ng-repeat orderBy突然停止排序

时间:2022-12-02 16:55:12

The data being shown in the ng-repeat is acquired from a firebase db and as such is loaded asynchronously

ng-repeat中显示的数据是从firebase db获取的,因此是异步加载的

this is the HTML:


<tr ng-animate="{enter: 'animate-enter', leave: 'animate-leave'}" ng-repeat="player in players|orderBy:'-Level'" class="neutral">

And this is my controller:


app.controller 'RankController', ($scope, angularFire) ->

  ref = new Firebase("")
  angularFire(ref, $scope, 'players')

ng-repeat orderBy突然停止排序

What am I doing wrong? why is the list not being ordered by Level?


edit: Turns out this works perfectly if I use the model made by lukpaw. As such the problem must be in the data I receive which looks like this :


ng-repeat orderBy突然停止排序

4 个解决方案



I think that your sorting is OK. I did simple example and it works in your way. Maybe something which did not you placed is wrong in your code (first check JavaScript console).



<!doctype html>
<html ng-app="App">
  <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
  <script type="text/javascript" src="script.js"></script>

  <div ng-controller="Ctrl">
    <table border="1">
      <tr ng-animate="{enter: 'animate-enter', leave: 'animate-leave'}" ng-repeat="player in players | orderBy:'-Level'">



angular.module('App', []);

function Ctrl($scope) {
  $scope.players =
      [{PlayerName:'John', Wins: 12, Losses:10, Level: 2},
       {PlayerName:'Mary', Wins:7, Losses:19, Level: 1},
       {PlayerName:'Mike', Wins:5, Losses:21, Level: 1},
       {PlayerName:'Adam', Wins:9, Losses:35, Level: 3},
       {PlayerName:'Julie', Wins:10, Losses:29, Level: 2}]

Plunker example



It would appear that the orderBy filter only knows how to sort an array. As such this would never work with JSON objects being used as the model.


I ended up implementing my own filter :


app.filter "orderObjectBy", ->
  (input, attribute) ->
    return input  unless angular.isObject(input)
    array = []
    for key of input
      array.push input[key ]
    array.sort (a, b) ->
      a = parseInt(a[attribute])
      b = parseInt(b[attribute])
      b - a

ng-repeat="player in players | orderObjectBy:'Level'"

ng-repeat =“玩家参与者| orderObjectBy:'等级'”



How about ng-repeat="player in players|orderBy:Level:reverse"?

怎么样的ng-repeat =“玩家中的玩家| orderBy:等级:反向”?



Inspired by @RonnieTroj answer, this filter reuses built-in orderBy filter and can handle both arrays and objects of any comparable type, not just integers:


app.filter 'orderCollectionBy', ['orderByFilter', (orderByFilter) ->
  (input, attribute, reverse) ->
    return unless angular.isObject input
    if not angular.isArray input
      input = (item for key, item of input)
    orderByFilter input, attribute, reverse



I think that your sorting is OK. I did simple example and it works in your way. Maybe something which did not you placed is wrong in your code (first check JavaScript console).



<!doctype html>
<html ng-app="App">
  <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
  <script type="text/javascript" src="script.js"></script>

  <div ng-controller="Ctrl">
    <table border="1">
      <tr ng-animate="{enter: 'animate-enter', leave: 'animate-leave'}" ng-repeat="player in players | orderBy:'-Level'">



angular.module('App', []);

function Ctrl($scope) {
  $scope.players =
      [{PlayerName:'John', Wins: 12, Losses:10, Level: 2},
       {PlayerName:'Mary', Wins:7, Losses:19, Level: 1},
       {PlayerName:'Mike', Wins:5, Losses:21, Level: 1},
       {PlayerName:'Adam', Wins:9, Losses:35, Level: 3},
       {PlayerName:'Julie', Wins:10, Losses:29, Level: 2}]

Plunker example



It would appear that the orderBy filter only knows how to sort an array. As such this would never work with JSON objects being used as the model.


I ended up implementing my own filter :


app.filter "orderObjectBy", ->
  (input, attribute) ->
    return input  unless angular.isObject(input)
    array = []
    for key of input
      array.push input[key ]
    array.sort (a, b) ->
      a = parseInt(a[attribute])
      b = parseInt(b[attribute])
      b - a

ng-repeat="player in players | orderObjectBy:'Level'"

ng-repeat =“玩家参与者| orderObjectBy:'等级'”



How about ng-repeat="player in players|orderBy:Level:reverse"?

怎么样的ng-repeat =“玩家中的玩家| orderBy:等级:反向”?



Inspired by @RonnieTroj answer, this filter reuses built-in orderBy filter and can handle both arrays and objects of any comparable type, not just integers:


app.filter 'orderCollectionBy', ['orderByFilter', (orderByFilter) ->
  (input, attribute, reverse) ->
    return unless angular.isObject input
    if not angular.isArray input
      input = (item for key, item of input)
    orderByFilter input, attribute, reverse