
时间:2022-12-02 18:18:36

I'm trying to hide a div based on the input value. From the database, I generate many documents, I have a hidden input field with id=form_type which can have 2 different values: typeA and typeB. Documents that are displayed some have value typeA and some value typeB.

我试图根据输入值隐藏div。从数据库中,我生成了许多文档,我有一个id = form_type的隐藏输入字段,它可以有两个不同的值:typeA和typeB。显示的文档有一些值为typeA,一些值为typeB。

In my case if input with id=form_type, class="form-type" have value typeA I want to hide div with id=hide else if form_type have value typeB I don't want that div to be displayed.

在我的情况下,如果输入id = form_type,class =“form-type”具有值typeA我想隐藏div与id = hide else如果form_type具有值typeB我不希望显示div。

I tried this code but it only takes value only for the first input with id form_type , for example if in first document value=typeA , it takes for all documents like that even that in other documents value can be different:

我尝试了这段代码,但它只对第一个带有id form_type的输入才有价值,例如,如果在第一个文档值= typeA中,它就像所有文档一样,即使在其他文档中,值也可能不同:

   var hide_fiels = $('.form-type').attr("value");           
        if (hide_fiels == "typeA"){ 

My html code looks something like this:


{% if doc_report_all.results %}
{% for doc_report in doc_report_all.results%}
    <table align="center" class="table table-striped " >
    <input type="hidden"  class="form-type" id="form_type" value="{{ doc_report.form_type }}">
    <tr> <td>  //code </td></tr>
    <tr> <td> //code </td></tr>
    <tr> <td> //code </td></tr>
    <tr> <td> //code </td></tr>
    <div id="hide" style="display: none;"> 
    <tr> <td> //code </td></tr>
    <tr> <td> //code </td></tr>

{% endfor %}
{% endif %}

2 个解决方案



The most important thing is you should make use of classes instead of ids when handling multiple forms where elements would otherwise have the same id. Also, you should move your hidden input outside of the table element, since this is not considered valid HTML. Point 3 is you cannot have a div element inside a tbody element. Only tr is allowed.


To make things easier you can wrap the whole table and hidden input inside a wrapper div for easier looping.


Then your HTML should look something like this:


{% if doc_report_all.results %}
{% for doc_report in doc_report_all.results%}
<div class="form">
    <input type="hidden" class="form_type" value="{{ doc_report.form_type }}">
    <table align="center" class="table table-striped " >
            <tr> <td> </td></tr>
            <tr> <td> </td></tr>
            <tr> <td> </td></tr>
            <tr> <td> </td></tr>
            <tr class="toggle" style="display: none;"> <td> </td></tr>
            <tr class="toggle" style="display: none;"> <td> </td></tr>
            <tr class="toggle" style="display: none;"> <td> </td></tr>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}

And your JavaScript could be like this:


    if ($(this).find(".form_type").val() == "typeA")



You can’t have multiple elements with the same id.


See spec: http://www.w3.org/TR/2011/WD-html5-20110525/elements.html#the-id-attribute




The most important thing is you should make use of classes instead of ids when handling multiple forms where elements would otherwise have the same id. Also, you should move your hidden input outside of the table element, since this is not considered valid HTML. Point 3 is you cannot have a div element inside a tbody element. Only tr is allowed.


To make things easier you can wrap the whole table and hidden input inside a wrapper div for easier looping.


Then your HTML should look something like this:


{% if doc_report_all.results %}
{% for doc_report in doc_report_all.results%}
<div class="form">
    <input type="hidden" class="form_type" value="{{ doc_report.form_type }}">
    <table align="center" class="table table-striped " >
            <tr> <td> </td></tr>
            <tr> <td> </td></tr>
            <tr> <td> </td></tr>
            <tr> <td> </td></tr>
            <tr class="toggle" style="display: none;"> <td> </td></tr>
            <tr class="toggle" style="display: none;"> <td> </td></tr>
            <tr class="toggle" style="display: none;"> <td> </td></tr>
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}

And your JavaScript could be like this:


    if ($(this).find(".form_type").val() == "typeA")



You can’t have multiple elements with the same id.


See spec: http://www.w3.org/TR/2011/WD-html5-20110525/elements.html#the-id-attribute
