In my game i don't want to decrease velocity of my SKSpriteNode
after collision with any physicsBody
Currently velocity of my SKSpriteNode
is decresing very much after collision with physicsBody
What did i tried :
I tried to get velocity
in -(void)update:(CFTimeInterval)currentTime
method & i provide it to my SKSpriteNode
in below method :
我试图获得速度 - (void)更新:(CFTimeInterval)currentTime方法&我在下面的方法中将它提供给我的SKSpriteNode:
-(void)didBeginContact:(SKPhysicsContact *)contact
But it doesn't make any difference.
Please help me regarding this.
1 个解决方案
Restitution basically equates to an object's "bounciness".
Sprite Kit Physicsbody Restitution is defined as
Sprite Kit Physicsbody Restitution定义为
Property describing how much energy a body retains when it bounces off of another body, basically a fancy way of saying "bounciness"" -IOS Games by Tutorials*
描述身体从另一个身体反弹时保留多少能量的属性,基本上是一种说“蹦蹦”的奇特方式“-IOS Games by Tutorials *
So make self.physicsBody.restitution = 1.0;
所以make self.physicsBody.restitution = 1.0;
Refer Restitution
Restitution basically equates to an object's "bounciness".
Sprite Kit Physicsbody Restitution is defined as
Sprite Kit Physicsbody Restitution定义为
Property describing how much energy a body retains when it bounces off of another body, basically a fancy way of saying "bounciness"" -IOS Games by Tutorials*
描述身体从另一个身体反弹时保留多少能量的属性,基本上是一种说“蹦蹦”的奇特方式“-IOS Games by Tutorials *
So make self.physicsBody.restitution = 1.0;
所以make self.physicsBody.restitution = 1.0;
Refer Restitution