改造自己的ubuntu主题为Mac OS

时间:2022-11-15 18:18:21



改造自己的ubuntu主题为Mac OS

macbuntu : install macbuntu 16.04
Mac OS X Yosmite Theme for Ubuntu 16 04 LTS Xenial Xerus
You will get mac themes for ubuntu 16.04 and also you can know
How to install mac theme on your ubuntu.
Or process for installing mac theme for ubuntu
Install MacBuntu on your ubuntu.
install MAC OS X Theme for Ubuntu 16.04.
In this video you will see how easily you can transform Ubuntu look into Mac.

you will need this command to install this theme:


add-apt-repository ppa:docky-core/stable && apt-get update
apt-get purge docky
apt-get install docky

1: Mac OS X Lion Theme, Icons and cursors:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:noobslab/macbuntu

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install macbuntu-os-icons-lts-v7

sudo apt-get install macbuntu-os-ithemes-lts-v7

2: Slingscold (Alternative to Launchpad)

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:noobslab/macbuntu

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install slingscold

3: Replace ‘Ubuntu Desktop’ text with ‘Mac’ on the Panel(可选):

cd && wget -O Mac.po http://drive.noobslab.com/data/Mac/ch

cd /usr/share/locale/en/LC_MESSAGES; sudo msgfmt -o unity.mo ~/Mac.po;rm ~/Mac.po;cd

4: Albert Spotlight (Alternative to Mac Spotlight)

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:noobslab/macbuntu

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install albert

5.Enter following commands to install Apple Logo(可选):

wget -O launcher_bfb.png http://drive.noobslab.com/data/Mac/la… sudo mv launcher_bfb.png /usr/share/unity/icons/

gsettings set com.canonical.unity-greeter draw-grid false;exit

6: Unity Tweak Tool to change Themes & Icons:

sudo apt-get install unity-tweak-tool

sudo apt-get install gnome-tweak-tool

然后打开Unity Tweak Tool->theme , Unity Tweak Tool->icon Unity Tweak Tool->cursor进行设置

7: Install Monochrome icons for Libreoffice(可选):

sudo apt-get install libreoffice-style-sifr

After installation go to LibreOffice menu select “Tools” - “Options” - “LibreOffice” - “View” and select “Sifr” under “Icon size and style”. See following screenshots

8: install compizconfig-settings-manager(mac 超酷炫打开应用的动画效果)

sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager
sudo apt-get install compiz-plugins compiz-plugins-extra
sudo apt-get install gconf-editor

1. Open Animations
改造自己的ubuntu主题为Mac OS
2. Close Animations 关闭动画
改造自己的ubuntu主题为Mac OS
3. Minimize Animations 最小化动画
改造自己的ubuntu主题为Mac OS
4. Unminimize Animations 还原动画
改造自己的ubuntu主题为Mac OS

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