# Chapter 8 homework by szh 2018.3.28 print("\n8.1") def display_message(): print("This chapter we study the function.") display_message() print("\n8.2") def favorite_book(title): print(" One of my favorite books is " + title) favorite_book('Alice in Wonderland') print("\n8.3") def make_shirt(size, words): print("The Tshirt's size is " + size + " and the words is " + words) make_shirt('middle', 'Hello world!') print("\n8.4") def make_shirt2(size='big', words='I love Python!'): print("The Tshirt's size is " + size + " and the words is " + words) make_shirt2() make_shirt2('middle') make_shirt2('small', 'I love C++!') print("\n8.5") def describe_city(city, country = 'Iceland'): print(city + ' is in ' + country) describe_city('Reykjavik') describe_city('London', 'England') describe_city('Beijing', 'China') print("\n8.6") def city_country(city, country): return city + ", " + country print(city_country('Beijing', 'China')) print(city_country('London', 'England')) print(city_country('Shanghai', 'China')) print("\n8.7") def make_album(name, album_name): return {'name':name, 'album name':album_name} print(make_album('Alice', 'I Love You ~')) def make_album2(name, album_name, number = None): if number: return {'name':name, 'album name':album_name, 'number':number} else: return {'name':name, 'album name':album_name} print(make_album2('Alice', 'I Love You ~')) print(make_album2('Bob', 'Break out', 12)) print("\n8.9") magicians = ['Alice', 'Bob', 'Eric', 'Jack'] def show_magicians(magicians): for magician in magicians: print(magician) show_magicians(magicians) print("\n8.10") def make_great(magicians): for i in range(len(magicians)): magicians[i] = "The Great " + magicians[i] return magicians magicians = make_great(magicians) show_magicians(magicians) print("\n8.11") magicians = ['Alice', 'Bob', 'Eric', 'Jack'] Great_magicians = make_great(magicians[:]) print("The Great magicians: ") show_magicians(Great_magicians) print("\nThe orginal magicians: ") show_magicians(magicians)
8.1 This chapter we study the function. 8.2 One of my favorite books is Alice in Wonderland 8.3 The Tshirt's size is middle and the words is Hello world! 8.4 The Tshirt's size is big and the words is I love Python! The Tshirt's size is middle and the words is I love Python! The Tshirt's size is small and the words is I love C++! 8.5 Reykjavik is in Iceland London is in England Beijing is in China 8.6 Beijing, China London, England Shanghai, China 8.7 {'name': 'Alice', 'album name': 'I Love You ~'} {'name': 'Alice', 'album name': 'I Love You ~'} {'name': 'Bob', 'album name': 'Break out', 'number': 12} 8.9 Alice Bob Eric Jack 8.10 The Great Alice The Great Bob The Great Eric The Great Jack 8.11 The Great magicians: The Great Alice The Great Bob The Great Eric The Great Jack The orginal magicians: Alice Bob Eric Jack