
时间:2022-11-09 20:35:24

In the following example, if we add handler to addEventListener without any args, then Event click object is automatically passed as argument to the handler.

在下面的示例中,如果我们将addEventListener添加到没有任何args的处理程序,则Event click对象将自动作为参数传递给处理程序。

<table id="outside">
    <tr><td id="t1"> one </td></tr>
    <tr><td id="t2"> two </td></tr>

    function modifyText(e,text) 
        console.log(e); // logs => click clientX=100, clientY=21

    // add event listener to table
    var el = document.getElementById("outside");

        el.addEventListener("click", modifyText, false);                     //method 1
    //  el.addEventListener("click", function(){modifyText("four")}, false); //method 2

But if you pass any args to the handler, then Event click object is not passed. How to get the Event click obj along with args in handler


1 个解决方案



If you use an anonymous function, event is auto passed in:


el.addEventListener("click", function(event){
    //event is passed
    modifyText("four") //add another param here to pass 'event' along with your param
}, false);

If you specify a function as the callback, you get the default params, as above (event being the first one)


You'll have to pass it along to your function via a second parameter if you want more params.




If you use an anonymous function, event is auto passed in:


el.addEventListener("click", function(event){
    //event is passed
    modifyText("four") //add another param here to pass 'event' along with your param
}, false);

If you specify a function as the callback, you get the default params, as above (event being the first one)


You'll have to pass it along to your function via a second parameter if you want more params.
