
时间:2022-11-23 18:19:47

I have a MVC3 page that is split into tabs. Each tab has a partial view on it with an AJAX form with different ids.


@using (Ajax.BeginForm("Create1", "ControllerName", ajaxOptions, new { id = "frmCreate1" }))
@using (Ajax.BeginForm("Create2", "ControllerName", ajaxOptions, new { id = "frmCreate2" }))
@using (Ajax.BeginForm("Create3", "ControllerName", ajaxOptions, new { id = "frmCreate3" }))

Each tab has a save button on it with different ids.


<input type="submit" id="btnSave1" />
<input type="submit" id="btnSave2" />
<input type="submit" id="btnSave3" />

Each tab includes a javascript file that has handlers for the buttons:


// Submit Button
    $('#btnSave1').button({ label: "Save" });
    $('#btnSave1').click(function () {
        $.blockUI({ message: 'We are constructing your new Type 1, please wait just a moment...', theme: true, title: 'Saving' });

// Submit Button
    $('#btnSave2').button({ label: "Save" });
    $('#btnSave2').click(function () {
        $.blockUI({ message: 'We are constructing your new Type 2, please wait just a moment...', theme: true, title: 'Saving' });

// Submit Button
    $('#btnSave3').button({ label: "Save" });
    $('#btnSave3').click(function () {
        $.blockUI({ message: 'We are constructing your new Type 3, please wait just a moment...', theme: true, title: 'Saving' });

Everything is submitting properly to the back end and it's getting the data it needs from the form. However I changed the selector in the method to



and now when running it the form gets submitted more than once causing me to jump in the debugger and subsequently post the same data twice.


I'm guessing that it's submitting the form via Ajax with the right selector and then subsequently firing the actual submit for the form again but I'm not for sure what's happening.


I want to make sure the code is correct in terms of what I'm really trying to do. These should be 3 single and separate submits. Do I change the "Submit" buttons to just button types instead of submit or should there be more in the javascript to prevent that second submit from happening? preventDefaults or something?




Edit: Should also include the Ajax Options, they occur on each and correspond to the tabs, they are all named differently but just in case the "Post" method had anything to do with this.


    AjaxOptions ajaxOptions = new AjaxOptions
        HttpMethod = "Post",
        UpdateTargetId = "tabs-1",

2 个解决方案



Re-posting my answer from the comments:


The issue was that the submit button was actually submitting the form while the selector $('frmCreate1').trigger('submit'); was doing nothing since it didn't return any elements. When the selector was made valid by adding the '#' so that it looked for an id rather than a tag name, then that triggered the submit as well. Hence the double submit. If you pick one or the other that should stop the double submit.

问题是,submit按钮实际上是在提交表单,而selector $('frmCreate1').trigger('submit');因为它不返回任何元素,所以什么都不做。当选择器通过添加“#”使其查找id而不是标记名而有效时,也会触发submit。因此,提交的两倍。如果你选择一个或另一个应该停止双重提交。



it seems like the form is not submitting ajaxily make sure that you have included


<script src="@Url.Content("~/Scripts/jquery.unobtrusive-ajax.min.js")" type="text/javascript"></script>

in your layout, also to enable unobtrusiveJavascript you have to set related flags to true in your config file under the appSetting section


    <add key="ClientValidationEnabled" value="true" />
    <add key="UnobtrusiveJavaScriptEnabled" value="true" />



Re-posting my answer from the comments:


The issue was that the submit button was actually submitting the form while the selector $('frmCreate1').trigger('submit'); was doing nothing since it didn't return any elements. When the selector was made valid by adding the '#' so that it looked for an id rather than a tag name, then that triggered the submit as well. Hence the double submit. If you pick one or the other that should stop the double submit.

问题是,submit按钮实际上是在提交表单,而selector $('frmCreate1').trigger('submit');因为它不返回任何元素,所以什么都不做。当选择器通过添加“#”使其查找id而不是标记名而有效时,也会触发submit。因此,提交的两倍。如果你选择一个或另一个应该停止双重提交。



it seems like the form is not submitting ajaxily make sure that you have included


<script src="@Url.Content("~/Scripts/jquery.unobtrusive-ajax.min.js")" type="text/javascript"></script>

in your layout, also to enable unobtrusiveJavascript you have to set related flags to true in your config file under the appSetting section


    <add key="ClientValidationEnabled" value="true" />
    <add key="UnobtrusiveJavaScriptEnabled" value="true" />