
时间:2022-11-25 12:25:55

I'm a complete novice, looking for instructions on implementing javascript. I am attempting to replace a YUI slider with buttons and a text field. I am trying to achieve buttons that, when held down, will continue to make the text field increase, preferably at a faster and faster rate. (http://www.blackbird502.com/white.htm)I have this in the java tag in the head:

我是一个完整的新手,正在寻找有关实现javascript的说明。我试图用按钮和文本字段替换YUI滑块。我试图实现按钮,当按下时,将继续使文本字段增加,优选地以更快和更快的速率增加。 (http://www.blackbird502.com/white.htm)我在脑中的java标签中有这个:

function holdit(btn, action, start, speedup) {
var t;

var repeat = function () {
    t = setTimeout(repeat, start);
    start = start / speedup;

btn.mousedown = function() {

btn.mouseup = function () {

/* to use */
holdit(btn, function () { }, 1000, 2); 
/* x..1000ms..x..500ms..x..250ms..x */

I have no clue how to implement the press and hold into the following in the body:


<form><input type=button value="UP"  class="btn" onClick="javascript:this.form.amount.value++;"><br /><input type=text name=amount value=5 class="text"><br /> <input type=button value="DOWN"  class="btn" onClick="javascript:this.form.amount.value--;" ></form>

Is it possible? Thanks.


4 个解决方案



This code should do everything you're looking for; it's based very loosely on tj111's example. I tried to make it as reusable as possible, and it doesn't need JavaScript mixed in with the HTML.


You do need to add IDs to the buttons (btnUP and btnDOWN) and text field (amount). You can change these IDs in the window.onload statement.


// This function creates a closure and puts a mousedown handler on the element specified in the "button" parameter.
function makeButtonIncrement(button, action, target, initialDelay, multiplier){
    var holdTimer, changeValue, timerIsRunning = false, delay = initialDelay;
    changeValue = function(){
        if(action == "add" && target.value < 1000)
        else if(action == "subtract" && target.value > 0)
        holdTimer = setTimeout(changeValue, delay);
        if(delay > 20) delay = delay * multiplier;
            // When the function is first called, it puts an onmouseup handler on the whole document 
            // that stops the process when the mouse is released. This is important if the user moves
            // the cursor off of the button.
            document.onmouseup = function(){
                document.onmouseup = null;
                timerIsRunning = false;
                delay = initialDelay;
            timerIsRunning = true;
    button.onmousedown = changeValue;

//should only be called after the window/DOM has been loaded
window.onload = function() {
    makeButtonIncrement(document.getElementById('btnUP'), "add", document.getElementById('amount'), 500, 0.7);
    makeButtonIncrement(document.getElementById('btnDOWN'), "subtract", document.getElementById('amount'), 500, 0.7);



This is kind of quick and dirty, but it should give you a start. Basically you want to set up a few initial "constants" that you can play with to get the desired behavior. The initial time between increments is 1000 ms, and on each iteration if become 90% of that (1000, 990, 891, ... 100) and stops getting smaller at 100 ms. You can tweak this factor to get faster or slower acceleration. The rest I believe is pretty close to what I think you were going for. It seems like you were just missing the event assignments. In the window.onload you'll see that i assign the onmouseup, and onmousedown events to functions that just call the increment() or decrement() functions with your initial timeout, or the ClearTimeout() function to stop the counter.

这有点快速和肮脏,但它应该给你一个开始。基本上你想设置一些你可以玩的初始“常量”来获得所需的行为。增量之间的初始时间为1000毫秒,如果每次迭代变为90%(1000,990,891,... 100),则在100毫秒时停止变小。您可以调整此因子以获得更快或更慢的加速度。其余的我认为非常接近我的想法。看起来你只是错过了事件分配。在window.onload中,您将看到我将onmouseup和onmousedown事件分配给刚刚使用初始超时调用increment()或decrement()函数的函数,或者使用ClearTimeout()函数来停止计数器。

EDIT: I changed this slightly to fix the bug. Now if you move your mouse pointer off the button and release it will stop the counter.


<html lang="en">
    <title><!-- Insert your title here --></title>

      // Fake Constants
      var INITIAL_TIME = 1000;
      var ACCELERATION = .9;
      var MIN_TIME = 100;

      // create global variables to hold DOM objects, and timer
      var up = null,
        down = null,
        count = null,
        timer = null;

      // Increment the counter
      function increment (time) {
        // decrease timeout by our acceleration factor, unless it's at the minimum
        time = (time * ACCELERATION > MIN_TIME) ? (time * ACCELERATION) : MIN_TIME;
        count.value ++ ;
        // set the timeout for the next round, and pass in the new smaller timeout
        timer = setTimeout(
                  function () {
                  }, time);
      // Same as increment only subtracts one instead of adding.
      // -- could easily make one function and pass an pos/neg factor instead
      function decrement (time) {
        time = time * ACCELERATION > MIN_TIME ? (time * ACCELERATION) : MIN_TIME;
        count.value --;
        timer = setTimeout(
                  function () {
                  }, time);

     // Initialize the page after all the forms load
     window.onload = function () {
       // initialization function

       // assign DOM objects to our vars for ease of use.
       up = document.getElementById('up_btn');
       down = document.getElementById('dwn_btn');
       count = document.getElementById('count');

       // create event handlers for mouse up and down
       up.onmousedown = function () {
        down.onmousedown = function () {

       document.onmouseup = function () {


  <!-- Insert your content here -->

  <form name="the_form">
    <input type="button" value="Up" id="up_btn" /><br />
    <input type="button" value="Down" id="dwn_btn" /></br>

    <br />
    <input type="text" value="0" id="count" />





The easiest method would be to just add an ID to each of the buttons, then use those to retrieve the elements and add the events.


//should only be called after the window/DOM has been loaded
window.onload = function() {
  //the buttons
  var btnUP = document.getElementById('btnUP');
  var btnDOWN = document.getElementById('btnDOWN');

  //the amount
  var amount = document.getElementById('amount');

  //actions to occur onclick
  var upClick = function() {
  var downClick = function() {

  //assign the actions here
  holdit(btnUP, upClick, 1000, 2);
  holdit(btnDOWN, downClick, 1000, 2); 


  <input type=button value="UP"  class="btn" id='btnUP'>
  <br />
  <input type=text name=amount value=5 class="text" id='amount'>
  <br /> 
  <input type=button value="DOWN"  class="btn" id='btnDOWN'>



One aspect not to be overlooked is that you're hooking into the onclick event - which happens on a complete click (Mouse key down and key up). It sounds like you would want to listen for another distinct event, http://www.w3schools.com/jsref/jsref_onmousedown.asp'>onMouseDown . I think if you were to then implement some of the other timer based solutions, already given you would get the functionality you're asking for.

一个不容忽视的方面是你正在接触onclick事件 - 这发生在完全点击(鼠标键向下和键盘上)。听起来你想听另一个不同的事件,http://www.w3schools.com/jsref/jsref_onmousedown.asp'>onMouseDown。我想如果你要实现一些其他基于计时器的解决方案,已经给出了你将获得你要求的功能。

Good luck!



This code should do everything you're looking for; it's based very loosely on tj111's example. I tried to make it as reusable as possible, and it doesn't need JavaScript mixed in with the HTML.


You do need to add IDs to the buttons (btnUP and btnDOWN) and text field (amount). You can change these IDs in the window.onload statement.


// This function creates a closure and puts a mousedown handler on the element specified in the "button" parameter.
function makeButtonIncrement(button, action, target, initialDelay, multiplier){
    var holdTimer, changeValue, timerIsRunning = false, delay = initialDelay;
    changeValue = function(){
        if(action == "add" && target.value < 1000)
        else if(action == "subtract" && target.value > 0)
        holdTimer = setTimeout(changeValue, delay);
        if(delay > 20) delay = delay * multiplier;
            // When the function is first called, it puts an onmouseup handler on the whole document 
            // that stops the process when the mouse is released. This is important if the user moves
            // the cursor off of the button.
            document.onmouseup = function(){
                document.onmouseup = null;
                timerIsRunning = false;
                delay = initialDelay;
            timerIsRunning = true;
    button.onmousedown = changeValue;

//should only be called after the window/DOM has been loaded
window.onload = function() {
    makeButtonIncrement(document.getElementById('btnUP'), "add", document.getElementById('amount'), 500, 0.7);
    makeButtonIncrement(document.getElementById('btnDOWN'), "subtract", document.getElementById('amount'), 500, 0.7);



This is kind of quick and dirty, but it should give you a start. Basically you want to set up a few initial "constants" that you can play with to get the desired behavior. The initial time between increments is 1000 ms, and on each iteration if become 90% of that (1000, 990, 891, ... 100) and stops getting smaller at 100 ms. You can tweak this factor to get faster or slower acceleration. The rest I believe is pretty close to what I think you were going for. It seems like you were just missing the event assignments. In the window.onload you'll see that i assign the onmouseup, and onmousedown events to functions that just call the increment() or decrement() functions with your initial timeout, or the ClearTimeout() function to stop the counter.

这有点快速和肮脏,但它应该给你一个开始。基本上你想设置一些你可以玩的初始“常量”来获得所需的行为。增量之间的初始时间为1000毫秒,如果每次迭代变为90%(1000,990,891,... 100),则在100毫秒时停止变小。您可以调整此因子以获得更快或更慢的加速度。其余的我认为非常接近我的想法。看起来你只是错过了事件分配。在window.onload中,您将看到我将onmouseup和onmousedown事件分配给刚刚使用初始超时调用increment()或decrement()函数的函数,或者使用ClearTimeout()函数来停止计数器。

EDIT: I changed this slightly to fix the bug. Now if you move your mouse pointer off the button and release it will stop the counter.


<html lang="en">
    <title><!-- Insert your title here --></title>

      // Fake Constants
      var INITIAL_TIME = 1000;
      var ACCELERATION = .9;
      var MIN_TIME = 100;

      // create global variables to hold DOM objects, and timer
      var up = null,
        down = null,
        count = null,
        timer = null;

      // Increment the counter
      function increment (time) {
        // decrease timeout by our acceleration factor, unless it's at the minimum
        time = (time * ACCELERATION > MIN_TIME) ? (time * ACCELERATION) : MIN_TIME;
        count.value ++ ;
        // set the timeout for the next round, and pass in the new smaller timeout
        timer = setTimeout(
                  function () {
                  }, time);
      // Same as increment only subtracts one instead of adding.
      // -- could easily make one function and pass an pos/neg factor instead
      function decrement (time) {
        time = time * ACCELERATION > MIN_TIME ? (time * ACCELERATION) : MIN_TIME;
        count.value --;
        timer = setTimeout(
                  function () {
                  }, time);

     // Initialize the page after all the forms load
     window.onload = function () {
       // initialization function

       // assign DOM objects to our vars for ease of use.
       up = document.getElementById('up_btn');
       down = document.getElementById('dwn_btn');
       count = document.getElementById('count');

       // create event handlers for mouse up and down
       up.onmousedown = function () {
        down.onmousedown = function () {

       document.onmouseup = function () {


  <!-- Insert your content here -->

  <form name="the_form">
    <input type="button" value="Up" id="up_btn" /><br />
    <input type="button" value="Down" id="dwn_btn" /></br>

    <br />
    <input type="text" value="0" id="count" />





The easiest method would be to just add an ID to each of the buttons, then use those to retrieve the elements and add the events.


//should only be called after the window/DOM has been loaded
window.onload = function() {
  //the buttons
  var btnUP = document.getElementById('btnUP');
  var btnDOWN = document.getElementById('btnDOWN');

  //the amount
  var amount = document.getElementById('amount');

  //actions to occur onclick
  var upClick = function() {
  var downClick = function() {

  //assign the actions here
  holdit(btnUP, upClick, 1000, 2);
  holdit(btnDOWN, downClick, 1000, 2); 


  <input type=button value="UP"  class="btn" id='btnUP'>
  <br />
  <input type=text name=amount value=5 class="text" id='amount'>
  <br /> 
  <input type=button value="DOWN"  class="btn" id='btnDOWN'>



One aspect not to be overlooked is that you're hooking into the onclick event - which happens on a complete click (Mouse key down and key up). It sounds like you would want to listen for another distinct event, http://www.w3schools.com/jsref/jsref_onmousedown.asp'>onMouseDown . I think if you were to then implement some of the other timer based solutions, already given you would get the functionality you're asking for.

一个不容忽视的方面是你正在接触onclick事件 - 这发生在完全点击(鼠标键向下和键盘上)。听起来你想听另一个不同的事件,http://www.w3schools.com/jsref/jsref_onmousedown.asp'>onMouseDown。我想如果你要实现一些其他基于计时器的解决方案,已经给出了你将获得你要求的功能。

Good luck!