
时间:2022-12-02 17:23:25

I need to add multiple empty divs to a container element using jQuery.


At the moment I am generating a string containing the empty html using a loop


divstr = '<div></div><div></div>...<div></div>';

and then injecting that into my container:



Is there a more elegant way to insert multiple, identical elements?


I'm hoping to find something that wouldn't break chaining but wouldn't bring the browser to its knees. A chainable .repeat() plugin?


4 个解决方案



If you want IE to be fast - or generally consider speed, then you'll want to build up a DOM fragment first before inserting it.

如果你想要IE很快 - 或者通常考虑速度,那么你需要在插入之前先构建一个DOM片段。

John Resig explains the technique and includes a performance benchmark:

John Resig解释了该技术,并包括性能基准:


var i = 10, 
    fragment = document.createDocumentFragment(), 
    div = document.createElement('div');

while (i--) {


I realise it's not making a lot of use of jQuery in building up the fragment, but I've run a few tests and I can't seem to do $(fragment).append() - but I've read John's jQuery 1.3 release is supposed to include changes based on the research linked above.

我意识到它并没有在构建片段时大量使用jQuery,但我已经运行了一些测试而且我似乎无法做$(fragment).append() - 但我已经阅读了John的jQuery 1.3发布应该包括基于上面链接的研究的变化。



The fastest way to do this is to build the content first with strings. It is MUCH faster to work with strings to build your document fragment before working with the DOM or jquery at all. Unfortunately, IE does a really poor job of concatenating strings, so the best way to do it is to use an array.


var cont = []; //Initialize an array to build the content
for (var i = 0;i<10;i++) cont.push('<div>bunch of text</div>');

I use this technique a ton in my code. You can build very large html fragments using this method and it is very efficient in all browsers.




You can wrap a native JavaScript array in a jQuery and use map() to transform it into a jQuery (list of DOM nodes). This is officially supported.


$(['plop', 'onk', 'gloubi'])
.map(function(i, text)
    return $('<div/>').text(text).get(0);

This will create


<div id="container">

I often use this technique in order to avoid repeating myself (DRY).




You can use a regular loop with the Jquery append function.


for(i=0;i<10; i++){



If you want IE to be fast - or generally consider speed, then you'll want to build up a DOM fragment first before inserting it.

如果你想要IE很快 - 或者通常考虑速度,那么你需要在插入之前先构建一个DOM片段。

John Resig explains the technique and includes a performance benchmark:

John Resig解释了该技术,并包括性能基准:


var i = 10, 
    fragment = document.createDocumentFragment(), 
    div = document.createElement('div');

while (i--) {


I realise it's not making a lot of use of jQuery in building up the fragment, but I've run a few tests and I can't seem to do $(fragment).append() - but I've read John's jQuery 1.3 release is supposed to include changes based on the research linked above.

我意识到它并没有在构建片段时大量使用jQuery,但我已经运行了一些测试而且我似乎无法做$(fragment).append() - 但我已经阅读了John的jQuery 1.3发布应该包括基于上面链接的研究的变化。



The fastest way to do this is to build the content first with strings. It is MUCH faster to work with strings to build your document fragment before working with the DOM or jquery at all. Unfortunately, IE does a really poor job of concatenating strings, so the best way to do it is to use an array.


var cont = []; //Initialize an array to build the content
for (var i = 0;i<10;i++) cont.push('<div>bunch of text</div>');

I use this technique a ton in my code. You can build very large html fragments using this method and it is very efficient in all browsers.




You can wrap a native JavaScript array in a jQuery and use map() to transform it into a jQuery (list of DOM nodes). This is officially supported.


$(['plop', 'onk', 'gloubi'])
.map(function(i, text)
    return $('<div/>').text(text).get(0);

This will create


<div id="container">

I often use this technique in order to avoid repeating myself (DRY).




You can use a regular loop with the Jquery append function.


for(i=0;i<10; i++){