
时间:2022-11-30 18:01:32

I have an MVC3 project using the Entity Framework model in which I've marked up a class like this:

我有一个使用Entity Framework模型的MVC3项目,我在其中标记了这样一个类:

public partial class Product
    public bool IsShipped
        get { /* do stuff */ }

and which I want to use in a LINQ expression:


db.Products.Where(x => x.IsShipped).Select(...);

however, I get the following error:


System.NotSupportedException was unhandled by user code Message=The specified type member 'IsShipped' is not supported in LINQ to Entities. Only initializers, entity members, and entity navigation properties are supported. Source=System.Data.Entity

用户代码未处理System.NotSupportedException消息= LINQ to Entities中不支持指定的类型成员'IsShipped'。仅支持初始化程序,实体成员和实体导航属性。来源= System.Data.Entity的

I've googled but not found anything definitive about this usage to I tried:


public partial class Product
    public bool IsShipped()
        /* do stuff */

db.Products.Where(x => x.IsShipped()).Select(...);

but then I get:


System.NotSupportedException was unhandled by user code Message=LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method 'Boolean IsShipped()' method, and this method cannot be translated into a store expression.

System.NotSupportedException未由用户代码处理Message = LINQ to Entities无法识别方法'Boolean IsShipped()'方法,并且此方法无法转换为商店表达式。来源= System.Data.Entity的

there's functionality there that I don't want to build into the LINQ query itself... what's a good way to handle this?


* update *


Darin makes the valid point that whatever is done in the implementation of IsShipped would need to be converted to a SQL query and the compiler probably doesn't know how to do it, thus retrieving all objects into memory seems the only choice (unless a direct query to the database is made). I tried it like this:


IEnumerable<Product> xp = db.Quizes
    .Where(x => !x.IsShipped)
    .Select(x => x.Component.Product);

but it generates this error:


A relationship multiplicity constraint violation occurred: An EntityReference can have no more than one related object, but the query returned more than one related object. This is a non-recoverable error.


though curiously this works:


IEnumerable<Product> xp = db.Quizes
    .Where(x => x.Skill.Id == 3)
    .Select(x => x.Component.Product);

why would that be?


* update II *

*更新II *

sorry, that last statement doesn't work either...


* update III *

*更新III *

I'm closing this question in favour of pursuing a solution as suggested here to flatten my logic into a query - the discussion will move to this new post. The second alternative, to retrieve the entire original query into memory, is likely unacceptable, but the third, of implementing the logic as a direct query to the database, remain to be explored.

我正在关闭这个问题,转而采用这里建议的解决方案,将我的逻辑压缩成一个查询 - 讨论将转移到这个新帖子。将整个原始查询检索到内存中的第二种方法可能是不可接受的,但是第三种将逻辑实现为对数据库的直接查询仍有待探索。

Thanks everyone for the valuable input.


4 个解决方案



The only way to make this "DRY" (avoid repeating the logic inside of IsShipped in the Where clause again) and to avoid loading all data into memory before you apply the filter is to extract the content of IsShipped into an expression. You can then use this expression as parameter to Where and in IsShipped as well. Example:


public partial class Product
    public int ProductId { get; set; }           // <- mapped to DB
    public DateTime? ShippingDate { get; set; }  // <- mapped to DB
    public int ShippedQuantity { get; set; }     // <- mapped to DB

    // Static expression which must be understood
    // by LINQ to Entities, i.e. translatable into SQL
    public static Expression<Func<Product, bool>> IsShippedExpression
        get { return p => p.ShippingDate.HasValue && p.ShippedQuantity > 0; }

    public bool IsShipped // <- not mapped to DB because readonly
        // Compile expression into delegate Func<Product, bool>
        // and execute delegate
        get { return Product.IsShippedExpression.Compile()(this); }

The you can perform the query like so:


var result = db.Products.Where(Product.IsShippedExpression).Select(...).ToList();

Here you would have only one place to put the logic in (IsShippedExpression) and then use it for database queries and in your IsShipped property as well.


Would I do this? In most cases probably no, because compiling the expression is slow. Unless the logic is very complex, likely a subject to change and I am in a situation where the performance of using IsShipped doesn't matter, I would repeat the logic. It's always possible to extract often used filters into an extension method:


public static class MyQueryExtensions
    public static IQueryable<Product> WhereIsShipped(
        this IQueryable<Product> query)
        return query.Where(p => p.ShippingDate.HasValue && p.ShippedQuantity >0);

And then use it this way:


var result = db.Products.WhereIsShipped().Select(...).ToList();

You would have two places though the maintain the logic: the IsShipped property and the extension method, but then you can reuse it.




I'm guessing IsShipped is not mapped to a field in the database? That would explain why Linq to Entities complains - it cannot construct a sql statement based on this property.

我猜IsShipped没有映射到数据库中的字段?这可以解释为什么Linq to Entities抱怨 - 它无法构建基于此属性的sql语句。

Is your /* do stuff */ within the property based on fields that are in the database? If so, you could use that logic in your .Where().

您的/ *是否根据数据库中的字段在属性中执行了*?如果是这样,您可以在.Where()中使用该逻辑。



You could first consume the result by calling .ToList() and then perform the filter on the client side:


var result = db.Products.ToList().Where(x => x.IsShipped).Select(...);

Of course you should be aware that by doing this you are probably slowing the performance of your application down as databases are doing this best.




there's functionality there that I don't want to build into the LINQ query itself... what's a good way to handle this?


I assume you mean you want to perform queries that don't have anything to do with the DB. But your code doesn't match your intention. Look at this line:


db.Products.Where(x => x.IsShipped()).Select(...);

The part that says db.Products means you want to query the DB.


To fix this, get an entity set in memory first. Then you can use Linq to Objects on it instead:


List<Product> products = db.Products
    .Where(x => x.SomeDbField == someValue)

// Todo: Since the DB doesn't know about IsShipped, set that info here

// ...

var shippedProducts = products
    .Where(x => x.IsShipped())

The .ToList() finishes off your initial DB query, and gives you an in-memory representation to work with and modify to your liking. After that point you can work with non-DB properties.


Be careful that if you do further DB operations after ToList (such as editing DB properties on entities, querying off navigation properties, etc), then you'll be back in Linq to Entities land and will no longer be able to do Linq to Objects operations. You can't directly mix the two.

请注意,如果您在ToList之后执行进一步的数据库操作(例如编辑实体上的数据库属性,查询导航属性等),那么您将返回到Linq to Entities land并且将无法再对Linq执行操作操作。你不能直接混合两者。

And note that if public bool IsShipped() reads or writes DB properties or navigation properties, you might end up in Linq to Entities again if you're not careful.

请注意,如果公共bool IsShipped()读取或写入数据库属性或导航属性,如果您不小心,可能会再次使用Linq to Entities。



The only way to make this "DRY" (avoid repeating the logic inside of IsShipped in the Where clause again) and to avoid loading all data into memory before you apply the filter is to extract the content of IsShipped into an expression. You can then use this expression as parameter to Where and in IsShipped as well. Example:


public partial class Product
    public int ProductId { get; set; }           // <- mapped to DB
    public DateTime? ShippingDate { get; set; }  // <- mapped to DB
    public int ShippedQuantity { get; set; }     // <- mapped to DB

    // Static expression which must be understood
    // by LINQ to Entities, i.e. translatable into SQL
    public static Expression<Func<Product, bool>> IsShippedExpression
        get { return p => p.ShippingDate.HasValue && p.ShippedQuantity > 0; }

    public bool IsShipped // <- not mapped to DB because readonly
        // Compile expression into delegate Func<Product, bool>
        // and execute delegate
        get { return Product.IsShippedExpression.Compile()(this); }

The you can perform the query like so:


var result = db.Products.Where(Product.IsShippedExpression).Select(...).ToList();

Here you would have only one place to put the logic in (IsShippedExpression) and then use it for database queries and in your IsShipped property as well.


Would I do this? In most cases probably no, because compiling the expression is slow. Unless the logic is very complex, likely a subject to change and I am in a situation where the performance of using IsShipped doesn't matter, I would repeat the logic. It's always possible to extract often used filters into an extension method:


public static class MyQueryExtensions
    public static IQueryable<Product> WhereIsShipped(
        this IQueryable<Product> query)
        return query.Where(p => p.ShippingDate.HasValue && p.ShippedQuantity >0);

And then use it this way:


var result = db.Products.WhereIsShipped().Select(...).ToList();

You would have two places though the maintain the logic: the IsShipped property and the extension method, but then you can reuse it.




I'm guessing IsShipped is not mapped to a field in the database? That would explain why Linq to Entities complains - it cannot construct a sql statement based on this property.

我猜IsShipped没有映射到数据库中的字段?这可以解释为什么Linq to Entities抱怨 - 它无法构建基于此属性的sql语句。

Is your /* do stuff */ within the property based on fields that are in the database? If so, you could use that logic in your .Where().

您的/ *是否根据数据库中的字段在属性中执行了*?如果是这样,您可以在.Where()中使用该逻辑。



You could first consume the result by calling .ToList() and then perform the filter on the client side:


var result = db.Products.ToList().Where(x => x.IsShipped).Select(...);

Of course you should be aware that by doing this you are probably slowing the performance of your application down as databases are doing this best.




there's functionality there that I don't want to build into the LINQ query itself... what's a good way to handle this?


I assume you mean you want to perform queries that don't have anything to do with the DB. But your code doesn't match your intention. Look at this line:


db.Products.Where(x => x.IsShipped()).Select(...);

The part that says db.Products means you want to query the DB.


To fix this, get an entity set in memory first. Then you can use Linq to Objects on it instead:


List<Product> products = db.Products
    .Where(x => x.SomeDbField == someValue)

// Todo: Since the DB doesn't know about IsShipped, set that info here

// ...

var shippedProducts = products
    .Where(x => x.IsShipped())

The .ToList() finishes off your initial DB query, and gives you an in-memory representation to work with and modify to your liking. After that point you can work with non-DB properties.


Be careful that if you do further DB operations after ToList (such as editing DB properties on entities, querying off navigation properties, etc), then you'll be back in Linq to Entities land and will no longer be able to do Linq to Objects operations. You can't directly mix the two.

请注意,如果您在ToList之后执行进一步的数据库操作(例如编辑实体上的数据库属性,查询导航属性等),那么您将返回到Linq to Entities land并且将无法再对Linq执行操作操作。你不能直接混合两者。

And note that if public bool IsShipped() reads or writes DB properties or navigation properties, you might end up in Linq to Entities again if you're not careful.

请注意,如果公共bool IsShipped()读取或写入数据库属性或导航属性,如果您不小心,可能会再次使用Linq to Entities。