
时间:2022-11-15 00:05:10

I have no idea what Django is trying to tell me. I have a model, WeekTwo, which inherits from Week, which inherits from modelsModel. I have another model, UserProfile. I want to use WeekTwo as a OneToOne Key in UserProfile, so I inserted the following line of code:


weekTwo = models.OneToOneField(WeekTwo)

However, when I try to migrate my database using python manage.py schemamigration my_app --auto, I get the following error:

但是,当我尝试使用python管理迁移数据库时。py schemamigration my_app—auto,我得到如下错误:

The field 'UserProfile.weekTwo' does not have a default specified, yet is NOT NULL.

I tried adding default=0 to my weekTwo declaration, but now I'm getting this error when I try the schema migration:


IntegrityError: column weekTwo_id is not unique

Moreover, south is now telling me that I am in an interim state between migrations and that I might be able to recover. I literally have no idea what any of this means.


1 个解决方案



Be aware before going further, be sure that if South already did any migration that has been failed, It's better to redo|recover to the last migration that was working.


You have two options here, at first you can do Data Migration. Look at ref also.


In Second way You can make weekTwo field null and blank first


weekTwo = models.OneToOneField(WeekTwo, null=True, blank=True)

Then let South generate a migration for you by


python manage.py schemamigration my_app --auto

I'm sure South won't complain about it now, Then


python manage.py migrate

If everything is okay now, You can now get back and change to weekTwo field to


weekTwo = models.OneToOneField(WeekTwo)

And generate migration then migrate them.


Anyway, When south find out your field in not NULL and doesn't have a default value, at the schemamigration step it will suggest you to provide a value for it, Again here your field is OneToOneField, because even south gives you chance to provide a default value for your existed record on model again uniqueness of weekTwo field will raise an error.


I think still you have to go with Data Migration if second way didn't work, Or gives it a shot and try the second way this time instead of make it null, blank change the whole Field type. Try it with;


weekTwo = models.ForeignKey(WeekTwo)

But keep in mind Data migration would be definitely smarter and standard way here.




Be aware before going further, be sure that if South already did any migration that has been failed, It's better to redo|recover to the last migration that was working.


You have two options here, at first you can do Data Migration. Look at ref also.


In Second way You can make weekTwo field null and blank first


weekTwo = models.OneToOneField(WeekTwo, null=True, blank=True)

Then let South generate a migration for you by


python manage.py schemamigration my_app --auto

I'm sure South won't complain about it now, Then


python manage.py migrate

If everything is okay now, You can now get back and change to weekTwo field to


weekTwo = models.OneToOneField(WeekTwo)

And generate migration then migrate them.


Anyway, When south find out your field in not NULL and doesn't have a default value, at the schemamigration step it will suggest you to provide a value for it, Again here your field is OneToOneField, because even south gives you chance to provide a default value for your existed record on model again uniqueness of weekTwo field will raise an error.


I think still you have to go with Data Migration if second way didn't work, Or gives it a shot and try the second way this time instead of make it null, blank change the whole Field type. Try it with;


weekTwo = models.ForeignKey(WeekTwo)

But keep in mind Data migration would be definitely smarter and standard way here.
