MapBox / Google Map Api - 查找街道交叉口

时间:2022-11-23 08:59:38

I need to use a Map Api in my android app where user can define a path, A to B. How to find/count all street intersections(2 or more street crossed here) in between point A and B?

我需要在我的Android应用程序中使用Map Api,用户可以在其中定义路径A到B.如何在A点和B点之间查找/计算所有街道交叉点(这里有2条或更多条街道)?

i. User will choose A and B


ii. it will return all street intersections points in between A and B


Can anyone point me in right direction?


1 个解决方案



If you use the Mapbox Directions API, and setSteps() to true, you'll receive intersection information as part of the step information. See the documentation for more details.

如果您使用Mapbox Directions API并将setSteps()设置为true,则您将收到交叉点信息作为步骤信息的一部分。有关详细信息,请参阅文档。



If you use the Mapbox Directions API, and setSteps() to true, you'll receive intersection information as part of the step information. See the documentation for more details.

如果您使用Mapbox Directions API并将setSteps()设置为true,则您将收到交叉点信息作为步骤信息的一部分。有关详细信息,请参阅文档。