
时间:2022-11-26 08:10:52

I am having an issue with a custom control rendering its contents (child controls) outside of the tag which leads to runtime errors and issues. In an attempt to simplify things as much as I can, I created the control below but it has the very same issue. I have tried inheriting from Control, WebControl and CompositeControl all resulting in with the same problem. Guessing there is something obvious that I am doing wrong... Thanks for any help.


using System;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;

namespace MyControls
    public class TestControl : CompositeControl
        protected override void CreateChildControls()
            Controls.Add(new Button() { Text = "TestControl!" });

Adding the control programmatically results in markup outside the forms tag. Adding the control via markup works correct.


protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    Controls.Add(new TestControl());

    <form name="PageForm" method="post" action="default.aspx" id="PageForm">
<input type="hidden" name="__VIEWSTATE" id="__VIEWSTATE" value="/wEPDwUKMTE5MDEwMTE5MWRkg0FopdvLhTPGxHkGm1xCCOVQz6A=" />


<span><input type="submit" name="ctl04$ctl00" value="TestControl!" /></span>

3 个解决方案


Adding the control through the Page.Form property will render the button inside the form.


Page.Form.Controls.Add(new Button() { Text = "TestControl!" });

However, since the button is not contained within a block, such as a <div>, you might have some layout issues with this button. Use ScarletGarden's approach.




This has nothing to do with your custom control. Your problem is caused by how you're adding the control to the page.


When you call Controls.Add in your page's Page_Load method, this is basically shorthand for:


Page.Controls.Add(new TestControl());

ie, You're adding the control at the end of your entire page's control hierarchy. When the page is rendered, your control is rendered after all the others - even after the closing </html> tag.

即,您在整个页面的控件层次结构中添加控件。呈现页面时,您的控件将在所有其他页面之后呈现 - 即使在结束 标记之后也是如此。

If you want your control to be rendered inside the form then you need to add it to the form's control hierarchy instead:


Form.Controls.Add(new TestControl());

If you need even more fine-grained positioning, then you need to put a placeholder (or div or span etc) on your page in the required position and add your control to that, as in ScarletGarden's answer.



Your control seems ok, I think you have a problem with adding your control to your page,


Add a placeHolder to your page,


    <form id="form1" runat="server">
        <asp:PlaceHolder ID="placeHolder" runat="server"></asp:PlaceHolder>

and then add your composite control to this placeholder's controls collection like that :


TestControl testCtrl = new TestControl();


Adding the control through the Page.Form property will render the button inside the form.


Page.Form.Controls.Add(new Button() { Text = "TestControl!" });

However, since the button is not contained within a block, such as a <div>, you might have some layout issues with this button. Use ScarletGarden's approach.




This has nothing to do with your custom control. Your problem is caused by how you're adding the control to the page.


When you call Controls.Add in your page's Page_Load method, this is basically shorthand for:


Page.Controls.Add(new TestControl());

ie, You're adding the control at the end of your entire page's control hierarchy. When the page is rendered, your control is rendered after all the others - even after the closing </html> tag.

即,您在整个页面的控件层次结构中添加控件。呈现页面时,您的控件将在所有其他页面之后呈现 - 即使在结束 标记之后也是如此。

If you want your control to be rendered inside the form then you need to add it to the form's control hierarchy instead:


Form.Controls.Add(new TestControl());

If you need even more fine-grained positioning, then you need to put a placeholder (or div or span etc) on your page in the required position and add your control to that, as in ScarletGarden's answer.



Your control seems ok, I think you have a problem with adding your control to your page,


Add a placeHolder to your page,


    <form id="form1" runat="server">
        <asp:PlaceHolder ID="placeHolder" runat="server"></asp:PlaceHolder>

and then add your composite control to this placeholder's controls collection like that :


TestControl testCtrl = new TestControl();