1- 分层继承
当使用文本数据时,Java提供了三种类别,包括String, StringBuffer和StringBuilder。当使用大数据来工作时,你应该用StringBuffer或StringBuilder来优化效率。基本上这三个类有许多相似之处。
- String 是不可变的(这个概念的更多详细信息,在文档中)。它不允许子类的存在。
- StringBuffer, StringBuilder 是可变的。
- 为了处理多线程使用文本,你应该为了防止线程之间冲突而使用StringBuffer。
- 要使用一个线程处理的文本,你应该使用StringBuilder。
2- 可变和不可变的概念
// This is a class with value field and name field.
// When you create this class, you cannot reset the value and all other fields from outside.
// This class does not have methods for the purpose of resetting fields from outside.
// It means this class is immutable
public class ImmutableClassExample {
private int value;
private String name; public ImmutableClassExample(String name, int value) {
this.value = value;
this.name= name;
} public String getName() {
return name;
} public int getValue() {
return value;
} // This is a class owning a value field.
// After creating the object, you can reset values of the value field by calling setNewValue(int) method.
// This is a mutable class.
public class MutableClassExample { private int value; public MutableClassExample(int value) {
this.value= value;
} public void setNewValue(int newValue) {
this.value = newValue;
} }
3- String
String 在Java中是最重要的一个类,Java编程开始使用字符串就使用著名的System.out.println()语句在控制台上打印东西。许多Java初学者不知道String是不可变的和最终的Java字符串结果,每次修改需要创建一个新的String对象。
3.1- String是一个非常特殊的类
Java的设计者决定这一个面向对象语言,以保留原始类型,而不是使所有的对象, 以便提高语言的性能。原始数据存储(在)调用栈,其需要较少的存储空间和更方便的操作。另一方面,对象被存储在程序堆,这需要复杂的存储器管理和更多的存储空间。出于性能的原因,Java字符串被设计为在一种原始和类之间类型。特殊功能的字符串包括:
- “+”操作符,它执行的加入对原始类型(如int和double),重载对String对象进行操作。'+'两个字符串操作数进行串联。 Java不考虑让开发者支持运算符重载。在支持运算符重载像C++语言,可以把一个“+”操作符来执行减法,引起不良代码。 “+”操作符是重载的内部支持字符串连接在Java中的唯一操作符。注意到,“+”不在两个任意对象上工作。
- 直接分配字符串到字符串引用 - 就像一个原始数据类型或通过“new”操作符和构造,类似于任何其他类。然而,这是不常用的,所以不推荐。
- 字符串字面存储在一个公共池。这有利于对具有相同内容的字符串,以节省存储存储的共享。new操作符分配的String对象都存储在堆中,并没有对相同内容的共享存储。
// Implicit construction via string literal
String str1 = "Java is Hot"; // Explicit construction via new
String str2 = new String("I'm cool");
3.2- String文字和String对象
String s1 = "Hello"; // String literal
String s2 = "Hello"; // String literal
String s3 = s1; // same reference
String s4 = new String("Hello"); // String object
String s5 = new String("Hello"); // String object

Java已经提供了一个特殊的机制,来保存字符串文字 - 所谓的字符串公共池。如果两个字符串具有相同的内容,它们将共享公共池内同一存储器。这样的做法是采取以节省对经常使用的字符串存储。在另一方面,通过 new 操作符和构造器创建String对象都保存在堆中。 在堆中的每个String对象都有自己的存储就像任何其他对象。没有共享存储堆,即使两个String对象具有相同的内容。
String s1 = "Hello"; // String literal
String s2 = "Hello"; // String literal
String s3 = s1; // same reference
String s4 = new String("Hello"); // String object
String s5 = new String("Hello"); // String object s1 == s1; // true, same pointer
s1 == s2; // true, s1 and s2 share storage in common pool
s1 == s3; // true, s3 is assigned same pointer as s1
s1 == s4; // false, different pointers
s4 == s5; // false, different pointers in heap s1.equals(s3); // true, same contents
s1.equals(s4); // true, same contents
s4.equals(s5); // true, same contents
3.3- 字符串的方法
SN | 方法 | 描述 |
1 | char charAt(int index) |
2 | int compareTo(Object o) |
3 | int compareTo(String anotherString) |
4 | int compareToIgnoreCase(String str) |
5 | String concat(String str) |
6 | boolean contentEquals(StringBuffer sb) |
7 | static String copyValueOf(char[] data) |
8 | static String copyValueOf(char[] data, int offset, int count) |
9 | boolean endsWith(String suffix) |
10 | boolean equals(Object anObject) |
11 | boolean equalsIgnoreCase(String anotherString) |
12 | byte getBytes() |
13 | byte[] getBytes(String charsetName) |
14 | void getChars(int srcBegin, int srcEnd, char[] dst, int dstBegin) |
15 | int hashCode() |
16 | int indexOf(int ch) |
17 | int indexOf(int ch, int fromIndex) |
18 | int indexOf(String str) |
19 | int indexOf(String str, int fromIndex) |
20 | String intern() |
21 | int lastIndexOf(int ch) |
22 | int lastIndexOf(int ch, int fromIndex) |
23 | int lastIndexOf(String str) |
24 | int lastIndexOf(String str, int fromIndex) |
25 | int length() |
26 | boolean matches(String regex) |
27 | boolean regionMatches(boolean ignoreCase, int toffset, String other, int ooffset, int len) |
28 | boolean regionMatches(int toffset, String other, int ooffset, int len) |
29 | String replace(char oldChar, char newChar) |
30 | String replaceAll(String regex, String replacement) |
31 | String replaceFirst(String regex, String replacement) |
32 | String[] split(String regex) |
33 | String[] split(String regex, int limit) |
34 | boolean startsWith(String prefix) |
35 | boolean startsWith(String prefix, int toffset) |
36 | CharSequence subSequence(int beginIndex, int endIndex) |
37 | String substring(int beginIndex) |
38 | String substring(int beginIndex, int endIndex) |
39 | char[] toCharArray() |
40 | String toLowerCase() |
41 | String toLowerCase(Locale locale) |
42 | String toString() |
43 | String toUpperCase() |
44 | String toUpperCase(Locale locale) |
45 | String trim() |
46 | static String valueOf(primitive data type x) |
3.3.1- length()
- LengthDemo.java
package com.yiibai.tutorial.str; public class LengthDemo { public static void main(String[] args) {
String str = "This is text";
int len = str.length();
System.out.println("String Length is : " + len);

3.3.2- concat(String)
- ConcatDemo.java
package com.yiibai.tutorial.str; public class ConcatDemo { public static void main(String[] args) {
String s1 = "One";
String s2 = "Two";
String s3 = "Three"; // s1.concat(s2) same as s1 + s2
String s = s1.concat(s2);
System.out.println("s1.concat(s2) = " + s); // s1.concat(s2).concat(s3) same as s1 + s2 + s3;
s = s1.concat(s2).concat(s3); System.out.println("s1.concat(s2).concat(s3) = " + s);
s1.concat(s2) = OneTwo
s1.concat(s2).concat(s3) = OneTwoThree
3.3.3- indexOf(..)
- IndexOfDemo.java
package com.yiibai.tutorial.str; public class IndexOfDemo { public static void main(String[] args) {
String str = "This is text"; // Find index within this string of the first occurrence 'i'.
// ==> 2
int idx = str.indexOf('i');
System.out.println("- indexOf('i') = " + idx); // Find index within this string of the first occurrence 'i'
// starting the search at index 4.
// ==> 5
idx = str.indexOf('i', 4);
System.out.println("- indexOf('i',4) = " + idx); // index within this string of the first occurrence of "te".
// ==> 8
idx = str.indexOf("te");
System.out.println("- indexOf('te') = " + idx);
} }
- indexOf('i') = 2
- indexOf('i',4) = 5
- indexOf('te') = 8
3.3.4- substring(..)
- SubstringDemo.java
package com.yiibai.tutorial.str; public class SubstringDemo { public static void main(String[] args) {
String str = "This is text"; // Returns the substring from index 3 to the end of string.
String substr = str.substring(3); System.out.println("- substring(3)=" + substr); // Returns the substring from index 2 to index 7.
substr = str.substring(2, 7); System.out.println("- substring(2, 7) =" + substr);
- substring(3)=s is text
- substring(2, 7) =is is
3.3.5- replace
// Returns a new string resulting from replacing all occurrences of
// oldChar in this string with newChar.
public String replace(char oldChar, char newChar) // Replaces each substring of this string that matches the given
// 'regular expression' with the given replacement.
public String replaceAll(String regex, String replacement) // Replaces the first substring of this string that matches
// the given <'regular expression' with the given replacement.
public String replaceFirst(String regex, String replacement)
- ReplaceDemo.java
package com.yiibai.tutorial.str; public class ReplaceDemo { public static void main(String[] args) {
String str = "This is text"; // Replace the character 'i' by 'x'.
String s2 = str.replace('i', 'x'); System.out.println("- s2=" + s2); // Replace all the strings match "is" by "abc". (Regular Expression)
String s3 = str.replaceAll("is", "abc"); System.out.println("- s3=" + s3); // Replaces the first substring of this string that matches "is" by "abc".
String s4 = str.replaceFirst("is", "abc"); System.out.println("- s4=" + s4); // (See also document the regular expression)
// Replace all substring matching expression:
// "is|te": means "is" or "te" replaced by "+".
String s5 = str.replaceAll("is|te", "+");
System.out.println("- s5=" + s5);
} }
- s2=Thxs xs text
- s3=Thabc abc text
- s4=Thabc is text
- s5=Th+ + +xt
3.3.6- 其它示例
- StringOtherDemo.java
package com.yiibai.tutorial.str; public class StringOtherDemo { public static void main(String[] args) {
String str = "This is text"; System.out.println("- str=" + str); // Return lower case string.
String s2 = str.toLowerCase(); System.out.println("- s2=" + s2); // Return upper case string
String s3 = str.toUpperCase(); System.out.println("- s3=" + s3); // Check string started by "This" or not.
boolean swith = str.startsWith("This"); System.out.println("- 'str' startsWith This ? " + swith); // A string with whitespace in beginning and end.
// Note: \t is tab character
// \n is new line character
str = " \t Java is hot! \t \n "; System.out.println("- str=" + str); // Returns a copy of the string, with leading and trailing whitespace omitted.
String s4 = str.trim(); System.out.println("- s4=" + s4);
} }
- str=This is text
- s2=this is text
- 'str' startsWith This ? true
- str= Java is hot! - s4=Java is hot!
4- StringBuffer vs StringBuilder
// Constructors
StringBuffer() // an initially-empty StringBuffer
StringBuffer(int size) // with the specified initial size
StringBuffer(String s) // with the specified initial content // Length
int length() // Methods for building up the content
// type could be primitives, char[], String, StringBuffer, etc
StringBuffer append(type arg) // ==> note above!
StringBuffer insert(int offset, type arg) // ==> note above! // Methods for manipulating the content
StringBuffer delete(int start, int end)
StringBuffer deleteCharAt(int index)
void setLength(int newSize)
void setCharAt(int index, char newChar)
StringBuffer replace(int start, int end, String s)
StringBuffer reverse() // Methods for extracting whole/part of the content
char charAt(int index)
String substring(int start)
String substring(int start, int end)
String toString() // Methods for searching
int indexOf(String searchKey)
int indexOf(String searchKey, int fromIndex)
int lastIndexOf(String searchKey)
int lastIndexOf(String searchKey, int fromIndex)
- StringBuilderDemo.java
package com.yiibai.tutorial.strbb; public class StringBuilderDemo { public static void main(String[] args) { // Create StringBuilder object
// with no characters in it and
// an initial capacity specified by the capacity argument
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(10); // Append the string Hello ... on sb.
System.out.println("- sb after appends a string: " + sb); // append a character
char c = '!';
System.out.println("- sb after appending a char: " + sb); // Insert a string at index 5
sb.insert(8, " Java");
System.out.println("- sb after insert string: " + sb); // Delete substring at index 5 to 8
sb.delete(5,8); System.out.println("- sb after delete: " + sb);
- sb after appends a string: Hello...
- sb after appending a char: Hello...!
- sb after insert string: Hello... Java!
- sb after delete: Hello Java!