Jquery - 获取具有相同类的多个跨度的文本?

时间:2022-11-29 12:57:48

I'm relatively new to jquery, so I have what I hope will be a simple question. I need to append multiple spans to the line items in an unordered list.
Essentially, each line item contains a and I need to grab the content of that span and append it to the bottom of the line item it's contained in. Here's what I have so far:


My jquery code:


    var Name = $(".name") .text();
    var Content = $(".content") .text();
    $("li") .append("<span class=\"additional\"><a href=\"/addinfo.php\">"+ Name +"'s additional info</a></span>"); 

The original HTML it needs to modify:


  <span class="name">John Doe</span><br />
  <span class="content">John is an excellent Swimmer</span><br />
  <span class="name">Jane Doe</span><br />
  <span class="content">Jane loves to play basketball</span><br />

Here's the output I'm getting:


  • John Doe
    John is an excellent Swimmer
    John DoeJane Doe's additional info

    John Doe John是一位出色的游泳选手John DoeJane Doe的附加信息

  • Jane Doe
    Jane loves to play basketball
    John DoeJane Doe'sadditional info

    Jane Doe Jane喜欢打篮球John DoeJane Doe的另外信息

Here's the desired outcome:


  • John Doe
    John is an excellent Swimmer
    John Doe's additional info

    John Doe John是一名优秀的游泳选手John Doe的附加信息

  • Jane Doe
    Jane loves to play basketball
    Jane Doe's additional info

    Jane Doe Jane喜欢打篮球Jane Doe的额外信息

As you can see, instead of taking the all the "Name" var's and putting them together, instead of just using the "Name" var of that line item. I'm sure it needs some type of this, $(this), or .each call on it, but I can't seem to find this in the documentation anywhere.


Can someone help? Thanks! Troy


2 个解决方案


Try this

$("ul > li").each(function() {
    var Name = $(".name", this) .text();
    var Content = $(".content", this) .text();
    $(this).append("<span class=\"additional\"><a href=\"/addinfo.php\">"+ Name +"'s additional info</a></span>");

This will loop through each LI in the UL list and treat them as individual entities. You had two major problems. One is that you were not limiting the context of your jQuery selection so you were getting both ".name" classes and combining them together, that is why you got both names. And then you were adding the values to all LI objects.



It's right here: http://docs.jquery.com/Core/each#callback


I would assign a class to all LI elements and then


    var Name = $(".name", this) .text();
    var Content = $(".content", this) .text();
    $(this) .append("<span class=\"additional\"><a href=\"/addinfo.php\">"+ Name +"'s additional info</a></span>");


Try this

$("ul > li").each(function() {
    var Name = $(".name", this) .text();
    var Content = $(".content", this) .text();
    $(this).append("<span class=\"additional\"><a href=\"/addinfo.php\">"+ Name +"'s additional info</a></span>");

This will loop through each LI in the UL list and treat them as individual entities. You had two major problems. One is that you were not limiting the context of your jQuery selection so you were getting both ".name" classes and combining them together, that is why you got both names. And then you were adding the values to all LI objects.



It's right here: http://docs.jquery.com/Core/each#callback


I would assign a class to all LI elements and then


    var Name = $(".name", this) .text();
    var Content = $(".content", this) .text();
    $(this) .append("<span class=\"additional\"><a href=\"/addinfo.php\">"+ Name +"'s additional info</a></span>");