
时间:2022-11-29 20:37:45

I have a text box controlling a combo box in turn controlling 4 text boxes.


The first text box is filled by a user or append query with a four digit store number.


The combo box is populated with the following query.


FROM Vendors
WHERE (((Vendors.Store)=[Forms].[Project Details].[Store]));

That combo box then populates the text boxes.


=DLookUp("IPPhone","Vendors","IP='" & [Forms]![Project Details]![cboIP] & "'")

"IPPhone" is actually 4 separate values (1 for each text box) but they are redacted for simplicity. This dlookup works perfectly well for most Vendors.


But there is one which does not seem weird at all, call him "Mr McTrouble". When he is selected from the drop down all 4 text boxes show "#ERROR". He's the only one of about 400 vendors to cause this. I've tried deleting him using the forms I created and re-entering him. Tried doing so in the back end table itself, no luck. With him those boxes always show #ERROR.


The combo box is a vendor name drawn from a table with the following fields:


Store    Vendor    IP            IPPHONE
1111    000001    John Johnson   111-111-1111
2222    000002    Mike           111-111-1112
2222    000003    Frankie Frank  111-111-1113
3333    000004    Joe Bob        111-111-1114
4444    000005    Smith Smith    111-111-1115
5555    000006    Mr McTrouble   111-111-1116

Date types on the table are:


Number  Number    Text            Text

The other fields here then populate the text boxes.


What am I missing here?


Is there an easier way to do this?


1 个解决方案



There is probably a single quote in the Vendor's name, like O'Donnell or O'Malley. The code that builds your sql clause also uses single quotes, resulting in an improperly formatted string looking like this: IP='O'Malley'

供应商名称中可能只有一个引用,如O'Donnell或O'Malley。构建sql子句的代码也使用单引号,导致格式不正确的字符串如下所示:IP ='O'Malley'


=DLookUp("IPPhone","Vendors","IP=""" & [Forms]![Project Details]![cboIP] & """")

I replaced each single quote with two double quotes. In VBA, this is the weird way double-quotes are escaped.


A better solution, assuming Vendor is a Primary Key for Vendor.


  • combo RowSource: SELECT Vendors.Vendor,Vendors.IP [... the rest of your SQL]
  • 组合RowSource:SELECT Vendors.Vendor,Vendors.IP [...其余的SQL]

  • combo ColumnCount: 2
  • 组合ColumnCount:2

  • combo ColumWidths: 0;1.5 (the zero hides the first column in the combo)
  • 组合ColumWidths:0; 1.5(零隐藏组合中的第一列)

  • =DLookUp("IPPhone","Vendors","Vendor=" & [Forms]![Project Details]![cboIP])
  • = DLookUp(“IPPhone”,“供应商”,“供应商=”和[表格]![项目详情]![cboIP])

Primary Keys should be used to lookup values, if available.




There is probably a single quote in the Vendor's name, like O'Donnell or O'Malley. The code that builds your sql clause also uses single quotes, resulting in an improperly formatted string looking like this: IP='O'Malley'

供应商名称中可能只有一个引用,如O'Donnell或O'Malley。构建sql子句的代码也使用单引号,导致格式不正确的字符串如下所示:IP ='O'Malley'


=DLookUp("IPPhone","Vendors","IP=""" & [Forms]![Project Details]![cboIP] & """")

I replaced each single quote with two double quotes. In VBA, this is the weird way double-quotes are escaped.


A better solution, assuming Vendor is a Primary Key for Vendor.


  • combo RowSource: SELECT Vendors.Vendor,Vendors.IP [... the rest of your SQL]
  • 组合RowSource:SELECT Vendors.Vendor,Vendors.IP [...其余的SQL]

  • combo ColumnCount: 2
  • 组合ColumnCount:2

  • combo ColumWidths: 0;1.5 (the zero hides the first column in the combo)
  • 组合ColumWidths:0; 1.5(零隐藏组合中的第一列)

  • =DLookUp("IPPhone","Vendors","Vendor=" & [Forms]![Project Details]![cboIP])
  • = DLookUp(“IPPhone”,“供应商”,“供应商=”和[表格]![项目详情]![cboIP])

Primary Keys should be used to lookup values, if available.
