使用jsoup从其他div / id类中的类中提取href

时间:2022-11-19 11:33:18

Hello I am trying to extract the first href from within the "title" class from the following source (the source is only part of the whole page however I am using the entire page):


div id="atfResults" class="list results ">
<div id="result_0" class="result firstRow product" name="0006754023">
    <div id="srNum_0" class="number">1.</div>
        <div class="image">
        <a href="http://rads.*.com/amzn/click/0006754023">
        <img src="http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/31ZcWU6HN4L._AA115_.jpg" class="productImage" alt="Product Details">
<div class="data">
    <div class="title">
<a class="title titleHover" href="http://rads.*.com/amzn/click/0006754023">Essential Modern Classics - The Hobbit</a>
        <span class="ptBrand">by J. R. R. Tolkien</span>
 <span class="bindingAndRelease">(<span class="binding">Paperback</span> -&nbsp;2 Apr 2009)</span>

I have tried several variations of both the select function and also getElementByClass but all have given me a "null" value such as:


Document firstSearchPage = Jsoup.connect(fullST).get();
Element link = firstSearchPage.select("div.title").first();

If someone could help me with a solution to this problem and recommend some areas of reading so I can avoid this problem in future it would be greatly appreciated.


1 个解决方案



The CSS selector div.title, returns a <div class="title">, not a link as you seem to think. If you want an <a class="title"> then you should use the a.title selector.


,而不是你想象中的链接。如果你想要 那么你应该使用a.title选择器。

Element link = document.select("a.title").first();
String href = link.absUrl("href");
// ...

Or if an <a class="title"> can appear elsewhere in the document outside a <div class="title"> before that point, then you need the following more specific selector:


Element link = document.select("div.title a.title").first();
String href = link.absUrl("href");
// ...

This will return the first <a class="title"> which is a child of <div class="title">.




The CSS selector div.title, returns a <div class="title">, not a link as you seem to think. If you want an <a class="title"> then you should use the a.title selector.


,而不是你想象中的链接。如果你想要 那么你应该使用a.title选择器。

Element link = document.select("a.title").first();
String href = link.absUrl("href");
// ...

Or if an <a class="title"> can appear elsewhere in the document outside a <div class="title"> before that point, then you need the following more specific selector:


Element link = document.select("div.title a.title").first();
String href = link.absUrl("href");
// ...

This will return the first <a class="title"> which is a child of <div class="title">.
