PostgreSQL - 如何根据PSQL VIEW中的公共唯一标识符将NULL值替换为来自另一列的值

时间:2022-11-24 21:55:01

I have three foreign identifiers in my PSQL view. How could I replace the NULL second_id values with the third_id values based on their common first_id?

我的PSQL视图中有三个外部标识符。我怎么能用基于公共first_id的third_id值替换NULL second_id值?


 first_id | second_id | third_id 
        1 |           |      11
        1 |           |      11
        1 |           |      11
        1 |        22 |      22
        2 |        33 |      33
        3 |        44 |      44
        4 |        55 |      55
        5 |        66 |      66
        6 |           |      77
        6 |           |      77
        6 |           |      77
        6 |           |      77
        6 |        88 |      88

Should be:

 first_id | second_id | third_id 
        1 |        22 |      11
        1 |        22 |      11
        1 |        22 |      11
        1 |        22 |      22
        2 |        33 |      33
        3 |        44 |      44
        4 |        55 |      55
        5 |        66 |      66
        6 |        88 |      77
        6 |        88 |      77
        6 |        88 |      77
        6 |        88 |      77
        6 |        88 |      88

How can I make this change?


  • The NULL values in the second_id column should be filled i.e. there shouldn't be blank cells.
  • 应填充second_id列中的NULL值,即不应有空白单元格。

  • If the second_id column shares a value with the third_id column, this value should fill the blank cells in the second_id column.
  • 如果second_id列与third_id列共享一个值,则此值应填充second_id列中的空白单元格。

  • They should both be based on their common first_id.
  • 它们都应该基于它们共同的first_id。

    Thanks so much. I really appreciate it.


    The second_id is really a CASE WHEN modification of the third_id. This modification is made in the view.



        View "public.my_view"
                   Column            |            Type             | Modifiers | Storage  | Description 
         row_number                  | bigint                      |           | plain    | 
         first_id                    | integer                     |           | plain    | 
         second_id                   | integer                     |           | plain    | 
         third_id                    | integer                     |           | plain    | 
         first_type                  | character varying(255)      |           | extended | 
         date_1                      | timestamp without time zone |           | plain    | 
         date_2                      | timestamp without time zone |           | plain    | 
         date_3                      | timestamp without time zone |           | plain    | 
        View definition:
         SELECT row_number() OVER (PARTITION BY t.first_id) AS row_number,
                    WHEN t.localization_key::text = 'rq.bkd'::text THEN t.third_id
                    ELSE NULL::integer
                END AS second_id,
                    WHEN t.localization_key::text = 'rq.bkd'::text THEN t.created_at
                    ELSE NULL::timestamp without time zone
                END AS date_1,
                    WHEN t.localization_key::text = 'st.appt'::text THEN t.created_at
                    ELSE NULL::timestamp without time zone
                END AS date_2,
                    WHEN t.localization_key::text = 'st.eta'::text THEN t.created_at
                    ELSE NULL::timestamp without time zone
                END AS date_3
           FROM my_table t
          WHERE (t.localization_key::text = 'rq.bkd'::text OR t.localization_key::text = 'st.appt'::text OR t.localization_key::text = 'st.eta'::text) AND t.first_type::text = 'thing'::text
          ORDER BY t.created_at DESC;

    Here is a link to the table definition that the view is using (my_table).


    Thanks again for your help.


    2 个解决方案


    You can not UPDATE the underlying table my_table because it does not have the second_id column so you should make the view display the data the way you want it. That is fairly straightforward with a CTE:

    您无法更新基础表my_table,因为它没有second_id列,因此您应该使视图以您希望的方式显示数据。 CTE相当简单:

    CREATE VIEW my_view AS
      WITH second (first, id) AS (
        SELECT first_id, third_id
        FROM my_table
        WHERE t.localization_key = 'rq.bkd')
        row_number() OVER (PARTITION BY t.first_id) AS row_number,
        t.first_id, AS second_id,
          WHEN t.localization_key = 'rq.bkd' THEN t.created_at
        END AS date_1,
          WHEN t.localization_key = 'st.appt' THEN t.created_at
        END AS date_2,
          WHEN t.localization_key = 'st.eta' THEN t.created_at
        END AS date_3
      FROM my_table t
      JOIN second s ON s.first = t.first_id
      WHERE (t.localization_key = 'rq.bkd'
         OR t.localization_key = 'st.appt'
         OR t.localization_key = 'st.eta')
        AND t.first_type = 'thing'
      ORDER BY t.created_at DESC;

    This assumes that where my_table.localization_key = 'rq.bkd' you do have exactly 1 third_id value; if not you should add the appropriate qualifiers such as ORDER BY first_id ASC NULLS LAST LIMIT 1 or some other suitable filter. Also note that the CTE is JOINed, not LEFT JOINed, assuming there is always a valid pair (first_id, third_id) without NULLs.

    这假设你的my_table.localization_key ='rq.bkd'确实有1个third_id值;如果不是,您应该添加适当的限定符,例如ORDER BY first_id ASC NULLS LAST LIMIT 1或其他一些合适的过滤器。另请注意,CTE是JOINed,而不是LEFT JOINed,假设始终存在没有NULL的有效对(first_id,third_id)。


    You can get it by:


    select a.first_id, coalesce(a.second_id,b.second_id), a.third_id 
    from my_table a 
    left outer join
        select first_id, second_id from my_table
        where second_id is not null 
        ) b
        using (first_id)

    So the update should be:


    update my_table a set second_id = b.second_id
      select first_id, second_id from my_table 
      where second_id is not null 
      ) b
    where b.first_id = a.first_id and a.second_id is null


    You can not UPDATE the underlying table my_table because it does not have the second_id column so you should make the view display the data the way you want it. That is fairly straightforward with a CTE:

    您无法更新基础表my_table,因为它没有second_id列,因此您应该使视图以您希望的方式显示数据。 CTE相当简单:

    CREATE VIEW my_view AS
      WITH second (first, id) AS (
        SELECT first_id, third_id
        FROM my_table
        WHERE t.localization_key = 'rq.bkd')
        row_number() OVER (PARTITION BY t.first_id) AS row_number,
        t.first_id, AS second_id,
          WHEN t.localization_key = 'rq.bkd' THEN t.created_at
        END AS date_1,
          WHEN t.localization_key = 'st.appt' THEN t.created_at
        END AS date_2,
          WHEN t.localization_key = 'st.eta' THEN t.created_at
        END AS date_3
      FROM my_table t
      JOIN second s ON s.first = t.first_id
      WHERE (t.localization_key = 'rq.bkd'
         OR t.localization_key = 'st.appt'
         OR t.localization_key = 'st.eta')
        AND t.first_type = 'thing'
      ORDER BY t.created_at DESC;

    This assumes that where my_table.localization_key = 'rq.bkd' you do have exactly 1 third_id value; if not you should add the appropriate qualifiers such as ORDER BY first_id ASC NULLS LAST LIMIT 1 or some other suitable filter. Also note that the CTE is JOINed, not LEFT JOINed, assuming there is always a valid pair (first_id, third_id) without NULLs.

    这假设你的my_table.localization_key ='rq.bkd'确实有1个third_id值;如果不是,您应该添加适当的限定符,例如ORDER BY first_id ASC NULLS LAST LIMIT 1或其他一些合适的过滤器。另请注意,CTE是JOINed,而不是LEFT JOINed,假设始终存在没有NULL的有效对(first_id,third_id)。


    You can get it by:


    select a.first_id, coalesce(a.second_id,b.second_id), a.third_id 
    from my_table a 
    left outer join
        select first_id, second_id from my_table
        where second_id is not null 
        ) b
        using (first_id)

    So the update should be:


    update my_table a set second_id = b.second_id
      select first_id, second_id from my_table 
      where second_id is not null 
      ) b
    where b.first_id = a.first_id and a.second_id is null