
时间:2021-08-07 18:00:42

In terms of SQL injection, I completely understand the necessity to parameterize a string parameter; that's one of the oldest tricks in the book. But when can it be justified to not parameterize an SqlCommand? Are any data types considered "safe" to not parameterize?


For example: I don't consider myself anywhere near an expert in SQL, but I can't think of any cases where it would be potentially vulnerable to SQL injection to accept a bool or an int and just concatenate it right into the query.


Is my assumption correct, or could that potentially leave a huge security vulnerability in my program?


For clarification, this question is tagged which is a strongly-typed language; when I say "parameter," think something like public int Query(int id).

为了澄清,这个问题被标记为c#,这是一种强类型语言;当我说“参数”时,请考虑公共int查询(int id)。

12 个解决方案



I think it's safe... technically, but it's a terrible habit to get into. Do you really want to be writing queries like this?


var sqlCommand = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM People WHERE IsAlive = " + isAlive + 
" AND FirstName = @firstName");

sqlCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("firstName", "Rob");

It also leaves you vulnerable in the situation where a type changes from an integer to a string (Think employee number which, despite its name - may contain letters).


So, we've changed the type of EmployeeNumber from int to string, but forgot to update our sql queries. Oops.




When using a strongly-typed platform on a computer you control (like a web server), you can prevent code injection for queries with only bool, DateTime, or int (and other numeric) values. What is a concern are performance issues caused by forcing sql server to re-compile every query, and by preventing it from getting good statistics on what queries are run with what frequency (which hurts cache management).

当在您控制的计算机(如web服务器)上使用强类型平台时,您可以防止只使用bool、DateTime或int(和其他数值)值的查询的代码注入。令人关注的是强制sql server重新编译每个查询所导致的性能问题,并防止它获得关于哪些查询以什么频率运行的良好统计信息(这会损害缓存管理)。

Really, there's no good reason not to use query parameters for these values. It's the right way to go about this. Go ahead and hard-code values into the sql string when they really are constants, but otherwise, why not just use a parameter? It's not like it's hard.


I also like to think long-term. What happens when today's old-and-busted strongly-typed code base gets ported via automatic translation to the new-hotness dynamic language, and you suddenly lose the type checking, but don't have all the right unit tests yet for the dynamic code?


Ultimately, I wouldn't call this a bug, per se, but I would call it a smell: something that falls just short of a bug by itself, but is a strong indication that bugs are nearby, or will be eventually. Good code avoids leaving smells, and any good static analysis tool will flag this.


I'll add that this is not, unfortunately, the kind of argument you can win straight up. It sounds like a situation where being "right" is no longer enough, and stepping on your co-workers toes to fix this issue on your own isn't likely to promote good team dynamics; it could ultimately hurt more than it helps. A better approach in this case may be to promote the use of a static analysis tool. That would give legitimacy and credibility to efforts aimed and going back and fixing existing code.




In some cases, it IS possible to perform SQL injection attack with non-parametrized (concatenated) variables other than string values - see this article by Jon: http://codeblog.jonskeet.uk/2014/08/08/the-bobbytables-culture/ .

在某些情况下,可以使用非参数化的(连接的)变量来执行SQL注入攻击,而不是字符串值——请参见Jon: http://codeblog.jonskeet。英国/ 2014/08/08 / the-bobbytables-culture /。

Thing is that when ToString is called, some custom culture provider can transform a non-string parameter into its string representation which injects some SQL into the query.




This is not safe even for non-string types. Always use parameters. Period.


Consider following code example:


var utcNow = DateTime.UtcNow;
var sqlCommand = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM People WHERE created_on <= '" + utcNow + "'");

At the first glance code looks safe, but everything changes if you make some changes in Windows Regional Settings and add injection in short date format:



Now resulting command text looks like this:


SELECT * FROM People WHERE created_on <= '26.09.2015' OR '1'<>' 21:21:43'

The same can be done for int type as user can define custom negative sign which can be easily changed into SQL injection.


One could argue that invariant culture should be used instead of current culture, but I have seen string concatenations like this so many times and it is quite easy to miss when concatenating strings with objects using +.




"SELECT * FROM Table1 WHERE Id=" + intVariable.ToString()

"SELECT * FROM Table1, Id=" + intVariable.ToString()

It is OK.
Attackers can not inject anything in your typed int variable.


Not OK.


It's better to use parameters, so the query will be compiled once and cached for next usage. Next time even with different parameter values, query is cached and doesn't need to compile in database server.


Coding Style
Bad practice.


  • Parameters are more readable
  • 参数更具可读性
  • Maybe it makes you get used to queries without parameters, then maybe you made a mistake once and use a string value this way and then you probably should say goodbye to your data. Bad habit!
  • 也许它让你习惯了没有参数的查询,然后也许你犯了一个错误,用这种方式使用一个字符串值,然后你可能应该对你的数据说再见。坏习惯!

"SELECT * FROM Product WHERE Id=" + TextBox1.Text

“从Id=”+ TextBox1.Text的产品中选择*

Although it is not your question, but maybe useful for future readers:


Even when the Id field is integer, your query may be subject to SQL Injection. Suppose you have a query in your application "SELECT * FROM Table1 WHERE Id=" + TextBox1.Text, An attacker can insert into text box 1; DELETE Table1 and the query will be:

安全灾难!即使Id字段是整数,您的查询也可能受到SQL注入的影响。假设您的应用程序“SELECT * FROM Table1”中有一个查询,其中Id=" + TextBox1。攻击者可以在文本框1中插入;删除表1,查询为:

"SELECT * FROM Table1 WHERE Id=1; DELETE Table1"

If you don't want to use parametrized query here, you should use typed values:


string.Format("SELECT * FROM Table1 WHERE Id={0}", int.Parse(TextBox1.Text))

Your Question


My question arose because a coworker wrote a bunch of queries concatenating integer values, and I was wondering whether it was a waste of my time to go through and fix all of them.


I think changing those codes is not waste of time. Indeed change is Recommended!


if your coworker uses int variables, it has no security risk , But I think changing those codes is not waste of time and indeed changing those codes is recommended. It makes code more readable, more maintainable and makes execution faster.




There are actually two questions in one. And question from the title has very little to do with concerns expressed by the OP in the comments afterwards.


Although I realize that for the OP it is their particular case that matters, for the readers coming from Google, it is important to answer to the more general question, that can be phrased as "is concatenation as safe as prepared statements if I made sure that every literal I am concatenating is safe?". So, I would like to concentrate on this latter one. And the answer is


Definitely NO.

The explanation is not that direct as most readers would like, but I'll try my best.


I have been pondering on the matter for a while, resulting in the article (though based on the PHP environment) where I tried to sum everything up. It occurred to me that the question of protection from SQL injection is often eludes toward some related but narrower topics, like string escaping, type casting and such. Although some of the measures can be considered safe when taken by themselves, there is no system, nor a simple rule to follow. Which makes it very slippery ground, putting too much on the developer's attention and experience.


The question of SQL injection cannot be simplified to a matter of some particular syntax issue. It is wider than average developer used to think. It's a methodological question as well. It is not only "Which particular formatting we have to apply", but "How it have to be done" as well.


(From this point of view, an article from Jon Skeet cited in the other answer is doing rather bad than good, as it is again nitpicking on some edge case, concentrating on a particular syntax issue and failing to address the problem at whole.)

(从这个角度来看,另一个答案中引用的Jon Skeet的一篇文章做得相当糟糕,而不是很好,因为它再次挑剔某些edge案例,专注于特定的语法问题,而未能完全解决问题。)

When you're trying to address the question of protection not as whole but as a set of different syntax issues, you're facing multitude of problems.


  • the list of possible formatting choices is really huge. Means one can easily overlook some. Or confuse them (by using string escaping for identifier for example).
  • 可能的格式选择列表非常巨大。意思是一个人可以很容易地忽略一些。或者混淆它们(例如使用字符串转义作为标识符)。
  • Concatenation means that all protection measures have to be done by the programmer, not program. This issue alone leads to several consequences:
    • such a formatting is manual. Manual means extremely error prone. One could simply forget to apply.
    • 这种格式是手动的。手动意味着极容易出错。你可以简单地忘记申请。
    • moreover, there is a temptation to move formatting procedures into some centralized function, messing things even more, and spoiling data that is not going to database.
    • 此外,还有一种诱惑,即将格式化过程转移到某个集中函数中,从而使事情变得更混乱,并破坏不进入数据库的数据。
  • 连接意味着所有的保护措施必须由程序员完成,而不是程序。仅这个问题就会导致几个后果:这种格式是手动的。手动意味着极容易出错。人们可能会忘记申请。此外,还有一种诱惑,即将格式化过程转移到某个集中函数中,从而使事情变得更混乱,并破坏不进入数据库的数据。
  • when more than one developers involved, problems multiply by a factor of ten.
  • 当涉及多个开发人员时,问题会乘以10倍。
  • when concatenation is used, one cannot tell a potentially dangerous query at glance: they all potentially dangerous!
  • 当使用连接时,不能一眼就看出一个潜在危险的查询:它们都有潜在危险!

Unlike that mess, prepared statements are indeed The Holy Grail:


  • it can be expressed in the form of one simple rule that is easy to follow.
  • 它可以用一个简单的规则来表示,这个规则很容易遵循。
  • it is essentially undetacheable measure, means the developer cannot interfere, and, willingly or unwillingly, spoil the process.
  • 它本质上是不可分离的度量,这意味着开发人员不能进行干预,并且愿意或不情愿地破坏这个过程。
  • protection from injection is really only a side effect of the prepared statements, which real purpose is to produce syntactically correct statement. And a syntactically correct statement is 100% injection proof. Yet we need our syntax to be correct despite of any injection possibility.
  • 对注入的保护实际上只是准备语句的副作用,其真正目的是生成语法正确的语句。语法正确的语句是100%注射证明。然而,我们需要我们的语法是正确的,尽管有任何注入的可能性。
  • if used all the way around, it protects the application regardless of the developer's experience. Say, there is a thing called second order injection. And a very strong delusion that reads "in order to protect, Escape All User Supplied Input". Combined together, they lead to injection, if a developer takes the liberty to decide, what needs to be protected and what not.
  • 如果一直使用,不管开发人员的经验如何,它都会保护应用程序。有一种东西叫做二阶注入。一种非常强烈的错觉,写着“为了保护、逃避所有用户提供的输入”。结合在一起,它们将导致注入,如果开发人员可以*地决定,哪些需要保护,哪些不需要。

(Thinking further, I discovered that current set of placeholders is not enough for the real life needs and have to be extended, both for the complex data structures, like arrays, and even SQL keywords or identifiers, which have to be sometimes added to the query dynamically too, but a developer is left unarmed for such a case, and forced to fall back to string concatenation but that's a matter of another question).


Interestingly, this question's controversy is provoked by the very controversial nature of Stack Overflow. The site's idea is to make use of particular questions from users who ask directly to achieve the goal of having a database of general purpose answers suitable for users who come from search. The idea is not bad per se, but it fails in a situation like this: when a user asks a very narrow question, particularly to get an argument in a dispute with a colleague (or to decide if it worth to refactor the code). While most of experienced participants are trying to write an answer, keeping in mind the mission of Stack Overflow at whole, making their answer good for as many readers as possible, not the OP only.

有趣的是,这个问题的争议是由Stack Overflow的极具争议性引起的。该网站的想法是利用用户直接提出的特定问题,以实现拥有适合搜索用户的通用答案数据库的目标。这个想法本身并不坏,但在这种情况下它就失败了:当用户问一个非常狭窄的问题时,尤其是在与同事发生争执时(或者决定是否值得重构代码)。当大多数有经验的参与者都在尝试编写一个答案时,请记住Stack Overflow的使命,使他们的答案对尽可能多的读者有效,而不仅仅是OP。



Let's not just think about security or type-safe considerations.


The reason you use parametrized queries is to improve performance at the database level. From a database perspective, a parametrized query is one query in the SQL buffer (to use Oracle's terminology although I imagine all databases have a similar concept internally). So, the database can hold a certain amount of queries in memory, prepared and ready to execute. These queries do not need to be parsed and will be quicker. Frequently run queries will usually be in the buffer and will not need parsing every time they are used.




Somebody doesn't use parametrized queries. In this case, the buffer gets continually flushed through by a stream of nearly identical queries each of which needs to be parsed and run by the database engine and performance suffers all-round as even frequently run queries end up being re-parsed many times a day. I have tuned databases for a living and this has been one of the biggest sources of low-hanging fruit.




To answer your question, IF your query has a small number of distinct numeric values, you will probably not be causing issues and may in fact improve performance infinitesimally. IF however there are potentially hundreds of values and the query gets called a lot, you are going to affect the performance of your system so don't do it.


Yes you can increase the SQL buffer but it's always ultimately at the expense of other more critical uses for memory like caching Indexes or Data. Moral, use parametrized queries pretty religiously so you can optimize your database and use more server memory for the stuff that matters...




To add some info to Maciek answer:


It is easy to alter the culture info of a .NET third party app by calling the main-function of the assembly by reflection:


using System;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Threading;

namespace ConsoleApplication2
  class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
      Assembly asm = Assembly.LoadFile(@"C:\BobbysApp.exe");
      MethodInfo mi = asm.GetType("Test").GetMethod("Main");
      mi.Invoke(null, null);

    static Program()

    static void InstallBobbyTablesCulture()
      CultureInfo bobby = (CultureInfo)CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.Clone();
      bobby.DateTimeFormat.ShortDatePattern = @"yyyy-MM-dd'' OR ' '=''";
      bobby.DateTimeFormat.LongTimePattern = "";
      bobby.NumberFormat.NegativeSign = "1 OR 1=1 OR 1=";
      Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = bobby;

This only works if the Main function of BobbysApp is public. If Main is not public, there might be other public functions you might call.




In my opinion if you can guarantee that the parameter you working with will never contain a string it is safe but I would not do it in any case. Also, you will see a slight performance drop due to the fact that you are performing concatenation. The question I would ask you is why don't you want to use parameters?




It is ok but never safe.. and the security always depend on the inputs, for example if the input object is TextBox, the attackers can do something tricky since the textbox can accept string, so you have to put some kind of validation/conversion to be able prevent users the wrong input. But the thing is, it is not safe. As simply as that.




No you can get an SQL injection attack that way. I have written an old article in Turkish which shows how here. Article example in PHP and MySQL but concept works same in C# and SQL Server.

不,您可以通过这种方式获得SQL注入攻击。我用土耳其语写了一篇老文章,说明了如何在这里。PHP和MySQL中的示例,但是概念在c#和SQL Server中是一样的。

Basically you attack following way. Lets consider you have a page which shows information according to integer id value. You do not parametrized this in value, like below.



Okay, I assume you are using MySQL and I attack following way.



Note that here injected value is not string. We are changing char value to int using ASCII function. You can accomplish same thing in SQL Server using "CAST(YourVarcharCol AS INT)".

注意,这里注入的值不是字符串。我们正在使用ASCII函数将char值更改为int。您可以使用“CAST(YourVarcharCol AS INT)”在SQL Server中完成相同的任务。

After that I use length and substring functions to find about your database name.




Then using database name, you start to get table names in database.


http://localhost/sqlEnjeksiyon//instructors.aspx?id=ASCII(SUBSTR((SELECT table_name FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES LIMIT 1),1,1))

Of course you have to automate this process, since you only get ONE character per query. But you can easily automate it. My article shows one example in watir. Using only one page and not parameterized ID value. I can learn every table name in your database. After that I can look for important tables. It will take time but it is doable.




Well... one thing is sure: Security it is NOT ok, when you concatenate a string (taken by the user) with your SQL command string. It is not matter whenever the where clause refers to an Integer or to any type; injections could occur.


What matters in SQL Injection is the data type of the variable that used to get the value from the user.


Supposing we have an integer in the where clause and:


  1. the user-variable is a string. Then ok, it is not very easy to inject (using UNION) but it is very easy to bypass using 'OR 1=1' - like attacks...

    用户变量是一个字符串。那么,注入(使用UNION)不是很容易,但是使用'OR 1=1'之类的攻击就很容易绕过……

  2. If the user-variable is a integer. Then again we can 'test' the strength of the system by passing unusual big numbers testing for system crashes or even for a hidden buffer overflow (on the final string)... ;)


Maybe the parameters to queries or (even better - imo) to Stored Procedures are not a 100% Threats safe, but they are the least required measure (or the elementary one if you prefer) to minimize them.




I think it's safe... technically, but it's a terrible habit to get into. Do you really want to be writing queries like this?


var sqlCommand = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM People WHERE IsAlive = " + isAlive + 
" AND FirstName = @firstName");

sqlCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("firstName", "Rob");

It also leaves you vulnerable in the situation where a type changes from an integer to a string (Think employee number which, despite its name - may contain letters).


So, we've changed the type of EmployeeNumber from int to string, but forgot to update our sql queries. Oops.




When using a strongly-typed platform on a computer you control (like a web server), you can prevent code injection for queries with only bool, DateTime, or int (and other numeric) values. What is a concern are performance issues caused by forcing sql server to re-compile every query, and by preventing it from getting good statistics on what queries are run with what frequency (which hurts cache management).

当在您控制的计算机(如web服务器)上使用强类型平台时,您可以防止只使用bool、DateTime或int(和其他数值)值的查询的代码注入。令人关注的是强制sql server重新编译每个查询所导致的性能问题,并防止它获得关于哪些查询以什么频率运行的良好统计信息(这会损害缓存管理)。

Really, there's no good reason not to use query parameters for these values. It's the right way to go about this. Go ahead and hard-code values into the sql string when they really are constants, but otherwise, why not just use a parameter? It's not like it's hard.


I also like to think long-term. What happens when today's old-and-busted strongly-typed code base gets ported via automatic translation to the new-hotness dynamic language, and you suddenly lose the type checking, but don't have all the right unit tests yet for the dynamic code?


Ultimately, I wouldn't call this a bug, per se, but I would call it a smell: something that falls just short of a bug by itself, but is a strong indication that bugs are nearby, or will be eventually. Good code avoids leaving smells, and any good static analysis tool will flag this.


I'll add that this is not, unfortunately, the kind of argument you can win straight up. It sounds like a situation where being "right" is no longer enough, and stepping on your co-workers toes to fix this issue on your own isn't likely to promote good team dynamics; it could ultimately hurt more than it helps. A better approach in this case may be to promote the use of a static analysis tool. That would give legitimacy and credibility to efforts aimed and going back and fixing existing code.




In some cases, it IS possible to perform SQL injection attack with non-parametrized (concatenated) variables other than string values - see this article by Jon: http://codeblog.jonskeet.uk/2014/08/08/the-bobbytables-culture/ .

在某些情况下,可以使用非参数化的(连接的)变量来执行SQL注入攻击,而不是字符串值——请参见Jon: http://codeblog.jonskeet。英国/ 2014/08/08 / the-bobbytables-culture /。

Thing is that when ToString is called, some custom culture provider can transform a non-string parameter into its string representation which injects some SQL into the query.




This is not safe even for non-string types. Always use parameters. Period.


Consider following code example:


var utcNow = DateTime.UtcNow;
var sqlCommand = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM People WHERE created_on <= '" + utcNow + "'");

At the first glance code looks safe, but everything changes if you make some changes in Windows Regional Settings and add injection in short date format:



Now resulting command text looks like this:


SELECT * FROM People WHERE created_on <= '26.09.2015' OR '1'<>' 21:21:43'

The same can be done for int type as user can define custom negative sign which can be easily changed into SQL injection.


One could argue that invariant culture should be used instead of current culture, but I have seen string concatenations like this so many times and it is quite easy to miss when concatenating strings with objects using +.




"SELECT * FROM Table1 WHERE Id=" + intVariable.ToString()

"SELECT * FROM Table1, Id=" + intVariable.ToString()

It is OK.
Attackers can not inject anything in your typed int variable.


Not OK.


It's better to use parameters, so the query will be compiled once and cached for next usage. Next time even with different parameter values, query is cached and doesn't need to compile in database server.


Coding Style
Bad practice.


  • Parameters are more readable
  • 参数更具可读性
  • Maybe it makes you get used to queries without parameters, then maybe you made a mistake once and use a string value this way and then you probably should say goodbye to your data. Bad habit!
  • 也许它让你习惯了没有参数的查询,然后也许你犯了一个错误,用这种方式使用一个字符串值,然后你可能应该对你的数据说再见。坏习惯!

"SELECT * FROM Product WHERE Id=" + TextBox1.Text

“从Id=”+ TextBox1.Text的产品中选择*

Although it is not your question, but maybe useful for future readers:


Even when the Id field is integer, your query may be subject to SQL Injection. Suppose you have a query in your application "SELECT * FROM Table1 WHERE Id=" + TextBox1.Text, An attacker can insert into text box 1; DELETE Table1 and the query will be:

安全灾难!即使Id字段是整数,您的查询也可能受到SQL注入的影响。假设您的应用程序“SELECT * FROM Table1”中有一个查询,其中Id=" + TextBox1。攻击者可以在文本框1中插入;删除表1,查询为:

"SELECT * FROM Table1 WHERE Id=1; DELETE Table1"

If you don't want to use parametrized query here, you should use typed values:


string.Format("SELECT * FROM Table1 WHERE Id={0}", int.Parse(TextBox1.Text))

Your Question


My question arose because a coworker wrote a bunch of queries concatenating integer values, and I was wondering whether it was a waste of my time to go through and fix all of them.


I think changing those codes is not waste of time. Indeed change is Recommended!


if your coworker uses int variables, it has no security risk , But I think changing those codes is not waste of time and indeed changing those codes is recommended. It makes code more readable, more maintainable and makes execution faster.




There are actually two questions in one. And question from the title has very little to do with concerns expressed by the OP in the comments afterwards.


Although I realize that for the OP it is their particular case that matters, for the readers coming from Google, it is important to answer to the more general question, that can be phrased as "is concatenation as safe as prepared statements if I made sure that every literal I am concatenating is safe?". So, I would like to concentrate on this latter one. And the answer is


Definitely NO.

The explanation is not that direct as most readers would like, but I'll try my best.


I have been pondering on the matter for a while, resulting in the article (though based on the PHP environment) where I tried to sum everything up. It occurred to me that the question of protection from SQL injection is often eludes toward some related but narrower topics, like string escaping, type casting and such. Although some of the measures can be considered safe when taken by themselves, there is no system, nor a simple rule to follow. Which makes it very slippery ground, putting too much on the developer's attention and experience.


The question of SQL injection cannot be simplified to a matter of some particular syntax issue. It is wider than average developer used to think. It's a methodological question as well. It is not only "Which particular formatting we have to apply", but "How it have to be done" as well.


(From this point of view, an article from Jon Skeet cited in the other answer is doing rather bad than good, as it is again nitpicking on some edge case, concentrating on a particular syntax issue and failing to address the problem at whole.)

(从这个角度来看,另一个答案中引用的Jon Skeet的一篇文章做得相当糟糕,而不是很好,因为它再次挑剔某些edge案例,专注于特定的语法问题,而未能完全解决问题。)

When you're trying to address the question of protection not as whole but as a set of different syntax issues, you're facing multitude of problems.


  • the list of possible formatting choices is really huge. Means one can easily overlook some. Or confuse them (by using string escaping for identifier for example).
  • 可能的格式选择列表非常巨大。意思是一个人可以很容易地忽略一些。或者混淆它们(例如使用字符串转义作为标识符)。
  • Concatenation means that all protection measures have to be done by the programmer, not program. This issue alone leads to several consequences:
    • such a formatting is manual. Manual means extremely error prone. One could simply forget to apply.
    • 这种格式是手动的。手动意味着极容易出错。你可以简单地忘记申请。
    • moreover, there is a temptation to move formatting procedures into some centralized function, messing things even more, and spoiling data that is not going to database.
    • 此外,还有一种诱惑,即将格式化过程转移到某个集中函数中,从而使事情变得更混乱,并破坏不进入数据库的数据。
  • 连接意味着所有的保护措施必须由程序员完成,而不是程序。仅这个问题就会导致几个后果:这种格式是手动的。手动意味着极容易出错。人们可能会忘记申请。此外,还有一种诱惑,即将格式化过程转移到某个集中函数中,从而使事情变得更混乱,并破坏不进入数据库的数据。
  • when more than one developers involved, problems multiply by a factor of ten.
  • 当涉及多个开发人员时,问题会乘以10倍。
  • when concatenation is used, one cannot tell a potentially dangerous query at glance: they all potentially dangerous!
  • 当使用连接时,不能一眼就看出一个潜在危险的查询:它们都有潜在危险!

Unlike that mess, prepared statements are indeed The Holy Grail:


  • it can be expressed in the form of one simple rule that is easy to follow.
  • 它可以用一个简单的规则来表示,这个规则很容易遵循。
  • it is essentially undetacheable measure, means the developer cannot interfere, and, willingly or unwillingly, spoil the process.
  • 它本质上是不可分离的度量,这意味着开发人员不能进行干预,并且愿意或不情愿地破坏这个过程。
  • protection from injection is really only a side effect of the prepared statements, which real purpose is to produce syntactically correct statement. And a syntactically correct statement is 100% injection proof. Yet we need our syntax to be correct despite of any injection possibility.
  • 对注入的保护实际上只是准备语句的副作用,其真正目的是生成语法正确的语句。语法正确的语句是100%注射证明。然而,我们需要我们的语法是正确的,尽管有任何注入的可能性。
  • if used all the way around, it protects the application regardless of the developer's experience. Say, there is a thing called second order injection. And a very strong delusion that reads "in order to protect, Escape All User Supplied Input". Combined together, they lead to injection, if a developer takes the liberty to decide, what needs to be protected and what not.
  • 如果一直使用,不管开发人员的经验如何,它都会保护应用程序。有一种东西叫做二阶注入。一种非常强烈的错觉,写着“为了保护、逃避所有用户提供的输入”。结合在一起,它们将导致注入,如果开发人员可以*地决定,哪些需要保护,哪些不需要。

(Thinking further, I discovered that current set of placeholders is not enough for the real life needs and have to be extended, both for the complex data structures, like arrays, and even SQL keywords or identifiers, which have to be sometimes added to the query dynamically too, but a developer is left unarmed for such a case, and forced to fall back to string concatenation but that's a matter of another question).


Interestingly, this question's controversy is provoked by the very controversial nature of Stack Overflow. The site's idea is to make use of particular questions from users who ask directly to achieve the goal of having a database of general purpose answers suitable for users who come from search. The idea is not bad per se, but it fails in a situation like this: when a user asks a very narrow question, particularly to get an argument in a dispute with a colleague (or to decide if it worth to refactor the code). While most of experienced participants are trying to write an answer, keeping in mind the mission of Stack Overflow at whole, making their answer good for as many readers as possible, not the OP only.

有趣的是,这个问题的争议是由Stack Overflow的极具争议性引起的。该网站的想法是利用用户直接提出的特定问题,以实现拥有适合搜索用户的通用答案数据库的目标。这个想法本身并不坏,但在这种情况下它就失败了:当用户问一个非常狭窄的问题时,尤其是在与同事发生争执时(或者决定是否值得重构代码)。当大多数有经验的参与者都在尝试编写一个答案时,请记住Stack Overflow的使命,使他们的答案对尽可能多的读者有效,而不仅仅是OP。



Let's not just think about security or type-safe considerations.


The reason you use parametrized queries is to improve performance at the database level. From a database perspective, a parametrized query is one query in the SQL buffer (to use Oracle's terminology although I imagine all databases have a similar concept internally). So, the database can hold a certain amount of queries in memory, prepared and ready to execute. These queries do not need to be parsed and will be quicker. Frequently run queries will usually be in the buffer and will not need parsing every time they are used.




Somebody doesn't use parametrized queries. In this case, the buffer gets continually flushed through by a stream of nearly identical queries each of which needs to be parsed and run by the database engine and performance suffers all-round as even frequently run queries end up being re-parsed many times a day. I have tuned databases for a living and this has been one of the biggest sources of low-hanging fruit.




To answer your question, IF your query has a small number of distinct numeric values, you will probably not be causing issues and may in fact improve performance infinitesimally. IF however there are potentially hundreds of values and the query gets called a lot, you are going to affect the performance of your system so don't do it.


Yes you can increase the SQL buffer but it's always ultimately at the expense of other more critical uses for memory like caching Indexes or Data. Moral, use parametrized queries pretty religiously so you can optimize your database and use more server memory for the stuff that matters...




To add some info to Maciek answer:


It is easy to alter the culture info of a .NET third party app by calling the main-function of the assembly by reflection:


using System;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Threading;

namespace ConsoleApplication2
  class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
      Assembly asm = Assembly.LoadFile(@"C:\BobbysApp.exe");
      MethodInfo mi = asm.GetType("Test").GetMethod("Main");
      mi.Invoke(null, null);

    static Program()

    static void InstallBobbyTablesCulture()
      CultureInfo bobby = (CultureInfo)CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.Clone();
      bobby.DateTimeFormat.ShortDatePattern = @"yyyy-MM-dd'' OR ' '=''";
      bobby.DateTimeFormat.LongTimePattern = "";
      bobby.NumberFormat.NegativeSign = "1 OR 1=1 OR 1=";
      Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = bobby;

This only works if the Main function of BobbysApp is public. If Main is not public, there might be other public functions you might call.




In my opinion if you can guarantee that the parameter you working with will never contain a string it is safe but I would not do it in any case. Also, you will see a slight performance drop due to the fact that you are performing concatenation. The question I would ask you is why don't you want to use parameters?




It is ok but never safe.. and the security always depend on the inputs, for example if the input object is TextBox, the attackers can do something tricky since the textbox can accept string, so you have to put some kind of validation/conversion to be able prevent users the wrong input. But the thing is, it is not safe. As simply as that.




No you can get an SQL injection attack that way. I have written an old article in Turkish which shows how here. Article example in PHP and MySQL but concept works same in C# and SQL Server.

不,您可以通过这种方式获得SQL注入攻击。我用土耳其语写了一篇老文章,说明了如何在这里。PHP和MySQL中的示例,但是概念在c#和SQL Server中是一样的。

Basically you attack following way. Lets consider you have a page which shows information according to integer id value. You do not parametrized this in value, like below.



Okay, I assume you are using MySQL and I attack following way.



Note that here injected value is not string. We are changing char value to int using ASCII function. You can accomplish same thing in SQL Server using "CAST(YourVarcharCol AS INT)".

注意,这里注入的值不是字符串。我们正在使用ASCII函数将char值更改为int。您可以使用“CAST(YourVarcharCol AS INT)”在SQL Server中完成相同的任务。

After that I use length and substring functions to find about your database name.




Then using database name, you start to get table names in database.


http://localhost/sqlEnjeksiyon//instructors.aspx?id=ASCII(SUBSTR((SELECT table_name FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES LIMIT 1),1,1))

Of course you have to automate this process, since you only get ONE character per query. But you can easily automate it. My article shows one example in watir. Using only one page and not parameterized ID value. I can learn every table name in your database. After that I can look for important tables. It will take time but it is doable.




Well... one thing is sure: Security it is NOT ok, when you concatenate a string (taken by the user) with your SQL command string. It is not matter whenever the where clause refers to an Integer or to any type; injections could occur.


What matters in SQL Injection is the data type of the variable that used to get the value from the user.


Supposing we have an integer in the where clause and:


  1. the user-variable is a string. Then ok, it is not very easy to inject (using UNION) but it is very easy to bypass using 'OR 1=1' - like attacks...

    用户变量是一个字符串。那么,注入(使用UNION)不是很容易,但是使用'OR 1=1'之类的攻击就很容易绕过……

  2. If the user-variable is a integer. Then again we can 'test' the strength of the system by passing unusual big numbers testing for system crashes or even for a hidden buffer overflow (on the final string)... ;)


Maybe the parameters to queries or (even better - imo) to Stored Procedures are not a 100% Threats safe, but they are the least required measure (or the elementary one if you prefer) to minimize them.
