
时间:2022-11-22 09:36:58

So here's the problem: I want to create a webpage based interactive map/image. A user can click anywhere in the image to create a red house or a green house at that point. Then they can fill in a form with attributes to that newly created house object like Name, size etc 如何使用HTML5,Javascript,DOM和CSS创建交互式图像


When the user has chosen his/her type of house from a radio button selection, they click inside the map and the a small house image loads on the point they clicked on. (A new house object has been created).

当用户从单选按钮选择中选择他/她的房屋类型时,他们在地图内部点击并且在他们点击的点上加载小房子图像。 (已创建新的房屋对象)。

The newly created objects' properites (like name, position) should be maintained (saved in a mysql database, server side) so that the next time the map loads up (either on refresh, browser restart, deletion of cookies), the house objects load in the right place on the map.


I also would like the user to be able to make changes or delete the house objects. Responsiveness of the interactive map/image would be an added benefit.


My problem is I don't know how to go about this (fit the pieces together, you can say). I have basic knowledge of HTML, CSS, PHP, Javascript, DOM, jquery, mySQL. So how can I create such an interactive image or map? Any guidance or solution that can point me in the right direction is appreciated.


2 个解决方案




At first you need to define a database with a table for your houses with the properties you want to store. To store the houses position you need a x- and y-coorinate for every house. I would recommend doing it in percent or in another relative coordinate format, so that if you change the image size in the browser the houses are still correctly positioned without having to recalculate the position from absolute pixel values.


Then you need a script to access the database and to fetch, create, edit and delete houses, you mentioned you have knowledge of PHP, so you could write a very simple one-file API: houses.php In this file you establish a database connection to your previously created database and define all the functions you need (e.g. fetch, create, edit and delete). Which function you want to execute in each call to the API could be told over a URL-Parameter. E.g. houses.php?action=fetch could return you a JSON-list with all the houses stored in the database. So in the houses.php you would call a function based on the action-parameter in the URL. In a function you would echo the output as JSON string (PHP already has functions for that).

然后你需要一个脚本来访问数据库并获取,创建,编辑和删除房屋,你提到你有PHP的知识,所以你可以编写一个非常简单的单文件API:houses.php在这个文件中你建立一个数据库连接到先前创建的数据库并定义所需的所有功能(例如,获取,创建,编辑和删除)。您可以通过URL-Parameter告知每次调用API时要执行的功能。例如。 houses.php?action = fetch可以返回一个JSON列表,其中包含存储在数据库中的所有房屋。所以在houses.php中你可以根据URL中的action-parameter调用一个函数。在函数中,您将输出作为JSON字符串回显(PHP已经具有该函数)。


Ok, now your backend is set up. But you still need the frontend: You have a simple HTML-file where you include all your javascript and CSS files. For a good CSS-layout I recommend Bootstrap Then you have the image on the left and the controls on the right. Now you need to load the houses that are already in your database. So after the document is ready, there is a jQuery-Event for that, you make an AJAX-call (jQuery is also good for that) to your API with houses.php?action=fetch which will return you the houses as an JSON-Object which can easily be used in javascript. Store that object in a variable so that you can access the information for all the houses.

好的,现在你的后端已经设置好了。但是你仍然需要前端:你有一个简单的HTML文件,你可以在其中包含所有的javascript和CSS文件。对于一个好的CSS布局我推荐Bootstrap然后你有左边的图像和右边的控件。现在您需要加载数据库中已有的房屋。所以在文档准备就绪之后,有一个jQuery-Event,你用你的API做一个AJAX调用(jQuery对你来说也很好)和houses.php?action = fetch这将把你的房子作为JSON返回给你 - 可以在javascript中轻松使用的对象。将该对象存储在变量中,以便您可以访问所有房屋的信息。

Then you need a function to draw all the houses you have stored on the map, based on their properties (position and color).


And you need a click event on the map, when the user starts to create a house that you can create a new house on the map and initialize the controls on the right. In the CSS you need to set the house-image position to relative and the houses position to absolute, so that the houses can be displayed as overlay above the image. And remember storing the houses position in a relative format like percent to the underlaying image.


Then you need events for all the created houses. So that if the user selects a house it can be identified via a HTML data-attribute e.g. data-id="house ID". This id can then be used to get the house from your stored list of all houses to display the name etc. in the controls on the right.

然后,您需要为所有创建的房屋提供活动。因此,如果用户选择房屋,则可以通过例如HTML数据属性来识别房屋。 data-id =“house ID”。然后可以使用此ID从您存储的所有房屋列表中获取房屋,以在右侧的控件中显示名称等。

Another important event would be the click on the button to save or delete the currently selected house. In this event you can call a function to check for validation of the input and make the AJAX call to your API. To store or to delete objects you should set the method to 'PUT' or 'DELETE' in the AJAX call.


To start developing all this I can recommend XAMPP as a local development environment. I hope this answer fits the pieces a little together and gives an overview of the things you need to build.




Its been a while but I figured I should provide an update on how I accomplished this.


If you want to make an interactive map of any sort, use Leaflet (http://leafletjs.com/). It's nothing short of amazing and has lots of functionality and plugins.


To create the kind of map I described:


  1. Use leaflet
    1. In leaflet js, set/create a non-geographical map
    2. 在传单js中,设置/创建非地理地图

    3. To create the house icons, use leaflets custom markers api to either use a static image as an icon or use CSS to render one.
    4. 要创建房屋图标,请使用传单自定义标记api将静态图像用作图标或使用CSS渲染图标。

    5. Since Leaflet is JS, you can set up Event listeners in the code that can react to the user clicking on different items on the map.
    6. 由于Leaflet是JS,您可以在代码中设置事件侦听器,以响应用户单击地图上的不同项目。

    7. You can use JQuery and Ajax to store information about the nodes/markers in a server-side database and in turn get info about the nodes/markers from a server-side db.
    8. 您可以使用JQuery和Ajax在服务器端数据库中存储有关节点/标记的信息,然后从服务器端db获取有关节点/标记的信息。

    9. Marker postions can be saved as latitudes and longtitudes in an array that is sent to the server (and retrieved too).
    10. 标记位置可以保存为发送到服务器(也可以检索)的数组中的纬度和经度。

    11. Use refresh and timeouts to keep updating info about the map nodes or data
    12. 使用刷新和超时来不断更新有关地图节点或数据的信息

  2. 使用传单在传单js中,设置/创建非地理地图要创建房屋图标,请使用传单自定义标记api将静态图像用作图标或使用CSS渲染图标。由于Leaflet是JS,您可以在代码中设置事件侦听器,以响应用户单击地图上的不同项目。您可以使用JQuery和Ajax在服务器端数据库中存储有关节点/标记的信息,然后从服务器端db获取有关节点/标记的信息。标记位置可以保存为发送到服务器(也可以检索)的数组中的纬度和经度。使用刷新和超时来不断更新有关地图节点或数据的信息




At first you need to define a database with a table for your houses with the properties you want to store. To store the houses position you need a x- and y-coorinate for every house. I would recommend doing it in percent or in another relative coordinate format, so that if you change the image size in the browser the houses are still correctly positioned without having to recalculate the position from absolute pixel values.


Then you need a script to access the database and to fetch, create, edit and delete houses, you mentioned you have knowledge of PHP, so you could write a very simple one-file API: houses.php In this file you establish a database connection to your previously created database and define all the functions you need (e.g. fetch, create, edit and delete). Which function you want to execute in each call to the API could be told over a URL-Parameter. E.g. houses.php?action=fetch could return you a JSON-list with all the houses stored in the database. So in the houses.php you would call a function based on the action-parameter in the URL. In a function you would echo the output as JSON string (PHP already has functions for that).

然后你需要一个脚本来访问数据库并获取,创建,编辑和删除房屋,你提到你有PHP的知识,所以你可以编写一个非常简单的单文件API:houses.php在这个文件中你建立一个数据库连接到先前创建的数据库并定义所需的所有功能(例如,获取,创建,编辑和删除)。您可以通过URL-Parameter告知每次调用API时要执行的功能。例如。 houses.php?action = fetch可以返回一个JSON列表,其中包含存储在数据库中的所有房屋。所以在houses.php中你可以根据URL中的action-parameter调用一个函数。在函数中,您将输出作为JSON字符串回显(PHP已经具有该函数)。


Ok, now your backend is set up. But you still need the frontend: You have a simple HTML-file where you include all your javascript and CSS files. For a good CSS-layout I recommend Bootstrap Then you have the image on the left and the controls on the right. Now you need to load the houses that are already in your database. So after the document is ready, there is a jQuery-Event for that, you make an AJAX-call (jQuery is also good for that) to your API with houses.php?action=fetch which will return you the houses as an JSON-Object which can easily be used in javascript. Store that object in a variable so that you can access the information for all the houses.

好的,现在你的后端已经设置好了。但是你仍然需要前端:你有一个简单的HTML文件,你可以在其中包含所有的javascript和CSS文件。对于一个好的CSS布局我推荐Bootstrap然后你有左边的图像和右边的控件。现在您需要加载数据库中已有的房屋。所以在文档准备就绪之后,有一个jQuery-Event,你用你的API做一个AJAX调用(jQuery对你来说也很好)和houses.php?action = fetch这将把你的房子作为JSON返回给你 - 可以在javascript中轻松使用的对象。将该对象存储在变量中,以便您可以访问所有房屋的信息。

Then you need a function to draw all the houses you have stored on the map, based on their properties (position and color).


And you need a click event on the map, when the user starts to create a house that you can create a new house on the map and initialize the controls on the right. In the CSS you need to set the house-image position to relative and the houses position to absolute, so that the houses can be displayed as overlay above the image. And remember storing the houses position in a relative format like percent to the underlaying image.


Then you need events for all the created houses. So that if the user selects a house it can be identified via a HTML data-attribute e.g. data-id="house ID". This id can then be used to get the house from your stored list of all houses to display the name etc. in the controls on the right.

然后,您需要为所有创建的房屋提供活动。因此,如果用户选择房屋,则可以通过例如HTML数据属性来识别房屋。 data-id =“house ID”。然后可以使用此ID从您存储的所有房屋列表中获取房屋,以在右侧的控件中显示名称等。

Another important event would be the click on the button to save or delete the currently selected house. In this event you can call a function to check for validation of the input and make the AJAX call to your API. To store or to delete objects you should set the method to 'PUT' or 'DELETE' in the AJAX call.


To start developing all this I can recommend XAMPP as a local development environment. I hope this answer fits the pieces a little together and gives an overview of the things you need to build.




Its been a while but I figured I should provide an update on how I accomplished this.


If you want to make an interactive map of any sort, use Leaflet (http://leafletjs.com/). It's nothing short of amazing and has lots of functionality and plugins.


To create the kind of map I described:


  1. Use leaflet
    1. In leaflet js, set/create a non-geographical map
    2. 在传单js中,设置/创建非地理地图

    3. To create the house icons, use leaflets custom markers api to either use a static image as an icon or use CSS to render one.
    4. 要创建房屋图标,请使用传单自定义标记api将静态图像用作图标或使用CSS渲染图标。

    5. Since Leaflet is JS, you can set up Event listeners in the code that can react to the user clicking on different items on the map.
    6. 由于Leaflet是JS,您可以在代码中设置事件侦听器,以响应用户单击地图上的不同项目。

    7. You can use JQuery and Ajax to store information about the nodes/markers in a server-side database and in turn get info about the nodes/markers from a server-side db.
    8. 您可以使用JQuery和Ajax在服务器端数据库中存储有关节点/标记的信息,然后从服务器端db获取有关节点/标记的信息。

    9. Marker postions can be saved as latitudes and longtitudes in an array that is sent to the server (and retrieved too).
    10. 标记位置可以保存为发送到服务器(也可以检索)的数组中的纬度和经度。

    11. Use refresh and timeouts to keep updating info about the map nodes or data
    12. 使用刷新和超时来不断更新有关地图节点或数据的信息

  2. 使用传单在传单js中,设置/创建非地理地图要创建房屋图标,请使用传单自定义标记api将静态图像用作图标或使用CSS渲染图标。由于Leaflet是JS,您可以在代码中设置事件侦听器,以响应用户单击地图上的不同项目。您可以使用JQuery和Ajax在服务器端数据库中存储有关节点/标记的信息,然后从服务器端db获取有关节点/标记的信息。标记位置可以保存为发送到服务器(也可以检索)的数组中的纬度和经度。使用刷新和超时来不断更新有关地图节点或数据的信息