
时间:2022-11-19 13:30:15

I want to achieve something like a growing arc which indicates 5 levels (see picture). My data has only an integer value which is between 1-5. You can ignore the icon in the middle for now. Is there any possibility to achieve something like that in d3? I couldn't find any example for this. Moreover I tried it with a cut off pie (donut) chart approach, but I couldn't make the growing arc... I would appreciate any help! Thanks for that.



3 个解决方案


You can do this with d3 without dependency on external images, SVG sprites or anything in the DOM — just d3.js.

您可以使用d3执行此操作,而不依赖于外部图像,SVG精灵或DOM中的任何内容 - 只需d3.js.

Here's a working fiddle. The implementation is explained below. But also, here's a more advanced fiddle that animates a clip-path over the growing arc. Check out its predecessor to see how the mask looks without clipping.


First, you need to represent the graphics as an array of data that you bind to with d3. Specifically, you need a color and a "line command" (the string you assign to d as in <path d="...">. Something like this:

首先,您需要将图形表示为与d3绑定的数据数组。具体来说,你需要一个颜色和一个“行命令”(你在 中指定给d的字符串。这样的东西:

var segmentData = [
    { color:"#ED6000", cmd:"M42.6,115.3c5.2,1.5,11,2.4,16.8,2.4c1.1,0,2.7,0,3.7-0.1v-2.2c-7,0-13.1-1.3-18.8-3.6L42.6,115.3z" },
    { color:"#EF7D00", cmd:"M25.7,99.3c4.3,4.7,9.5,8.6,15.3,11.3l-1.4,3.8c-6.9-2.4-13.2-6.1-18.6-10.8L25.7,99.3z" },
    { color:"#F4A300", cmd:"M23.7,97c-5.2-6.4-8.8-14-10.3-22.4L2.9,75.7c2.9,10,8.5,18.9,15.8,25.9L23.7,97z" },
    { color:"#F7BC00", cmd:"M13,71.5c-0.2-2-0.4-4-0.4-6c0-10.7,3.4-20.6,9.2-28.8L9.4,28.3c-5.6,9-8.9,19.6-8.9,30.9  c0,4.6,0.6,9.1,1.6,13.5L13,71.5z" },
    { color:"#FFCF36", cmd:"M63,15.7V0.8c-1-0.1-2.5-0.1-3.7-0.1c-19.9,0-37.5,9.9-48.1,25l12.7,8.6C33.1,23,46,15.7,63,15.7z" }

Then you need an empty <svg> and probably a <g> within it, into which to draw the graphics:

然后你需要一个空的 ,可能还需要一个 来绘制图形:

var svg = d3.select("body").append("svg")
    .attr("width", 125)
    .attr("height", 125);

var gauge = svg.append("g");

Then you use d3 binding to create the segments:


var segments = gauge.selectAll(".segment")
    .attr("fill", function(d) { return d.color; })
    .attr("d", function(d) { return d.cmd; });

This just creates the graphic, but doesn't color it based on an integer value. For that, you can define an update function:


function update(value) {
        .attr("fill", function(d, i) {
            return i < value ? d.color : "#ccc";

Calling update(4) will color all but the last segment. Calling update(0) color none (leaving all of them gray).

调用update(4)将为最后一段除外。调用update(0)color none(将所有这些都保持为灰色)。

In the fiddle, there's also a tick() function that calls update with a new value on a setTimeout basis, but that's just for demo.


Finally, if you wish, you can wrap all that code up and create a reusable component by following the advice in [this article].(http://bost.ocks.org/mike/chart/)



since it is relatively simple picture, I'd use a sprite, with 5 variations. That would be much easier than using d3 and gives the same result. (you could use some online tool like http://spritepad.wearekiss.com/ )

因为它是相对简单的图片,我会使用一个精灵,有5种变化。这比使用d3容易得多并给出相同的结果。 (你可以使用一些在线工具,如http://spritepad.wearekiss.com/)


If you want to mimic duolingo progress images you can just simply copy their solution with own images. They are using sprites as this one: http://d7mj4aqfscim2.cloudfront.net/images/skill-strength-sprite2.svg not the d3.js approach. This will save you a lot of time and effort.



You can do this with d3 without dependency on external images, SVG sprites or anything in the DOM — just d3.js.

您可以使用d3执行此操作,而不依赖于外部图像,SVG精灵或DOM中的任何内容 - 只需d3.js.

Here's a working fiddle. The implementation is explained below. But also, here's a more advanced fiddle that animates a clip-path over the growing arc. Check out its predecessor to see how the mask looks without clipping.


First, you need to represent the graphics as an array of data that you bind to with d3. Specifically, you need a color and a "line command" (the string you assign to d as in <path d="...">. Something like this:

首先,您需要将图形表示为与d3绑定的数据数组。具体来说,你需要一个颜色和一个“行命令”(你在 中指定给d的字符串。这样的东西:

var segmentData = [
    { color:"#ED6000", cmd:"M42.6,115.3c5.2,1.5,11,2.4,16.8,2.4c1.1,0,2.7,0,3.7-0.1v-2.2c-7,0-13.1-1.3-18.8-3.6L42.6,115.3z" },
    { color:"#EF7D00", cmd:"M25.7,99.3c4.3,4.7,9.5,8.6,15.3,11.3l-1.4,3.8c-6.9-2.4-13.2-6.1-18.6-10.8L25.7,99.3z" },
    { color:"#F4A300", cmd:"M23.7,97c-5.2-6.4-8.8-14-10.3-22.4L2.9,75.7c2.9,10,8.5,18.9,15.8,25.9L23.7,97z" },
    { color:"#F7BC00", cmd:"M13,71.5c-0.2-2-0.4-4-0.4-6c0-10.7,3.4-20.6,9.2-28.8L9.4,28.3c-5.6,9-8.9,19.6-8.9,30.9  c0,4.6,0.6,9.1,1.6,13.5L13,71.5z" },
    { color:"#FFCF36", cmd:"M63,15.7V0.8c-1-0.1-2.5-0.1-3.7-0.1c-19.9,0-37.5,9.9-48.1,25l12.7,8.6C33.1,23,46,15.7,63,15.7z" }

Then you need an empty <svg> and probably a <g> within it, into which to draw the graphics:

然后你需要一个空的 ,可能还需要一个 来绘制图形:

var svg = d3.select("body").append("svg")
    .attr("width", 125)
    .attr("height", 125);

var gauge = svg.append("g");

Then you use d3 binding to create the segments:


var segments = gauge.selectAll(".segment")
    .attr("fill", function(d) { return d.color; })
    .attr("d", function(d) { return d.cmd; });

This just creates the graphic, but doesn't color it based on an integer value. For that, you can define an update function:


function update(value) {
        .attr("fill", function(d, i) {
            return i < value ? d.color : "#ccc";

Calling update(4) will color all but the last segment. Calling update(0) color none (leaving all of them gray).

调用update(4)将为最后一段除外。调用update(0)color none(将所有这些都保持为灰色)。

In the fiddle, there's also a tick() function that calls update with a new value on a setTimeout basis, but that's just for demo.


Finally, if you wish, you can wrap all that code up and create a reusable component by following the advice in [this article].(http://bost.ocks.org/mike/chart/)



since it is relatively simple picture, I'd use a sprite, with 5 variations. That would be much easier than using d3 and gives the same result. (you could use some online tool like http://spritepad.wearekiss.com/ )

因为它是相对简单的图片,我会使用一个精灵,有5种变化。这比使用d3容易得多并给出相同的结果。 (你可以使用一些在线工具,如http://spritepad.wearekiss.com/)


If you want to mimic duolingo progress images you can just simply copy their solution with own images. They are using sprites as this one: http://d7mj4aqfscim2.cloudfront.net/images/skill-strength-sprite2.svg not the d3.js approach. This will save you a lot of time and effort.
