Say you have a user control that uses a 3rd party JS API (uses dojo). You have a JS function loadMap
that initialize some global variables for your control and hook up some events (from the 3rd party API) to your JS event handlers. In your event handlers you need to use the global variables you defined in loadMap
假设您有一个使用第三方JS API的用户控件(使用dojo)。你有一个JS函数loadMap,它为你的控件初始化一些全局变量,并将一些事件(从第三方API)连接到你的JS事件处理程序。在事件处理程序中,您需要使用在loadMap中定义的全局变量。
Problem: If I have more than one instance of this control in the same page, the globals would overwrite each other and wouldnt work.
How can I write the JS to have global variables within the scope of a control instance, if that makes sense? or any suggestion that would solve my issue.
Here is my control JS code (I minimized it to just show the problem), my globals are defined in the first 3 lines
//create the global variables
var mapVar;
var geocoderVar;
var toolbarVar;
function loadMap(divMap, divSearch) {
// create the map
mapVar = new esri.Map(divMap, {
zoom: 0,
minZoom: 0,
maxZoom: 10,
lods: lods
// create the geocoder
if (geocoderVar === null) {
geocoderVar = new esri.dijit.Geocoder({
map: mapVar
}, divSearch);
//Hook up event handlers
dojo.connect(mapVar, "onExtentChange", checkScale);
dojo.connect(mapVar, "onLoad", createToolbar);
function createToolbar(themap) {
dojo.connect(mapVar, "onClick", function (evt) {
if (canDrop === true) {
point = evt.mapPoint;;
//create the toolbar variable
toolbarVar = new esri.toolbars.Draw(mapVar);
dojo.connect(toolbarVar, "onDrawEnd", addToMap);
function checkScale(extent, delta, outLevelChange, outLod) {
if (outLod.level == 10) {
canDrop = true;
window[controlName + '_toolbarVar'].activate(esri.toolbars.Draw.POINT, { showTooltips: false });
else {
window[controlName + '_toolbarVar'].deactivate();
canDrop = false;
1 个解决方案
Give your code an anonymous local scope instead of writing everything globally:
(function(any, globals, you, need, to, pass, in, as, an, instance){
//All code local to your control goes here
global = "etc..."
}(any, globals, you, need, to, pass, in, as, an, instance));
By passing globals in as themselves, their local version overrides the global and prevents interaction.
Edit: To do this from an external JS file, simply declare your code as a single function, and call it once for each time your control loads. You would then include the JS file only once on your template:
in the js file:
var myFuncLib = function(any, globals, you, need, to, pass, in, as, an, instance){
//All code local to your control goes here
global = "etc..."
in your control:
myFuncLib(any, globals, you, need, to, pass, in, as, an, instance);
The globals passed in may be clsses/id's specific to the control, DOM elements, other library resources, etc.
传入的全局变量可能是clsses / id特定于控件,DOM元素,其他库资源等。
This solution is also approaching a library pattern called the "module pattern" There are a number of good resources available on this topic, not the least of which is the CommonJS spec ( for implementing it in libraries, and the many script loaders that use this pattern.
这个解决方案也接近一个名为“模块模式”的库模式。在这个主题上有许多可用的资源,其中最重要的是CommonJS规范( 1.1)在库中实现它,以及使用这种模式的许多脚本加载器。
Give your code an anonymous local scope instead of writing everything globally:
(function(any, globals, you, need, to, pass, in, as, an, instance){
//All code local to your control goes here
global = "etc..."
}(any, globals, you, need, to, pass, in, as, an, instance));
By passing globals in as themselves, their local version overrides the global and prevents interaction.
Edit: To do this from an external JS file, simply declare your code as a single function, and call it once for each time your control loads. You would then include the JS file only once on your template:
in the js file:
var myFuncLib = function(any, globals, you, need, to, pass, in, as, an, instance){
//All code local to your control goes here
global = "etc..."
in your control:
myFuncLib(any, globals, you, need, to, pass, in, as, an, instance);
The globals passed in may be clsses/id's specific to the control, DOM elements, other library resources, etc.
传入的全局变量可能是clsses / id特定于控件,DOM元素,其他库资源等。
This solution is also approaching a library pattern called the "module pattern" There are a number of good resources available on this topic, not the least of which is the CommonJS spec ( for implementing it in libraries, and the many script loaders that use this pattern.
这个解决方案也接近一个名为“模块模式”的库模式。在这个主题上有许多可用的资源,其中最重要的是CommonJS规范( 1.1)在库中实现它,以及使用这种模式的许多脚本加载器。