ASP.Net MVC:将视图模型传递给局部视图

时间:2022-11-30 17:37:56

I've read a bunch of posts here on SO re: this and still don't get it.


I have a view with a partial view paging control in it that needs access to the same model as the parent view.


Parent View:


model IEnumerable<Models.ExchangeBrowseViewModel>
    ViewBag.Title = metaExchange.Index_PageTitle;
@section styles
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/incl/css/bp-default.css" />
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/incl/css/bp-component.css" /> 
    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/incl/css/paging.css" />   

<div class="container">
    <div class="row">
        <div class="col-md-2" style="border: 1px solid #000000">
        <div class="col-md-10">
            @Html.Action("Pagination", new {showWell=false, model=Model});

Pagination Action:


    public ActionResult Pagination(ExchangeBrowseViewModel model, bool showWell)
        ViewBag.ShowWell = showWell;
        return PartialView("_ItemsList_Pagination", model);

Pagination Partial View


@model IPagedList<Models.ExchangeBrowseViewModel>
<div class="mvcpagination">
        new Options
                PageSize = Model.PageSize,
                TotalItemCount = Model.TotalItemCount,
                CurrentPage = Model.PageNumber,
                ItemTexts = new ItemTexts() {Next = ">>", Previous = "<<", Page = ""},
                ItemIcon = new ItemIcon() {First = "icon-backward", Previous = "icon-chevron-left", Next = "icon-chevron-right", Last = "icon-forward"},
                TooltipTitles = new TooltipTitles() {Next = "Next", Previous = "Previous", Page = "Page {0}."},
                Size = Size.normal,
                Alignment = Alignment.right,
                IsShowControls = true,
                IsShowFirstLast = true,
                CssClass = "light-theme"
        new AjaxOptions
                UpdateTargetId = "grid-list",
                OnBegin = "beginPaging",
                OnSuccess = "successPaging",
                OnFailure = "failurePaging"
            }, new {controller = "Requests", action = "Index", requestTitle = ViewData["requestTitle"]}))
    @if (ViewBag.ShowWell)
        <div class="well">
            Showing <span class="badge badge-success">@Model.ItemStart</span> to <span class="badge badge-success">@Model.ItemEnd</span>
            of <span class="badge badge-info">@Model.TotalItemCount</span> entries</div>

The problem is the model is always null inside the action method and therefore the partial throw a NullReference exception trying to access model properties.


1 个解决方案



You pass ExchangeBrowseViewModel in your Pagination action and binds it to wrong type in controller method.


You pass the whole IEnumerable<Models.ExchangeBrowseViewModel> model from parent view to action and want to get ExchangeBrowseViewModel. But model binder can't find appropriate data, that's why it's null.

您将整个IEnumerable 模型从父视图传递给action并希望获取ExchangeBrowseViewModel。但是模型绑定器找不到合适的数据,这就是它为空的原因。



You pass ExchangeBrowseViewModel in your Pagination action and binds it to wrong type in controller method.


You pass the whole IEnumerable<Models.ExchangeBrowseViewModel> model from parent view to action and want to get ExchangeBrowseViewModel. But model binder can't find appropriate data, that's why it's null.

您将整个IEnumerable 模型从父视图传递给action并希望获取ExchangeBrowseViewModel。但是模型绑定器找不到合适的数据,这就是它为空的原因。