Hello what is the formulla to get longitude and latitude of any address , if i have street_name,State_name,City_name,Country_name and zip code in PHP? Thanks
8 个解决方案
you can use bellow code for getting lat,long using php. Here are two type to get this
// Get lat and long by address
$address = $dlocation; // Google HQ
$prepAddr = str_replace(' ','+',$address);
$output= json_decode($geocode);
$latitude = $output->results[0]->geometry->location->lat;
$longitude = $output->results[0]->geometry->location->lng;
edit - Google Maps requests must be over https
编辑 - Google地图请求必须通过https
<script src="https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?v=3.exp&sensor=false"></script>
var geocoder;
var map;
function initialize() {
geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder();
var latlng = new google.maps.LatLng(50.804400, -1.147250);
var mapOptions = {
zoom: 6,
center: latlng
map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map-canvas12'), mapOptions);
function codeAddress(address,tutorname,url,distance,prise,postcode) {
var address = address;
geocoder.geocode( { 'address': address}, function(results, status) {
if (status == google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK) {
var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
map: map,
position: results[0].geometry.location
var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: 'Tutor Name: '+tutorname+'<br>Price Guide: '+prise+'<br>Distance: '+distance+' Miles from you('+postcode+')<br> <a href="'+url+'" target="blank">View Tutor profile</a> '
} /*else {
alert('Geocode was not successful for the following reason: ' + status);
google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, 'load', initialize);
window.onload = function(){
// your code here
<?php foreach($addr as $add) {
codeAddress('<?php echo $add['address']; ?>','<?php echo $add['tutorname']; ?>','<?php echo $add['url']; ?>','<?php echo $add['distance']; ?>','<?php echo $add['prise']; ?>','<?php echo substr( $postcode1,0,4); ?>');
<?php } ?>
<div id="map-canvas12"></div>
$address = 'BTM 2nd Stage, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560076'; // Address
// Get JSON results from this request
$geo = file_get_contents('http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/json?address='.urlencode($address).'&sensor=false');
$geo = json_decode($geo, true); // Convert the JSON to an array
if (isset($geo['status']) && ($geo['status'] == 'OK')) {
$latitude = $geo['results'][0]['geometry']['location']['lat']; // Latitude
$longitude = $geo['results'][0]['geometry']['location']['lng']; // Longitude
You need to access a geocoding service (i.e. from Google), there is no simple formula to transfer addresses to geo coordinates.
You can use the Google Maps API for that. See the blog post below for more information.
您可以使用Google Maps API。有关更多信息,请参阅下面的博客文章。
PHP has some nice built in functions for getting geographic location. Maybe have a look here: http://php.net/manual/en/ref.geoip.php
According to php manual, "This extension requires the GeoIP C library version 1.4.0 or higher to be installed. You can grab the latest version from » http://www.maxmind.com/app/c and compile it yourself."
根据php手册,“此扩展需要安装GeoIP C库1.4.0或更高版本。您可以从»http://www.maxmind.com/app/c获取最新版本并自行编译。”
I came up with the following which takes account of rubbish passed in and file_get_contents failing....
function get_lonlat( $addr ) {
try {
$coordinates = @file_get_contents('http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/json?address=' . urlencode($addr) . '&sensor=true');
// call to google api failed so has ZERO_RESULTS -- i.e. rubbish address...
if ( isset($e->status)) { if ( $e->status == 'ZERO_RESULTS' ) {echo '1:'; $err_res=true; } else {echo '2:'; $err_res=false; } } else { echo '3:'; $err_res=false; }
// $coordinates is false if file_get_contents has failed so create a blank array with Longitude/Latitude.
if ( $coordinates == false || $err_res == true ) {
$a = array( 'lat'=>0,'lng'=>0);
$coordinates = new stdClass();
foreach ( $a as $key => $value)
$coordinates->$key = $value;
} else {
// call to google ok so just return longitude/latitude.
$coordinates = $e;
$coordinates = $coordinates->results[0]->geometry->location;
return $coordinates;
catch (Exception $e) {
then to get the cords: where $pc is the postcode or address.... $address = get_lonlat( $pc ); $l1 = $address->lat; $l2 = $address->lng;
然后得到电线:其中$ pc是邮政编码或地址.... $ address = get_lonlat($ pc); $ l1 = $ address-> lat; $ l2 = $ address-> lng;
There is no forumula, as street names and cities are essentially handed out randomly. The address needs to be looked up in a database. Alternatively, you can look up a zip code in a database for the region that the zip code is for.
You didn't mention a country, so I'm going to assume you just want addresses in the USA. There are numerous databases you can use, some free, some not.
You can also use the Google Maps API to have them look up an address in their database for you. That is probably the easiest solution, but requires your application to have a working internet connection at all times.
您还可以使用Google Maps API让他们在您的数据库中查找地址。这可能是最简单的解决方案,但要求您的应用程序始终具有可用的Internet连接。
you can use bellow code for getting lat,long using php. Here are two type to get this
// Get lat and long by address
$address = $dlocation; // Google HQ
$prepAddr = str_replace(' ','+',$address);
$output= json_decode($geocode);
$latitude = $output->results[0]->geometry->location->lat;
$longitude = $output->results[0]->geometry->location->lng;
edit - Google Maps requests must be over https
编辑 - Google地图请求必须通过https
<script src="https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?v=3.exp&sensor=false"></script>
var geocoder;
var map;
function initialize() {
geocoder = new google.maps.Geocoder();
var latlng = new google.maps.LatLng(50.804400, -1.147250);
var mapOptions = {
zoom: 6,
center: latlng
map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map-canvas12'), mapOptions);
function codeAddress(address,tutorname,url,distance,prise,postcode) {
var address = address;
geocoder.geocode( { 'address': address}, function(results, status) {
if (status == google.maps.GeocoderStatus.OK) {
var marker = new google.maps.Marker({
map: map,
position: results[0].geometry.location
var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({
content: 'Tutor Name: '+tutorname+'<br>Price Guide: '+prise+'<br>Distance: '+distance+' Miles from you('+postcode+')<br> <a href="'+url+'" target="blank">View Tutor profile</a> '
} /*else {
alert('Geocode was not successful for the following reason: ' + status);
google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, 'load', initialize);
window.onload = function(){
// your code here
<?php foreach($addr as $add) {
codeAddress('<?php echo $add['address']; ?>','<?php echo $add['tutorname']; ?>','<?php echo $add['url']; ?>','<?php echo $add['distance']; ?>','<?php echo $add['prise']; ?>','<?php echo substr( $postcode1,0,4); ?>');
<?php } ?>
<div id="map-canvas12"></div>
$address = 'BTM 2nd Stage, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560076'; // Address
// Get JSON results from this request
$geo = file_get_contents('http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/json?address='.urlencode($address).'&sensor=false');
$geo = json_decode($geo, true); // Convert the JSON to an array
if (isset($geo['status']) && ($geo['status'] == 'OK')) {
$latitude = $geo['results'][0]['geometry']['location']['lat']; // Latitude
$longitude = $geo['results'][0]['geometry']['location']['lng']; // Longitude
You need to access a geocoding service (i.e. from Google), there is no simple formula to transfer addresses to geo coordinates.
You can use the Google Maps API for that. See the blog post below for more information.
您可以使用Google Maps API。有关更多信息,请参阅下面的博客文章。
PHP has some nice built in functions for getting geographic location. Maybe have a look here: http://php.net/manual/en/ref.geoip.php
According to php manual, "This extension requires the GeoIP C library version 1.4.0 or higher to be installed. You can grab the latest version from » http://www.maxmind.com/app/c and compile it yourself."
根据php手册,“此扩展需要安装GeoIP C库1.4.0或更高版本。您可以从»http://www.maxmind.com/app/c获取最新版本并自行编译。”
I came up with the following which takes account of rubbish passed in and file_get_contents failing....
function get_lonlat( $addr ) {
try {
$coordinates = @file_get_contents('http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/json?address=' . urlencode($addr) . '&sensor=true');
// call to google api failed so has ZERO_RESULTS -- i.e. rubbish address...
if ( isset($e->status)) { if ( $e->status == 'ZERO_RESULTS' ) {echo '1:'; $err_res=true; } else {echo '2:'; $err_res=false; } } else { echo '3:'; $err_res=false; }
// $coordinates is false if file_get_contents has failed so create a blank array with Longitude/Latitude.
if ( $coordinates == false || $err_res == true ) {
$a = array( 'lat'=>0,'lng'=>0);
$coordinates = new stdClass();
foreach ( $a as $key => $value)
$coordinates->$key = $value;
} else {
// call to google ok so just return longitude/latitude.
$coordinates = $e;
$coordinates = $coordinates->results[0]->geometry->location;
return $coordinates;
catch (Exception $e) {
then to get the cords: where $pc is the postcode or address.... $address = get_lonlat( $pc ); $l1 = $address->lat; $l2 = $address->lng;
然后得到电线:其中$ pc是邮政编码或地址.... $ address = get_lonlat($ pc); $ l1 = $ address-> lat; $ l2 = $ address-> lng;
There is no forumula, as street names and cities are essentially handed out randomly. The address needs to be looked up in a database. Alternatively, you can look up a zip code in a database for the region that the zip code is for.
You didn't mention a country, so I'm going to assume you just want addresses in the USA. There are numerous databases you can use, some free, some not.
You can also use the Google Maps API to have them look up an address in their database for you. That is probably the easiest solution, but requires your application to have a working internet connection at all times.
您还可以使用Google Maps API让他们在您的数据库中查找地址。这可能是最简单的解决方案,但要求您的应用程序始终具有可用的Internet连接。