Jquery Sortable,通过拖出删除当前项

时间:2021-07-27 20:33:27

My Problem: The sortable event out: fires when I drag something in the list or when I sort the list. But I only want to start the function when I drag an item out.


My code


        $(document).ready(function ust()
                out: function(event, ui) { $('#nfo').append('OUT<br />'); }


Working example http://jsfiddle.net/FrbW8/22/


4 个解决方案



This is the default behaviour of the out callback. See this jquery ui trac ticket

这是out回调的默认行为。看到这个jquery ui trac票

I really do not agree with the 'logical' behaviour notion.


"However, note that the "out" callback will still be triggered if you drag into a list and then release the mouse (but not if you're not over the list). This is logical behaviour and happens for normal sortables as well."

“但是,请注意,如果您拖入列表然后释放鼠标,仍然会触发”out“回调(但如果您没有在列表上方则不会)。这是逻辑行为,也适用于普通的可排序。 “



Use beforeStop to intercept the item and remove it:


receive: function(e, ui) { sortableIn = 1; },
over: function(e, ui) { sortableIn = 1; },
out: function(e, ui) { sortableIn = 0; },
beforeStop: function(e, ui) {
   if (sortableIn == 0) { 

(I originally found this in the Google, but can no longer find the link. So, I apologize for not referencing the source.)




The other solutions doesn't seems to work with connected sortable lists so I'm posting my own solution that works perfectly for my case. This makes use of the "droppable" plugin capturing the "drop" event when the elements are dropped outside of the sortable lists.


}).droppable({greedy: true})

    drop: function ( event, ui ) {          

Here is a jsfiddle of this approach in action: http://jsfiddle.net/n3pjL/




I use this.element.find('.ui-sortable-helper').length to make difference between "sort out event" and "drop out event". When you are sorting, sorted item has class ui-sortable-helper. After drop there is no other ui-sortable-class until you start sorting again (at least in my script). Hope to help someone.

我使用this.element.find('。ui-sortable-helper')。length来区分“sort out event”和“drop out event”。在排序时,已排序的项目具有类ui-sortable-helper。在删除之后,没有其他ui-sortable-class,直到你再次开始排序(至少在我的脚本中)。希望能帮助别人。



This is the default behaviour of the out callback. See this jquery ui trac ticket

这是out回调的默认行为。看到这个jquery ui trac票

I really do not agree with the 'logical' behaviour notion.


"However, note that the "out" callback will still be triggered if you drag into a list and then release the mouse (but not if you're not over the list). This is logical behaviour and happens for normal sortables as well."

“但是,请注意,如果您拖入列表然后释放鼠标,仍然会触发”out“回调(但如果您没有在列表上方则不会)。这是逻辑行为,也适用于普通的可排序。 “



Use beforeStop to intercept the item and remove it:


receive: function(e, ui) { sortableIn = 1; },
over: function(e, ui) { sortableIn = 1; },
out: function(e, ui) { sortableIn = 0; },
beforeStop: function(e, ui) {
   if (sortableIn == 0) { 

(I originally found this in the Google, but can no longer find the link. So, I apologize for not referencing the source.)




The other solutions doesn't seems to work with connected sortable lists so I'm posting my own solution that works perfectly for my case. This makes use of the "droppable" plugin capturing the "drop" event when the elements are dropped outside of the sortable lists.


}).droppable({greedy: true})

    drop: function ( event, ui ) {          

Here is a jsfiddle of this approach in action: http://jsfiddle.net/n3pjL/




I use this.element.find('.ui-sortable-helper').length to make difference between "sort out event" and "drop out event". When you are sorting, sorted item has class ui-sortable-helper. After drop there is no other ui-sortable-class until you start sorting again (at least in my script). Hope to help someone.

我使用this.element.find('。ui-sortable-helper')。length来区分“sort out event”和“drop out event”。在排序时,已排序的项目具有类ui-sortable-helper。在删除之后,没有其他ui-sortable-class,直到你再次开始排序(至少在我的脚本中)。希望能帮助别人。