I am using Jquery Mobile to create a HTML5 Mobile Application which would be able to display charts which are created using d3js. These charts would be created on client side, however the data would be retrieved via server. The JQM pages are static HTML pages which would request data from server and create impromptu charts. However, I am having difficulty in understanding JQM ajax/hash mapping. When I redirect a request to another page it is unable to run javascript on that page. Hence I have used window.location.href = a.html
to change pages instead of $.mobile.changePage(a.html).
我正在使用Jquery Mobile创建一个HTML5移动应用程序,它可以显示使用d3js创建的图表。这些图表将在客户端创建,但数据将通过服务器检索。 JQM页面是静态HTML页面,可以从服务器请求数据并创建即兴图表。但是,我很难理解JQM ajax / hash映射。当我将请求重定向到另一个页面时,它无法在该页面上运行javascript。因此我使用window.location.href = a.html来更改页面而不是$ .mobile.changePage(a.html)。
Each data page has an id so that it can be cached, how can I then create a new page link and feed it data.
I have 2 files : index.html
which contains list of data which a user can choose to see and then another file which is chart.html
which contains information on how to create a chart using Javascript Ajax to fetch data from server. How is this possible using JQM.
我有2个文件:index.html包含用户可以选择查看的数据列表,然后是另一个文件,它是chart.html,其中包含有关如何使用Javascript Ajax从服务器获取数据创建图表的信息。如何使用JQM实现这一点。
1 个解决方案
I hope you have already run through JQM Page Links and JQM Page Scripting
我希望您已经完成了JQM Page Links和JQM Page Scripting
Since JQM fetches all subsequent pages via (Hi)Ajax and inserts their <body>
tag into the current DOM; the <script>
s defined on your subsequent pages are not executed.
You will need to include all your scripts in the <head>
of your first page - index.html
您需要在第一页的中包含所有脚本 - index.html
For passing parameters between pages; you could simply use the plugins mentioned at the bottom of the JQM Page Scripting page
Although I personally just use the $.data() function :D
虽然我个人只是使用$ .data()函数:D
I hope you have already run through JQM Page Links and JQM Page Scripting
我希望您已经完成了JQM Page Links和JQM Page Scripting
Since JQM fetches all subsequent pages via (Hi)Ajax and inserts their <body>
tag into the current DOM; the <script>
s defined on your subsequent pages are not executed.
You will need to include all your scripts in the <head>
of your first page - index.html
您需要在第一页的中包含所有脚本 - index.html
For passing parameters between pages; you could simply use the plugins mentioned at the bottom of the JQM Page Scripting page
Although I personally just use the $.data() function :D
虽然我个人只是使用$ .data()函数:D