在ASP中使用jQuery呈现部分视图。NET MVC

时间:2022-11-30 17:29:03

How do I render the partial view using jquery?


We can render the partial View like this:


<% Html.RenderPartial("UserDetails"); %>

How can we do the same using jquery?


6 个解决方案



You can't render a partial view using only jQuery. You can, however, call a method (action) that will render the partial view for you and add it to the page using jQuery/AJAX. In the below, we have a button click handler that loads the url for the action from a data attribute on the button and fires off a GET request to replace the DIV contained in the partial view with the updated contents.


$('.js-reload-details').on('click', function(evt) {

    var $detailDiv = $('#detailsDiv'),
        url = $(this).data('url');

    $.get(url, function(data) {

where the user controller has an action named details that does:


public ActionResult Details( int id )
    var model = ...get user from db using id...

    return PartialView( "UserDetails", model );

This is assuming that your partial view is a container with the id detailsDiv so that you just replace the entire thing with the contents of the result of the call.

这是假设您的局部视图是一个带有id detailsDiv的容器,因此您只需用调用结果的内容替换整个内容。

Parent View Button


 <button data-url='@Url.Action("details","user", new { id = Model.ID } )'

UserDetails partial view


<div id="detailsDiv">
    <!-- ...content... -->



I have used ajax load to do this:

我使用了ajax load来完成:




@tvanfosson rocks with his answer.


However, I would suggest an improvement within js and a small controller check.


When we use @Url helper to call an action, we are going to receive a formatted html. It would be better to update the content (.html) not the actual element (.replaceWith).

当我们使用@Url helper调用一个操作时,我们将接收格式化的html。最好是更新内容(.html)而不是实际的元素(. replacewith)。

More about at: What's the difference between jQuery's replaceWith() and html()?

更多关于at: jQuery的replaceWith()和html()有什么区别?

$.get( '@Url.Action("details","user", new { id = Model.ID } )', function(data) {

This is specially useful in trees, where the content can be changed several times.


At the controller we can reuse the action depending on requester:


public ActionResult Details( int id )
    var model = GetFooModel();
    if (Request.IsAjaxRequest())
        return PartialView( "UserDetails", model );
    return View(model);



Another thing you can try (based on tvanfosson's answer) is this:


<div class="renderaction fade-in" 
    data-actionurl="@Url.Action("details","user", new { id = Model.ID } )"></div>

And then in the scripts section of your page:


<script type="text/javascript">
    $(function () {
        $(".renderaction").each(function (i, n) {
            var $n = $(n),
                url = $n.attr('data-actionurl'),
                $this = $(this);

            $.get(url, function (data) {


This renders your @Html.RenderAction using ajax.


And to make it all fansy sjmansy you can add a fade-in effect using this css:

为了使所有的fansy sjmansy你可以添加一个淡出效果使用这个css:

/* make keyframes that tell the start state and the end state of our object */
@-webkit-keyframes fadeIn { from { opacity:0; } to { opacity:1; } }
@-moz-keyframes fadeIn { from { opacity:0; } to { opacity:1; } }
@keyframes fadeIn { from { opacity:0; } to { opacity:1; } }

.fade-in {
    opacity: 0; /* make things invisible upon start */
    -webkit-animation: fadeIn ease-in 1; /* call our keyframe named fadeIn, use animattion ease-in and repeat it only 1 time */
    -moz-animation: fadeIn ease-in 1;
    -o-animation: fadeIn ease-in 1;
    animation: fadeIn ease-in 1;
    -webkit-animation-fill-mode: forwards; /* this makes sure that after animation is done we remain at the last keyframe value (opacity: 1)*/
    -o-animation-fill-mode: forwards;
    animation-fill-mode: forwards;
    -webkit-animation-duration: 1s;
    -moz-animation-duration: 1s;
    -o-animation-duration: 1s;
    animation-duration: 1s;

Man I love mvc :-)




You'll need to create an Action on your Controller that returns the rendered result of the "UserDetails" partial view or control. Then just use an Http Get or Post from jQuery to call the Action to get the rendered html to be displayed.

您需要在控制器上创建一个操作,该操作返回“UserDetails”部分视图或控件的呈现结果。然后使用jQuery的Http Get或Post调用这个动作来显示呈现的html。



I did it like this.



Details Method:


public IActionResult Details()

            return PartialView("Your Partial View");



You can't render a partial view using only jQuery. You can, however, call a method (action) that will render the partial view for you and add it to the page using jQuery/AJAX. In the below, we have a button click handler that loads the url for the action from a data attribute on the button and fires off a GET request to replace the DIV contained in the partial view with the updated contents.


$('.js-reload-details').on('click', function(evt) {

    var $detailDiv = $('#detailsDiv'),
        url = $(this).data('url');

    $.get(url, function(data) {

where the user controller has an action named details that does:


public ActionResult Details( int id )
    var model = ...get user from db using id...

    return PartialView( "UserDetails", model );

This is assuming that your partial view is a container with the id detailsDiv so that you just replace the entire thing with the contents of the result of the call.

这是假设您的局部视图是一个带有id detailsDiv的容器,因此您只需用调用结果的内容替换整个内容。

Parent View Button


 <button data-url='@Url.Action("details","user", new { id = Model.ID } )'

UserDetails partial view


<div id="detailsDiv">
    <!-- ...content... -->



I have used ajax load to do this:

我使用了ajax load来完成:




@tvanfosson rocks with his answer.


However, I would suggest an improvement within js and a small controller check.


When we use @Url helper to call an action, we are going to receive a formatted html. It would be better to update the content (.html) not the actual element (.replaceWith).

当我们使用@Url helper调用一个操作时,我们将接收格式化的html。最好是更新内容(.html)而不是实际的元素(. replacewith)。

More about at: What's the difference between jQuery's replaceWith() and html()?

更多关于at: jQuery的replaceWith()和html()有什么区别?

$.get( '@Url.Action("details","user", new { id = Model.ID } )', function(data) {

This is specially useful in trees, where the content can be changed several times.


At the controller we can reuse the action depending on requester:


public ActionResult Details( int id )
    var model = GetFooModel();
    if (Request.IsAjaxRequest())
        return PartialView( "UserDetails", model );
    return View(model);



Another thing you can try (based on tvanfosson's answer) is this:


<div class="renderaction fade-in" 
    data-actionurl="@Url.Action("details","user", new { id = Model.ID } )"></div>

And then in the scripts section of your page:


<script type="text/javascript">
    $(function () {
        $(".renderaction").each(function (i, n) {
            var $n = $(n),
                url = $n.attr('data-actionurl'),
                $this = $(this);

            $.get(url, function (data) {


This renders your @Html.RenderAction using ajax.


And to make it all fansy sjmansy you can add a fade-in effect using this css:

为了使所有的fansy sjmansy你可以添加一个淡出效果使用这个css:

/* make keyframes that tell the start state and the end state of our object */
@-webkit-keyframes fadeIn { from { opacity:0; } to { opacity:1; } }
@-moz-keyframes fadeIn { from { opacity:0; } to { opacity:1; } }
@keyframes fadeIn { from { opacity:0; } to { opacity:1; } }

.fade-in {
    opacity: 0; /* make things invisible upon start */
    -webkit-animation: fadeIn ease-in 1; /* call our keyframe named fadeIn, use animattion ease-in and repeat it only 1 time */
    -moz-animation: fadeIn ease-in 1;
    -o-animation: fadeIn ease-in 1;
    animation: fadeIn ease-in 1;
    -webkit-animation-fill-mode: forwards; /* this makes sure that after animation is done we remain at the last keyframe value (opacity: 1)*/
    -o-animation-fill-mode: forwards;
    animation-fill-mode: forwards;
    -webkit-animation-duration: 1s;
    -moz-animation-duration: 1s;
    -o-animation-duration: 1s;
    animation-duration: 1s;

Man I love mvc :-)




You'll need to create an Action on your Controller that returns the rendered result of the "UserDetails" partial view or control. Then just use an Http Get or Post from jQuery to call the Action to get the rendered html to be displayed.

您需要在控制器上创建一个操作,该操作返回“UserDetails”部分视图或控件的呈现结果。然后使用jQuery的Http Get或Post调用这个动作来显示呈现的html。



I did it like this.



Details Method:


public IActionResult Details()

            return PartialView("Your Partial View");