
时间:2022-11-22 21:37:41

JS code:

var nameApp = angular.module('nameApp', []);
nameApp.controller('NameCtrl', function($scope) {
    $scope.names = ['Larry', 'Curly', 'Moe'];

    $scope.removeName = function(name) {
        var i = $scope.names.indexOf(name);
        $scope.names.splice(i, 1);

HTML code:

<html ng-app="nameApp">
    <body ng-controller="NameCtrl">
            <li ng-repeat="name in names">{{name}}
                <a href="" ng-click="removeName(name)">remove</a>

This is only a sample code. I want to know if I can put ng-click directive in JS file instead of HTMl file and how should I do it. Something similar to what I did in an example when I separted logic from HTML.



4 个解决方案



I'd prefer using ng-click, instead of binding the event the jQuery way.


But, as you asked: you can inject your controller's $element, and bind the on event on it, see:


var app = angular.module("click", []);
app.controller("ctrl", function($scope, $element) {
    $element.on("click", function() {
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.2.23/angular.min.js"></script>
<div ng-app="click">
  <div ng-controller="ctrl">
    <input type="text" />



You can do it by ng-bind-html, but my sample is looking like crazy. but it's working for me without using ng-click in html side


var nameApp = angular.module('nameApp', []);
nameApp.controller('NameCtrl', function($scope) {      

    $scope.names = ['Larry', 'Curly', 'Moe'];

        $scope.ValOfRept = [];
        for (var x = 0; x < $scope.names.length; x++) {
            var element = '<a href=\"javascript:void(0);\" ng-click=\"removeName(valofrept)\">remove</a>';
            var obj = { "name": $scope.names[x], "element": element };

        $scope.removeName = function (name) {
            var i = $scope.names.indexOf(name);
            $scope.ValOfRept.splice(i, 1);

nameApp.filter('to_trusted', ['$sce', function ($sce) {
     return function (text) {
         return $sce.trustAsHtml(text);


<div ng-repeat="valofrept in ValOfRept">
      <div ng-bind-html="valofrept.element  | to_trusted"></div>
        <br />



you can use angular.element() in place of $()


Sample code:

 <li ng-repeat="name in names">{{name}}
       <a href="" id="clickme" ng-click="removeName(name)">remove</a>

and in js


angular.element("#clickme").bind("click", function(e){



"I want to know if I can put ng-click directive in JS file instead of HTMl file..."


Precisely the place to directives is in html no js. When you use jquery your html code is like

准确地说,指令的位置是html no js。当您使用jquery时,您的html代码就像

<input type="button" value="x" id="test" onclick="$(this).removeName(name)"/>

And in your js you apply the logic that you want.


In angular is very similar. ng-click is equivalent to onclick. In your html code you have the directive ng-click and in your controller you apply the logic. I don´t understand why in angular you want to mix it.

在角度非常相似。 ng-click相当于onclick。在您的html代码中,您有指令ng-click,并在控制器中应用逻辑。我不明白为什么你想要混合它。

In brief, you needn't do it, you mustn't do it.




I'd prefer using ng-click, instead of binding the event the jQuery way.


But, as you asked: you can inject your controller's $element, and bind the on event on it, see:


var app = angular.module("click", []);
app.controller("ctrl", function($scope, $element) {
    $element.on("click", function() {
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.2.23/angular.min.js"></script>
<div ng-app="click">
  <div ng-controller="ctrl">
    <input type="text" />



You can do it by ng-bind-html, but my sample is looking like crazy. but it's working for me without using ng-click in html side


var nameApp = angular.module('nameApp', []);
nameApp.controller('NameCtrl', function($scope) {      

    $scope.names = ['Larry', 'Curly', 'Moe'];

        $scope.ValOfRept = [];
        for (var x = 0; x < $scope.names.length; x++) {
            var element = '<a href=\"javascript:void(0);\" ng-click=\"removeName(valofrept)\">remove</a>';
            var obj = { "name": $scope.names[x], "element": element };

        $scope.removeName = function (name) {
            var i = $scope.names.indexOf(name);
            $scope.ValOfRept.splice(i, 1);

nameApp.filter('to_trusted', ['$sce', function ($sce) {
     return function (text) {
         return $sce.trustAsHtml(text);


<div ng-repeat="valofrept in ValOfRept">
      <div ng-bind-html="valofrept.element  | to_trusted"></div>
        <br />



you can use angular.element() in place of $()


Sample code:

 <li ng-repeat="name in names">{{name}}
       <a href="" id="clickme" ng-click="removeName(name)">remove</a>

and in js


angular.element("#clickme").bind("click", function(e){



"I want to know if I can put ng-click directive in JS file instead of HTMl file..."


Precisely the place to directives is in html no js. When you use jquery your html code is like

准确地说,指令的位置是html no js。当您使用jquery时,您的html代码就像

<input type="button" value="x" id="test" onclick="$(this).removeName(name)"/>

And in your js you apply the logic that you want.


In angular is very similar. ng-click is equivalent to onclick. In your html code you have the directive ng-click and in your controller you apply the logic. I don´t understand why in angular you want to mix it.

在角度非常相似。 ng-click相当于onclick。在您的html代码中,您有指令ng-click,并在控制器中应用逻辑。我不明白为什么你想要混合它。

In brief, you needn't do it, you mustn't do it.
