I recently added an entity framework to my code (sorta half done) and after I added it I noticed something wrong with the y velocity of the player it seems to fluctuate between 1 and 0. I am completely stumped as to why this has occurred I assume it's something to do with the current physics I've put in but not sure what happening. code below:
-- btw Not my Code just needed something to get AABB to work right
function isColliding(a,b)
if ((b.X >= a.X + a.Width) or
(b.X + b.Width <= a.X) or
(b.Y >= a.Y + a.Height) or
(b.Y + b.Height <= a.Y)) then
return false
else return true
-- 'A' Must Be an entity that Can Move
-- 'B' Can Be a Static Object
-- Both need a Height, width, X and Y value
function IfColliding(a, b)
if isColliding(a,b) then
if a.Y + a.Height < b.Y then
a.Y = b.Y - a.Height
a.YVel = 0
elseif a.Y - a.Height > b.Y - b.Height then
a.Y = b.Y + b.Height
a.YVel = 0
local entitybase = {}
lg = love.graphics
-- Set Health
entitybase.Health = 100
-- Set Acceleration
entitybase.Accel = 3000
-- Set Y velocity
entitybase.Yvel = 0.0
-- Set X velocity
entitybase.Xvel = 0.0
-- Set Y Position
entitybase.Y = 0
-- Set X Position
entitybase.X = 0
-- Set Height
entitybase.Height = 64
-- Set Width
entitybase.Width = 64
-- Set Friction
entitybase.Friction = 0
-- Set Jump
entitybase.Jump = 350
-- Set Mass
entitybase.Mass = 50
-- Set Detection Radius
entitybase.Radius = 100
-- Sets boolean value for if the player can jump
entitybase.canJump = true
-- Sets Image default
entitybase.img = nil
-- Some Physics To ensure that movement works --
function entitybase.physics(dt)
-- Sets the X position of the entities
entitybase.X = entitybase.X + entitybase.Xvel * dt
-- Sets the Y position of the entities
entitybase.Y = entitybase.Y + entitybase.Yvel * dt
-- Sets the Y Velocity of the entities
entitybase.Yvel = entitybase.Yvel + (gravity * entitybase.Mass) * dt
-- Sets the X Velocity of the entities
entitybase.Xvel = entitybase.Xvel * (1 - math.min(dt * entitybase.Friction, 1))
-- Entity Jump feature
function entitybase:DoJump()
-- if the entities y velocity = 0 then subtract the Yvel from Jump Value
if entitybase.Yvel == 0 then
entitybase.Yvel = entitybase.Yvel - entitybase.Jump
-- Updates the Jump
function entitybase:JumpUpdate(dt)
if entitybase.Yvel ~= 0 then
entitybase.Y = entitybase.Y + entitybase.Yvel * dt
entitybase.Yvel = entitybase.Yvel - gravity * dt
function entitybase:update(dt)
return entitybase
Sorry For chucking in all this I didn't know what I needed to show as I don't completely know whats creating the problem, I have had another look and it looks to be something to do with collisions maybe, not sure. anyway thank you to those who want to have a crack at my problem if anything needs explaining or understanding I'll try my best to clear it up.