Given the following HTML:
<li><div>Some content</div></li>
<li><div>some more content</div></li>
<li><div>final content</div></li>
I would like to apply a top border around each div. On the last div I would like to put a bottom border. I am targeting IE7/8. I have the top border working fine, I need help getting the bottom border.
我想在每个div周围应用顶部边框。在最后一个div我想放一个底边。我的目标是IE7 / 8。我的顶部边框工作正常,我需要帮助获得底部边框。
I've tried:
ul > li:last-child > div
border-bottom: solid 1px black;
I've also tried using last-type-of.
I am looking for a CSS solution and a Jquery solution
6 个解决方案
Why do you have a <div>
inside the <li>
? Completely possible without that.
Anyways, this is how to do it with jQuery:
$('ul > li:last-child > div').css('border-bottom','1px solid black');
:last-child is CSS3, unlike :first-child which was introduced in CSS2, and has no IE support while. I believe the following is the safest way to implement it using jquery
Here's a CSS only solution:
Apply the bottom border to the ul. To make it work cross-browser, remove the padding from the ul and bump the list over with a margin.
ul.border {border-bottom:1px solid #000;padding:0;margin-left:40px;}
ul.border li {border-top:1px solid #000;}
<ul class="border">
<li>Some content</li>
<li>some more content</li>
<li>final content</li>
doesn't work in IE7 (not sure on IE8), so you'll have to do the jQuery route. Your css lines up pretty much the same way the selectors would work in jQuery:
$('ul > li:last > div').addClass('someclass');
I am not sure why do you need the "<div>
" inside the "<li>
" but if you don't need it you could simply use:
ul > li:last-child {
I tested it and work for me in chrome, ie8, firefox and safari.
$("#yourUL li:last div").css({'border-bottom':'solid 1px black'});
Why do you have a <div>
inside the <li>
? Completely possible without that.
Anyways, this is how to do it with jQuery:
$('ul > li:last-child > div').css('border-bottom','1px solid black');
:last-child is CSS3, unlike :first-child which was introduced in CSS2, and has no IE support while. I believe the following is the safest way to implement it using jquery
Here's a CSS only solution:
Apply the bottom border to the ul. To make it work cross-browser, remove the padding from the ul and bump the list over with a margin.
ul.border {border-bottom:1px solid #000;padding:0;margin-left:40px;}
ul.border li {border-top:1px solid #000;}
<ul class="border">
<li>Some content</li>
<li>some more content</li>
<li>final content</li>
doesn't work in IE7 (not sure on IE8), so you'll have to do the jQuery route. Your css lines up pretty much the same way the selectors would work in jQuery:
$('ul > li:last > div').addClass('someclass');
I am not sure why do you need the "<div>
" inside the "<li>
" but if you don't need it you could simply use:
ul > li:last-child {
I tested it and work for me in chrome, ie8, firefox and safari.
$("#yourUL li:last div").css({'border-bottom':'solid 1px black'});