
时间:2022-11-23 17:37:24

On my page I have a drop-down select box, with a default value of (empty). When the user selects an entry, the appropriate form for that entry type is displayed.


Couple of problems..


  1. The code is not DRY and seems more verbose than it needs to be, so not easily maintainable / extensible.
  2. 代码不是DRY,看起来比它需要的更冗长,因此不易维护/可扩展。

  3. When a user selects something, fills in the form, goes to the next page, and then hits the Back button, the select field is pre-selected with their choice, but since there has been no .change() event, the form box is not displayed. They have to select a different <option>, then click back to their original choice to get their forum back.
  4. 当用户选择某些内容,填写表单,转到下一页,然后点击“返回”按钮时,会根据自己的选择预先选择选择字段,但由于没有.change()事件,表单框没有显示。他们必须选择不同的

Here's the code:


<script type="text/javascript">

        $('#select_type').change(function () {
            $('fieldset').css('display','none'); # hide all the forms on the page
            var selectval = $('#select_type').val();
            if (selectval == 'instance')
            if (selectval == 'mob')
            if (selectval == 'dailyquest')
            if (selectval == 'repeatablequest')
            if (selectval == 'zonequest')
            if (selectval == 'reward')


Help JS gurus of SO!


4 个解决方案


Instead of the multiple IF clauses, you can iterate over an array of values. But in this case, if there are no other requirements then simply:


     var select = $('#select_type');
     $('#' + select.val()).toggle(); // Toggle the preset value
     select.change(function () {
         $('#' + $(this).val()).toggle();

Should be enough.



$(document).ready(function() {
  $("#select_type").change(function () {
    $("fieldset").css("display", "none");
    $("#" + $(this).val()).toggle();


  1. You could change all those if statements to some or(||) expressions.
  2. 您可以将所有if语句更改为某些或(||)表达式。

  3. On ready(), you could check if the fields have the default value. If not, then you could manually trigger change().
  4. 在ready()上,您可以检查字段是否具有默认值。如果没有,那么你可以手动触发change()。


I probably wouldn't use a select box, as select boxes are only a good choice when the options are known to the user before they pull it down. No mystery meat allowed. Here is a good article on selection dependant inputs.


My take on this problem: * Only the section linked to the selected option should be shown, so I don't want to use toggle.


  var sel = $("#select_type");
      $("#"+this.value)[this.selected ? "show" : "hide"]();


Instead of the multiple IF clauses, you can iterate over an array of values. But in this case, if there are no other requirements then simply:


     var select = $('#select_type');
     $('#' + select.val()).toggle(); // Toggle the preset value
     select.change(function () {
         $('#' + $(this).val()).toggle();

Should be enough.



$(document).ready(function() {
  $("#select_type").change(function () {
    $("fieldset").css("display", "none");
    $("#" + $(this).val()).toggle();


  1. You could change all those if statements to some or(||) expressions.
  2. 您可以将所有if语句更改为某些或(||)表达式。

  3. On ready(), you could check if the fields have the default value. If not, then you could manually trigger change().
  4. 在ready()上,您可以检查字段是否具有默认值。如果没有,那么你可以手动触发change()。


I probably wouldn't use a select box, as select boxes are only a good choice when the options are known to the user before they pull it down. No mystery meat allowed. Here is a good article on selection dependant inputs.


My take on this problem: * Only the section linked to the selected option should be shown, so I don't want to use toggle.


  var sel = $("#select_type");
      $("#"+this.value)[this.selected ? "show" : "hide"]();