
时间:2022-11-15 19:47:36

I want to copy/move an Excel from local machine/given path to Server location. The server location , we manually uploads the Excel file but i want to do it autmatically by using Java files.Can i do it , if so please give me a suggestion on it. How do we skip those uploading mechanism which we do manually.


thanks in advance VSRK


1 个解决方案



If you upload it via a web form, you can use Apache HttpClient to programmatically create the request sent to the server and upload the file. You will need to handle by yourself any authentication needed before the upload, store any cookies the server sends you, and do any post-authentication navigation the web page requires. You will also need to recreate the upload request exactly as the web browser sends it, parameters and all.

如果您通过Web表单上传它,则可以使用Apache HttpClient以编程方式创建发送到服务器的请求并上载文件。您需要自己处理上传前所需的任何身份验证,存储服务器发送给您的任何Cookie,并执行网页所需的任何后验证导航。您还需要完全按照Web浏览器发送的内容,参数和所有内容重新创建上载请求。



If you upload it via a web form, you can use Apache HttpClient to programmatically create the request sent to the server and upload the file. You will need to handle by yourself any authentication needed before the upload, store any cookies the server sends you, and do any post-authentication navigation the web page requires. You will also need to recreate the upload request exactly as the web browser sends it, parameters and all.

如果您通过Web表单上传它,则可以使用Apache HttpClient以编程方式创建发送到服务器的请求并上载文件。您需要自己处理上传前所需的任何身份验证,存储服务器发送给您的任何Cookie,并执行网页所需的任何后验证导航。您还需要完全按照Web浏览器发送的内容,参数和所有内容重新创建上载请求。