I wish to write a reusable library for querying against AD with LDAP. I'm using both ActiveDs COM objects and System.DirectoryServices.
我希望编写一个可重用库,用于使用LDAP查询AD。我使用了ActiveDs COM对象和System.DirectoryServices。
Greatly inspired by Bart de Smet LINQ to AD, I have written a SchemaAttribute and an DirectoryAttributeAttribute classes to use with a DirectorySource(Of T) class (Yes, it's VBNET, but any C# code will help as I'm fluent in both languages).
受到Bart de Smet LINQ到AD的启发,我编写了一个SchemaAttribute和DirectoryAttributeAttribute类,用于DirectorySource(T)类(是的,它是VBNET,但是任何c#代码都可以帮助我熟练地使用这两种语言)。
Now, when querying against AD using LDAP (System.DirectoryServices), you may choose what property/attribute you wish to get loaded by the DirectorySearcher class. Then, I've written myself a method that takes a ParramArray of String as its parameter, so that I add the LDAP properties to the DirectorySearcher.PropertiesToLoad() method within a foreach() statement. Here's a piece of code to make it clear (Assuming that ldapProps parameter will always contain value(s)):
现在,当使用LDAP (System.DirectoryServices)查询AD时,您可以选择希望由DirectorySearcher类加载的属性/属性。然后,我为自己编写了一个方法,该方法以字符串的ParramArray作为参数,因此我将LDAP属性添加到foreach()语句中的DirectorySearcher.PropertiesToLoad()方法中。这里有一段代码需要说明(假设ldapProps参数总是包含值):
Public Function GetUsers(ByVal ParamArray ldapProps() As String) As IList(Of IUser)
Dim users As IList(Of IUser) = New List(Of IUser)
Dim user As IUser
Dim de As DirectoryEntry = New DirectoryEntry(Environment.UserDomainName)
Dim ds As DirectorySearcher = New DirectorySearcher(de, "(objectClass=user)")
For Each p As String In ldapProps
Dim src As SearchResultCollection = ds.FindAll()
For Each sr As SearchResult In src
user = New User()
// This is where I'm stuck... Depending on the ldapProps required, I will fill only these in my User object.
End Function
Here's a piece of my User class:
Friend NotInheritable Class User
Implements IUser
Private _accountName As String
Private _firstName As String
<DirectoryAttributeAttribute("SAMAccountName")> _
Public Property AccountName As String
Return _accountName
End Get
Set (ByVal value As String)
If (String.Equals(_accountName, value)) Then Return
_accountName = value
End Set
End Property
<DirectoryAttributeAttribute("givenName")> _
Public Property FirstName As String
Return _firstName
End Get
Set (ByVal value As String)
If (String.Equals(_firstName, value)) Then Return
_firstName = value
End Set
End Property
End Class
Now, I would like to benefit of those attributes that I put on top of my User class properties. I know how to get these attributes, and I know how to get my properties. What I am unsure is how to make sure that the right property will be set the right value from the SearchResult class to my User class.
EDIT As time plays against me, I can't wait to get acquainted with the concept of DirectorySource(Of T), as it requires a bit more coding for me to write to get it working. As a workaround, I'm writing a UserFactory class which will be called through my ActiveDirectoryFacade.
EDIT This SO question seems to be very close to what I wish to accomplish:
Reflection, Attributes and Property Selection
EDIT This looks like what I want: C# setting property values through reflection with attributes
Anyone has another idea or can confirm this is right?
I shall also mention that I'm stuck in .NET Framework 2.0 and VBNET2005. Otherwise, I would have used Bart de Smet's LINQ to AD library.
我还将提到,我被困在。net Framework 2.0和VBNET2005中。否则,我将使用Bart de Smet的LINQ到AD库。
Thanks for any help.
1 个解决方案
I'm not familiar with DirectoryServices, but if I got your question right you could use reflections to set the properties of your User object. To set the correct properties you should match names of the properties with data saved in the attributes on the properties of the User's object.
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Property, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = false)]
public class DirectoryAttributeAttribute : Attribute
public DirectoryAttributeAttribute(string propertyName)
PropertyName = propertyName;
public string PropertyName
get; set;
public class User
public string AccountName
get; set;
public string FirstName
get; set;
// Finds property info by name.
public static PropertyInfo FindProperty(this Type type, string propertyName)
foreach (PropertyInfo propertyInfo in type.GetProperties())
object[] attributes = propertyInfo.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(DirectoryAttributeAttribute, false));
foreach (DirectoryAttributeAttribute attribute in attributes)
if (attribute.PropertyName == propertyName)
return propertyInfo;
return null;
SearchResult searchResult = ...;
if (searchResult != null)
User user = new User();
Type userType = typeof (User);
foreach (string propertyName in searchResult.Properties.PropertyNames)
// Find property using reflections.
PropertyInfo propertyInfo = userType.FindProperty(propertyName);
if (propertyInfo != null) // User object have property with DirectoryAttributeAttribute and matching name assigned.
// Set value using reflections.
propertyInfo.SetValue(user, searchResult.Properties[propertyName]);
If names of the properties you are going to fill can change you can store mapping of properties in Dictionary.
I'm not familiar with DirectoryServices, but if I got your question right you could use reflections to set the properties of your User object. To set the correct properties you should match names of the properties with data saved in the attributes on the properties of the User's object.
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Property, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = false)]
public class DirectoryAttributeAttribute : Attribute
public DirectoryAttributeAttribute(string propertyName)
PropertyName = propertyName;
public string PropertyName
get; set;
public class User
public string AccountName
get; set;
public string FirstName
get; set;
// Finds property info by name.
public static PropertyInfo FindProperty(this Type type, string propertyName)
foreach (PropertyInfo propertyInfo in type.GetProperties())
object[] attributes = propertyInfo.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(DirectoryAttributeAttribute, false));
foreach (DirectoryAttributeAttribute attribute in attributes)
if (attribute.PropertyName == propertyName)
return propertyInfo;
return null;
SearchResult searchResult = ...;
if (searchResult != null)
User user = new User();
Type userType = typeof (User);
foreach (string propertyName in searchResult.Properties.PropertyNames)
// Find property using reflections.
PropertyInfo propertyInfo = userType.FindProperty(propertyName);
if (propertyInfo != null) // User object have property with DirectoryAttributeAttribute and matching name assigned.
// Set value using reflections.
propertyInfo.SetValue(user, searchResult.Properties[propertyName]);
If names of the properties you are going to fill can change you can store mapping of properties in Dictionary.