方案背后的基本概念都是用比frame buster-buster更多的事件填充调度器。
  • Every time the function fires, try and change the location of the top frame. Fairly obvious requirement.
  • 每当函数触发时,尝试更改顶部框架的位置。相当明显的要求。
  • Also schedule a function to run immediately which will take a long time to complete (thereby blocking the frame buster-buster from interfering with the location change). I chose a synchronous XMLHttpRequest because it's the only mechanism I can think of that doesn't require (or at least ask for) user interaction and doesn't chew up the user's CPU time.
  • 还可以安排一个函数立即运行,这将花费很长时间来完成(从而阻止frame buster-buster来干扰位置的改变)。我选择了同步XMLHttpRequest,因为我能想到的唯一一种机制不需要(或至少不需要)用户交互,也不会占用用户的CPU时间。

For my http://mysite.tld/page-that-takes-a-while-to-load (the target of the XHR) I used a PHP script that looks like this:

为我的http://mysite。tld/page-that- at-take -a- to-load (XHR的目标)我使用的PHP脚本如下所示:

<?php sleep(5);

What happens?


  • Chrome and Firefox wait the 5 seconds while the XHR completes, then successfully redirect to the framed page's URL.
  • Chrome和Firefox在XHR完成后等待5秒,然后成功重定向到框架页面的URL。
  • IE redirects pretty much immediately
  • IE立即重定向

Can't you avoid the wait time in Chrome and Firefox?


Apparently not. At first I pointed the XHR to a URL that would return a 404 - this didn't work in Firefox. Then I tried the sleep(5); approach that I eventually landed on for this answer, then I started playing around with the sleep length in various ways. I could find no real pattern to the behaviour, but I did find that if it is too short, specifically Firefox will not play ball (Chrome and IE seem to be fairly well behaved). I don't know what the definition of "too short" is in real terms, but 5 seconds seems to work every time.


If any passing Javascript ninjas want to explain a little better what's going on, why this is (probably) wrong, unreliable, the worst code they've ever seen etc I'll happily listen.




As of 2015, you should use CSP2's frame-ancestors directive for this. This is implemented via an HTTP response header.




Content-Security-Policy: frame-ancestors 'none'

Of course, not many browsers support CSP2 yet so it is wise to include the old X-Frame-Options header:


X-Frame-Options: DENY

I would advise to include both anyway, otherwise your site would continue to be vulnerable to Clickjacking attacks in old browsers, and of course you would get undesirable framing even without malicious intent. Most browsers do update automatically these days, however you still tend to get corporate users being stuck on old versions of Internet Explorer for legacy application compatibility reasons.




Well, you can modify the value of the counter, but that is obviously a brittle solution. You can load your content via AJAX after you have determined the site is not within a frame - also not a great solution, but it hopefully avoids firing the on beforeunload event (I am assuming).


Edit: Another idea. If you detect you are in a frame, ask the user to disable javascript, before clicking on a link that takes you to the desired URL (passing a querystring that lets your page know to tell the user that they can re-enable javascript once they are there).


Edit 2: Go nuclear - if you detect you are in a frame, just delete your document body content and print some nasty message.


Edit 3: Can you enumerate the top document and set all functions to null (even anonymous ones)?




If you add an alert right after the buster code, then the alert will stall the javascript thread, and it will let the page load. This is what * does, and it busts out of my iframes, even when I use the frame busting buster. It also worked with my simple test page. This has only been tested in Firefox 3.5 and IE7 on windows.

如果您在buster代码之后添加一个警告,那么这个警告将会使javascript线程停止,并且它会让页面载入。这就是*的功能,它会从我的iframe中跳出来,即使我使用了frame buster。它也适用于我的简单测试页面。这只在Firefox 3.5和IE7中测试过。



<script type="text/javascript">
if (top != self){
  alert("for security reasons bla bla bla");



I think you were almost there. Have you tried:


window.parent.onbeforeunload = null;

or, alternatively:


window.parent.prevent_bust = 0;

Note: I didn't actually test this.




What about calling the buster repeatedly as well? This'll create a race condition, but one may hope that the buster comes out on top:


(function() {
    if(top !== self) {
        top.location.href = self.location.href;
        setTimeout(arguments.callee, 0);



If you look at the values returned by setInterval() they are usually single digits, so you can usually disable all such interrupts with a single line of code:


for (var j = 0 ; j < 256 ; ++j) clearInterval(j)



I might just have just gotten a way to bust the frame buster buster javascript. Using the getElementsByName in my javascript function, i've set a loop between the frame buster and the actual frame buster buster script. check this post out. http://www.phcityonweb.com/frame-buster-buster-buster-2426

我可能刚刚找到了一种方法来破坏框架破坏者javascript。使用我的javascript函数中的getElementsByName,我在frame buster脚本和frame buster脚本之间设置了一个循环。看看这篇文章。http://www.phcityonweb.com/frame -巴斯特克星-巴斯特- 2426



setInterval and setTimeout create an automatically incrementing interval. Each time setTimeout or setInterval is called, this number goes up by one, so that if you call setTimeout, you'll get the current, highest value.


   var currentInterval = 10000;
   currentInterval += setTimeout( gotoHREF, 100 );
   for( var i = 0; i < currentInterval; i++ ) top.clearInterval( i );
   // Include setTimeout to avoid recursive functions.
   for( i = 0; i < currentInterval; i++ )     top.clearTimeout( i );

   function gotoHREF(){
           top.location.href = "http://your.url.here";

Since it is almost unheard of for there to be 10000 simultaneous setIntervals and setTimeouts working, and since setTimeout returns "last interval or timeout created + 1", and since top.clearInterval is still accessible, this will defeat the black-hat attacks to frame websites which are described above.

因为几乎没有人听说过有10000个同步的setinterval和setTimeouts在工作,而setTimeout返回“最后一个interval或创建+ 1的timeout”,并且从top开始。clearInterval仍然是可访问的,这将击败黑帽攻击框架网站如上所述。



Use htaccess to avoid high-jacking frameset, iframe and any content like images.


RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^http://www\.yoursite\.com/ [NC]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^$
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /copyrights.html [L]

This will show a copyright page instead of the expected.

