
时间:2022-12-01 14:53:37

I am creating a web page whereby the designer wants all the navigation to be done by scrolling horizontally (left to right). I have coded the horizontal layout. However, he would like to be able to start the horizontal layout to load one of the middle divs in my list thus enabling the user to scroll in either direction. An example is if I had a list of 5 divs horizontally (1,2,3,4,5) and I wanted the page to start at div 3 thus allowing user to scroll left to right to get to div 2 or the other way to get to div 4. Currently the default starts at div 1 (left) meaning that the user can only scroll one way initially.

我正在创建一个web页面,设计人员希望通过水平滚动(从左到右)来完成所有导航。我把水平布局编码了。但是,他希望能够启动水平布局来加载我列表中的一个中间div,从而使用户可以向任意方向滚动。例如,如果我有一个5 div的列表(1、2、3、4、5),并且我希望页面从div 3开始,因此允许用户从左向右滚动到div 2,或者从另一个方向滚动到div 4。目前,默认从div 1(左)开始,这意味着用户最初只能以一种方式滚动。

Here is the layout: 如何在页面的中间部分装载页面Click here for larger view


I also searched the site but the answer were using the anchor/name tag technique, but I want to load the page directly on the middle part page.


Here are the similar questions:


On a side note, I am currently learning jQuery and Javascript but am in the very early stages - still trawling through codeacademy and not made it onto any real world code yet. So at the moment I am playing with plugins as a way of learning but hopefully in a few months I can build my own stuff!


I just want to know how can this be accomplished.


If you can have some simple javascript/jQuery code (jsfiddle), it will be highly appreciated.


2 个解决方案



Ok after searching for 2 days I found the answer in "yahoo answers" I forgot to bookmark the link, But here's the code that I got.

在搜索了两天之后,我在“yahoo answers”中找到了答案,我忘记加书签了,但是这里是我得到的代码。


         scrollTo(($(document).width() - $(window).width()) / 2, 0);



Without JavaScript

Simply create an id for each of the divs in the layout, and set the default layout's id as the default anchor, so that when the page loads, it immediately goes to this section.
Set the link of the previous page to the anchor of the previous layout id, and similar to the next layout id. So, anytime those links are clicked, their anchors will enable them to be displayed, while the others are hidden.
The disadvantage of this method is that you won't see the scrolling effect, as that requires JavaScript; however, it should work as intended.


With JavaScript

Simply create an id for each of the divs in the layout as explained earlier. Create 3 JavaScript variables, one for the current, the previous and the next layout ids. and set the default cell's id to that variable. Or You can create a JavaScript object, which will hold 3 properties: current layout id, previous layout id, and next layout id.
Attach a JavaScript function to the page load process, using window.onload or jquery's$(document).ready() function. Use the animate function in jQuery, passing it the current layout id. That will simply scroll the page to the passed id, along with the scrolling effect.
You should achieve your goal in no time.




Ok after searching for 2 days I found the answer in "yahoo answers" I forgot to bookmark the link, But here's the code that I got.

在搜索了两天之后,我在“yahoo answers”中找到了答案,我忘记加书签了,但是这里是我得到的代码。


         scrollTo(($(document).width() - $(window).width()) / 2, 0);



Without JavaScript

Simply create an id for each of the divs in the layout, and set the default layout's id as the default anchor, so that when the page loads, it immediately goes to this section.
Set the link of the previous page to the anchor of the previous layout id, and similar to the next layout id. So, anytime those links are clicked, their anchors will enable them to be displayed, while the others are hidden.
The disadvantage of this method is that you won't see the scrolling effect, as that requires JavaScript; however, it should work as intended.


With JavaScript

Simply create an id for each of the divs in the layout as explained earlier. Create 3 JavaScript variables, one for the current, the previous and the next layout ids. and set the default cell's id to that variable. Or You can create a JavaScript object, which will hold 3 properties: current layout id, previous layout id, and next layout id.
Attach a JavaScript function to the page load process, using window.onload or jquery's$(document).ready() function. Use the animate function in jQuery, passing it the current layout id. That will simply scroll the page to the passed id, along with the scrolling effect.
You should achieve your goal in no time.
