
时间:2022-03-10 20:32:57

What I'm looking to do is package templates in a Django package which can be inserted on a developers page by simply using


{% load app_tags %}

this works find for custom methods which take a value and return a value. What I would like to do is simply have a method which returns a template packaged with the app.


{{ custom_template }}

So the question boils down to how do I have a project which installs my app load my apps' tags and call a tag method which includes a template from the app.


thank you for any responses.


1 个解决方案



yup! make an inclusion tag in app_tags.py, and then call it!

是的!在app_tags中创建一个包含标记。然后叫它py !

they're great for code reuse (along with Django blocks and the {% include ... %} template tag, of course)

它们非常适合代码重用(还有Django块和{% include…)%}模板标签,当然)

reference: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/howto/custom-template-tags/#inclusion-tags

参考:https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/howto/custom-template-tags/ # inclusion-tags

# app_tags.py
from django import template
register = template.Library()

def greet(name, end="!!!"):
     return { 'name': name,  'end': end }


 {# templates/myappname/greeting.html  #}

 <h1>  What's up {{ name }}{{ end }}  </h1>

then to call this, you'd use {% and %}, the double bracket notation e.g. {{ custom_template }} is really only for showing the value of a single variable


{% load app_tags %}

{% for person in people_to_greet %}
     {% greet person %}
{% end %}

<h3> cool greetings above ^ </h3>



yup! make an inclusion tag in app_tags.py, and then call it!

是的!在app_tags中创建一个包含标记。然后叫它py !

they're great for code reuse (along with Django blocks and the {% include ... %} template tag, of course)

它们非常适合代码重用(还有Django块和{% include…)%}模板标签,当然)

reference: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/howto/custom-template-tags/#inclusion-tags

参考:https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/howto/custom-template-tags/ # inclusion-tags

# app_tags.py
from django import template
register = template.Library()

def greet(name, end="!!!"):
     return { 'name': name,  'end': end }


 {# templates/myappname/greeting.html  #}

 <h1>  What's up {{ name }}{{ end }}  </h1>

then to call this, you'd use {% and %}, the double bracket notation e.g. {{ custom_template }} is really only for showing the value of a single variable


{% load app_tags %}

{% for person in people_to_greet %}
     {% greet person %}
{% end %}

<h3> cool greetings above ^ </h3>