I was working on MVC-3 web application. Now i changed it to mvc4 and put the jquery files in end of _Layout page
我正在开发MVC-3 web应用程序。现在我将它更改为mvc4,并将jquery文件放在_Layout页面的末尾
I have used some jquery in Partial View "_Menu", in Mvc 3 this is working fine because i put jquery files in head tag but now i am facing issue when i call this partial view
我在部分视图“_Menu”中使用了一些jquery,在Mvc 3中这很好,因为我将jquery文件放在head标签中,但是现在我调用这个部分视图时遇到了问题
Uncaught ReferenceError: $ is not defined
未捕获的ReferenceError: $没有定义
I think this problem is due to jquery files are loading at the end of the page. Solution that comes in my mind is to load jquery files on head tag but i don't want to do this.
Suggest me any other solution. How can i use jquery in partial view.
Thank You
4 个解决方案
You can't use Section in partial views, but you can write an extension to do the same:
public static class ScriptBundleManager
private const string Key = "__ScriptBundleManager__";
/// <summary>
/// Call this method from your partials and register your script bundle.
/// </summary>
public static void Register(this HtmlHelper htmlHelper, string scriptBundleName)
//using a HashSet to avoid duplicate scripts.
var set = htmlHelper.ViewContext.HttpContext.Items[Key] as HashSet<string>;
if (set == null)
set = new HashSet<string>();
htmlHelper.ViewContext.HttpContext.Items[Key] = set;
if (!set.Contains(scriptBundleName))
/// <summary>
/// In the bottom of your HTML document, most likely in the Layout file call this method.
/// </summary>
public static IHtmlString RenderScripts(this HtmlHelper htmlHelper)
var set = htmlHelper.ViewContext.HttpContext.Items[Key] as HashSet<string>;
return set != null ? Scripts.RenderFormat("<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"{0}\"></script>", set.ToArray()) : MvcHtmlString.Empty;
Then in _Layout file, after the end of your script bundles:
Then at the top in your partial view:
Then all your required functionality will load after jQuery is defined.
However: note that Kendo js files need to be loaded prior to use of their controls/extensions...so they always need to be at the top of your layout file...that's wacky, but that's life...
但是:注意,在使用它们的控件/扩展之前,需要加载Kendo js文件……所以他们总是需要在你的布局文件的顶部……这很奇怪,但这就是生活……
If you put the jQuery code in an external script file then you can take advantage of the defer
attribute for the script
element as follows:
<script type="text/javascript" src="<path to your .js file>" defer></script>
So your partial view would include this script tag and 'defer' stops the browser from running the script until after the page has loaded, which means that the jQuery libraries will exist when it executes.
if you always load the menu in the _Layout file and the jQuery should always be there, then you could just write the jQuery code in the _Layout page at the bottom.
If your jQuery uses the model from the _Menu, then you could create a helper like this
If you follow the link I mentioned, it shows how to define some sort of section in your partial view, then rendering those scripts in the _Layout.
Add section "Scripts" at the end of your Layout file and after including jQuery. Then, always put your scripts into this section. That's it.
You can't use Section in partial views, but you can write an extension to do the same:
public static class ScriptBundleManager
private const string Key = "__ScriptBundleManager__";
/// <summary>
/// Call this method from your partials and register your script bundle.
/// </summary>
public static void Register(this HtmlHelper htmlHelper, string scriptBundleName)
//using a HashSet to avoid duplicate scripts.
var set = htmlHelper.ViewContext.HttpContext.Items[Key] as HashSet<string>;
if (set == null)
set = new HashSet<string>();
htmlHelper.ViewContext.HttpContext.Items[Key] = set;
if (!set.Contains(scriptBundleName))
/// <summary>
/// In the bottom of your HTML document, most likely in the Layout file call this method.
/// </summary>
public static IHtmlString RenderScripts(this HtmlHelper htmlHelper)
var set = htmlHelper.ViewContext.HttpContext.Items[Key] as HashSet<string>;
return set != null ? Scripts.RenderFormat("<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"{0}\"></script>", set.ToArray()) : MvcHtmlString.Empty;
Then in _Layout file, after the end of your script bundles:
Then at the top in your partial view:
Then all your required functionality will load after jQuery is defined.
However: note that Kendo js files need to be loaded prior to use of their controls/extensions...so they always need to be at the top of your layout file...that's wacky, but that's life...
但是:注意,在使用它们的控件/扩展之前,需要加载Kendo js文件……所以他们总是需要在你的布局文件的顶部……这很奇怪,但这就是生活……
If you put the jQuery code in an external script file then you can take advantage of the defer
attribute for the script
element as follows:
<script type="text/javascript" src="<path to your .js file>" defer></script>
So your partial view would include this script tag and 'defer' stops the browser from running the script until after the page has loaded, which means that the jQuery libraries will exist when it executes.
if you always load the menu in the _Layout file and the jQuery should always be there, then you could just write the jQuery code in the _Layout page at the bottom.
If your jQuery uses the model from the _Menu, then you could create a helper like this
If you follow the link I mentioned, it shows how to define some sort of section in your partial view, then rendering those scripts in the _Layout.
Add section "Scripts" at the end of your Layout file and after including jQuery. Then, always put your scripts into this section. That's it.