//1.添加引用-〉com-〉microsoft excel 11.0 //2.若呈现错误:定名空间“Microsoft.Office”中不存在类型或定名空间名称“Interop”(是缺少措施集引用吗?) //解决要领:先删除引用中的Excel,然后找到文件Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.dll,手动添加该文件的引用 using System; using System.Data; using System.Reflection; using System.IO; using Microsoft.Office.Core; using System.Windows.Forms; using Excel = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel; namespace Wage.Common { /// <summary> /// 作者 Li Aimin (原创) /// 成果描述:C#对Excel报表进行操纵 /// 创建时间:2006-01-17, 改削时间:2007-1-14 /// 说明:在工程中需要添加 Excel11.0东西库的引用(Office 2000为Excel9.0,Office XP为Excel10.0); /// 需要在Dcom中配置Excel应用措施的权限; /// 处事器需要安置Office2003 /// </summary> public class ExcelLib { //http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=http://www.mamicode.com/library/en-us/dv_wrcore/html/wrgrfexcelapplicationobject.asp #region Variables private Excel.Application excelApplication = null; private Excel.Workbooks excelWorkBooks = null; private Excel.Workbook excelWorkBook = null; private Excel.Worksheet excelWorkSheet = null; private Excel.Range excelRange = null;//Excel Range Object,多种用途 private Excel.Range excelCopySourceRange = null;//Excel Range Object private int excelActiveWorkSheetIndex; //勾当事情表索引 private string excelOpenFileName = ""; //操纵Excel的路径 private string excelSaveFileName = ""; //生存Excel的路径 #endregion #region Properties public int ActiveSheetIndex { get { return excelActiveWorkSheetIndex; } set { excelActiveWorkSheetIndex = value; } } public string OpenFileName { get { return excelOpenFileName; } set { excelOpenFileName = value; } } public string SaveFileName { get { return excelSaveFileName; } set { excelSaveFileName = value; } } #endregion // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// <summary> /// 结构函数; /// </summary> public ExcelLib() { excelApplication = null;//Excel Application Object excelWorkBooks = null;//Workbooks excelWorkBook = null;//Excel Workbook Object excelWorkSheet = null;//Excel Worksheet Object ActiveSheetIndex = 1; //默认值勾当事情簿为第一个;设置勾当事情簿请参阅SetActiveWorkSheet() } /// <summary> /// 以excelOpenFileName为模板新建Excel文件 /// </summary> public bool OpenExcelFile() { if (excelApplication != null) CloseExcelApplication(); //查抄文件是否存在 if (excelOpenFileName == "") { throw new Exception("请选择文件!"); } if (!File.Exists(excelOpenFileName)) { throw new Exception(excelOpenFileName + "该文件不存在!");//该异常如何措置惩罚惩罚,由什么措置惩罚惩罚???? } try { excelApplication = new Excel.ApplicationClass(); excelWorkBooks = excelApplication.Workbooks; excelWorkBook = ((Excel.Workbook)excelWorkBooks.Open(excelOpenFileName, Missing.Value, true, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value)); excelWorkSheet = (Excel.Worksheet)excelWorkBook.Worksheets[excelActiveWorkSheetIndex]; excelApplication.Visible = false; return true; } catch (Exception e) { CloseExcelApplication(); MessageBox.Show("(1)没有安置Excel 2003;(2)或没有安置Excel 2003 .NET 可编程性撑持;\n详细信息:" +e.Message, "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); //throw new Exception(e.Message); return false; } } /// <summary> /// 读取一个Cell的值 /// </summary> /// <param>要读取的Cell的行索引</param> /// <param>要读取的Cell的列索引</param> /// <returns>Cell的值</returns> public string getOneCellValue(int CellRowID, int CellColumnID) { if (CellRowID <= 0) { throw new Exception("行索引超过范畴!"); } string sValue = ""; try { sValue = ((Excel.Range)excelWorkSheet.Cells[CellRowID, CellColumnID]).Text.ToString(); } catch (Exception e) { CloseExcelApplication(); throw new Exception(e.Message); } return (sValue); } /// <summary> /// 读取一个持续区域的Cell的值(矩形区域,包罗一行或一列,或多行,多列),返回一个一维字符串数组。 /// </summary> /// <param>StartCell是要写入区域的左上角单元格</param> /// <param>EndCell是要写入区域的右下角单元格</param> /// <returns>值的调集</returns> public string[] getCellsValue(string StartCell, string EndCell) { string[] sValue = null; //try //{ excelRange = (Excel.Range)excelWorkSheet.get_Range(StartCell, EndCell); sValue = new string[excelRange.Count]; int rowStartIndex = ((Excel.Range)excelWorkSheet.get_Range(StartCell, StartCell)).Row; //起始行号 int columnStartIndex = ((Excel.Range)excelWorkSheet.get_Range(StartCell, StartCell)).Column; //起始列号 int rowNum = excelRange.Rows.Count; //行数目 int columnNum = excelRange.Columns.Count; //列数目 int index = 0; for (int i = rowStartIndex; i < rowStartIndex + rowNum; i++) { for (int j = columnStartIndex; j < columnNum + columnStartIndex; j++) { //读到空值null和读到空串""分袂措置惩罚惩罚 sValue[index] = ((Excel.Range)excelWorkSheet.Cells[i, j]).Text.ToString(); index++; } } //} //catch (Exception e) //{ // CloseExcelApplication(); // throw new Exception(e.Message); //} return (sValue); } /// <summary> /// 读取所有单元格的数据(矩形区域),返回一个datatable.假设所有单元格靠事情表左上区域。 /// </summary> public DataTable getAllCellsValue() { int columnCount = getTotalColumnCount(); int rowCount = getTotalRowCount(); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); //设置datatable列的名称 for (int columnID = 1; columnID <= columnCount; columnID++) { dt.Columns.Add(((Excel.Range)excelWorkSheet.Cells[1, columnID]).Text.ToString()); } for (int rowID = 2; rowID <= rowCount; rowID++) { DataRow dr = dt.NewRow(); for (int columnID = 1; columnID <= columnCount; columnID++) { dr[columnID - 1] = ((Excel.Range)excelWorkSheet.Cells[rowID, columnID]).Text.ToString(); //读到空值null和读到空串""分袂措置惩罚惩罚 } dt.Rows.Add(dr); } return (dt); } public int getTotalRowCount() {//当前勾当事情表中有效行数(总行数) int rowsNumber = 0; try { while (true) { if (((Excel.Range)excelWorkSheet.Cells[rowsNumber + 1, 1]).Text.ToString().Trim() == "" && ((Excel.Range)excelWorkSheet.Cells[rowsNumber + 2, 1]).Text.ToString().Trim() == "" && ((Excel.Range)excelWorkSheet.Cells[rowsNumber + 3, 1]).Text.ToString().Trim() == "") break; rowsNumber++; } } catch { return -1; } return rowsNumber; } /// <summary> /// 当前勾当事情表中有效列数(总列数) /// </summary> /// <param></param> public int getTotalColumnCount() { int columnNumber = 0; try { while (true) { if (((Excel.Range)excelWorkSheet.Cells[1, columnNumber + 1]).Text.ToString().Trim() == "" && ((Excel.Range)excelWorkSheet.Cells[1, columnNumber + 2]).Text.ToString().Trim() == "" && ((Excel.Range)excelWorkSheet.Cells[1, columnNumber + 3]).Text.ToString().Trim() == "") break; columnNumber++; } } catch { return -1; } return columnNumber; } /// <summary> /// 向一个Cell写入数据 /// </summary> /// <param>CellRowID是cell的行索引</param> /// <param>CellColumnID是cell的列索引</param> ///<param>要写入该单元格的数据值</param> public void setOneCellValue(int CellRowID, int CellColumnID, string Value) { try { excelRange = (Excel.Range)excelWorkSheet.Cells[CellRowID, CellColumnID]; excelRange.Value2 = Value;//Value2? //Gets or sets the value of the NamedRange control. //The only difference between this property and the Value property is that Value2 is not a parameterized property. excelRange = null; } catch (Exception e) { CloseExcelApplication(); throw new Exception(e.Message); } } /// <summary> /// 设置勾当事情表 /// </summary> /// <param>要设置为勾当事情表的索引值</param> public void SetActiveWorkSheet(int SheetIndex) { if (SheetIndex <= 0) { throw new Exception("索引超过范畴!"); } try { ActiveSheetIndex = SheetIndex; excelWorkSheet = (Excel.Worksheet)excelWorkBook.Worksheets[ActiveSheetIndex]; } catch (Exception e) { CloseExcelApplication(); throw new Exception(e.Message); } } /// <summary> /// 向持续区域一次性写入数据;只有在区域持续和写入的值不异的情况下可以使用要领 /// </summary> /// <param>StartCell是要写入区域的左上角单元格</param> /// <param>EndCell是要写入区域的右下角单元格</param> /// <param>要写入指定区域所有单元格的数据值</param> public void setCellsValue(string StartCell, string EndCell, string Value) { try { excelRange = excelWorkSheet.get_Range(StartCell, EndCell); excelRange.Value2 = Value; excelRange = null; } catch (Exception e) { CloseExcelApplication(); throw new Exception(e.Message); } } /// <summary> /// 给一行写数据 /// </summary> public void setOneLineValues(int LineID, int StartCellColumnID, int EndCellColumnID, string[] Values)////已经测试 { //用1-19号元素 //if (Values.Length!=EndCellColumnID-StartCellColumnID) //{ // throw new Exception("单元格数目与供给的值的数目不一致!"); //} for (int i = StartCellColumnID; i <= EndCellColumnID; i++) { setOneCellValue(LineID, i, Values[i]); } } public void setCellsBorder(string startCell, string endCell) { //设置某个范畴内的单元格的边框 excelRange = excelWorkSheet.get_Range(startCell, endCell); excelRange.Borders[Excel.XlBordersIndex.xlEdgeLeft].LineStyle = Excel.XlLineStyle.xlContinuous; excelRange.Borders[Excel.XlBordersIndex.xlEdgeTop].LineStyle = Excel.XlLineStyle.xlContinuous; excelRange.Borders[Excel.XlBordersIndex.xlEdgeRight].LineStyle = Excel.XlLineStyle.xlContinuous; excelRange.Borders[Excel.XlBordersIndex.xlEdgeBottom].LineStyle = Excel.XlLineStyle.xlContinuous; excelRange.Borders[Excel.XlBordersIndex.xlInsideVertical].LineStyle = Excel.XlLineStyle.xlContinuous; //excelRange.Borders[Excel.XlBordersIndex.xlInsideHorizontal].LineStyle = Excel.XlLineStyle.xlContinuous; } public void setOneCellBorder(int CellRowID, int CellColumnID) { //设置某个单元格的边框 excelRange = (Excel.Range)excelWorkSheet.Cells[CellRowID, CellColumnID]; excelRange.Borders[Excel.XlBordersIndex.xlEdgeLeft].LineStyle = Excel.XlLineStyle.xlContinuous; excelRange.Borders[Excel.XlBordersIndex.xlEdgeTop].LineStyle = Excel.XlLineStyle.xlContinuous; excelRange.Borders[Excel.XlBordersIndex.xlEdgeRight].LineStyle = Excel.XlLineStyle.xlContinuous; excelRange.Borders[Excel.XlBordersIndex.xlEdgeBottom].LineStyle = Excel.XlLineStyle.xlContinuous; //excelRange.Borders[Excel.XlBordersIndex.xlInsideVertical].LineStyle = Excel.XlLineStyle.xlContinuous; //excelRange.Borders[Excel.XlBordersIndex.xlInsideHorizontal].LineStyle = Excel.XlLineStyle.xlContinuous; } public void SetColumnWidth(string startCell, string endCell, int size) { //设置某个范畴内的单元格的列的宽度 excelRange = excelWorkSheet.get_Range(startCell, endCell); excelRange.ColumnWidth = size; } public void SetOneCellFont(int CellRowID, int CellColumnID, string fontName, int fontSize) { excelRange = (Excel.Range)excelWorkSheet.Cells[CellRowID, CellColumnID]; excelRange.Font.Name = fontName; excelRange.Font.Size = fontSize; } public void SetOneCellHorizontalAlignment(int CellRowID, int CellColumnID, Excel.Constants alignment) { excelRange = (Excel.Range)excelWorkSheet.Cells[CellRowID, CellColumnID]; excelRange.HorizontalAlignment = alignment; } public void SetOneCellColumnWidth(int CellRowID, int CellColumnID, int size) { //设置某个单元格的列的宽度 excelRange = (Excel.Range)excelWorkSheet.Cells[CellRowID, CellColumnID]; excelRange.ColumnWidth = size; } /// <summary> /// 设置一个Cell的数据格局 /// </summary> /// <param>CellRowID是cell的行索引</param> /// <param>CellColumnID是cell的列索引</param> ///<param>数据格局</param> public void setOneCellNumberFormat(int CellRowID, int CellColumnID, string numberFormat) { try { excelRange = (Excel.Range)excelWorkSheet.Cells[CellRowID, CellColumnID]; excelRange.NumberFormatLocal = numberFormat; excelRange = null; } catch (Exception e) { CloseExcelApplication(); throw new Exception(e.Message); } } public void SetRowHeight(string startCell, string endCell, int size) { //设置某个范畴内的单元格的行的高度 excelRange = excelWorkSheet.get_Range(startCell, endCell); excelRange.RowHeight = size; } public void SetRowHeight(int CellRowID, int CellColumnID, float size) { //设置某个范畴内的单元格的行的高度 excelRange = (Excel.Range)excelWorkSheet.Cells[CellRowID, CellColumnID]; excelRange.RowHeight = size; } public void SetOneCellRowHeight(int CellRowID, int CellColumnID, int size) { //设置某个单元格的行的高度 excelRange = (Excel.Range)excelWorkSheet.Cells[CellRowID, CellColumnID]; excelRange.RowHeight = size; } /// <summary> /// 拷贝区域.限制:在同一个事情表中复制 /// </summary> /// <param>源区域的左上角单元格</param> /// <param>源区域的右下角单元格</param> /// <param>方针区域的左上角单元格</param> /// <param>方针区域的右下角单元格</param> public void CopyCells(string SourceStart, string SourceEnd, string DesStart, string DesEnd) { try { excelCopySourceRange = excelWorkSheet.get_Range(SourceStart, SourceEnd); excelRange = excelWorkSheet.get_Range(DesStart, DesEnd); excelCopySourceRange.Copy(excelRange); excelCopySourceRange = null; excelRange = null; } catch (Exception e) { CloseExcelApplication(); throw new Exception(e.Message); } } public void CopyWorksheet(int SourceWorksheetIndex, int DesWorksheetIndex) { try { // Sheets("Sheet2").Select //Sheets("Sheet2").Copy After:=Sheets(3) Excel.Worksheet sheetSource = (Excel.Worksheet)excelWorkBook.Worksheets[SourceWorksheetIndex]; sheetSource.Select(Missing.Value); Excel.Worksheet sheetDest = (Excel.Worksheet)excelWorkBook.Worksheets[DesWorksheetIndex]; sheetSource.Copy(Missing.Value, sheetDest); } catch (Exception e) { CloseExcelApplication(); throw new Exception(e.Message); } } /// <summary> /// 插入一行 /// </summary> /// <param>要插入地址行的索引位置,插入后其原有行下移</param> /// <param>要插入行的个数</param> public void InsertRow(int CellRowID, int RowNum)//插入空行 { if (CellRowID <= 0) { throw new Exception("行索引超过范畴!"); } if (RowNum <= 0) { throw new Exception("插入行数无效!"); } try { excelRange = (Excel.Range)excelWorkSheet.Rows[CellRowID, Missing.Value]; for (int i = 0; i < RowNum; i++) { excelRange.Insert(Excel.XlDirection.xlDown, Missing.Value); } excelRange = null; } catch (Exception e) { CloseExcelApplication(); throw new Exception(e.Message); } } /// <summary> /// 生存Excel文件 /// </summary> public Excel.Range FindFirstRange(Excel.Range xlRange, string FindText)//查找//没有测试 { //查找第一个满足的区域 //Search for the first match Excel.Range firstFind = null; firstFind = xlRange.Find(FindText, Missing.Value, Excel.XlFindLookIn.xlValues, Excel.XlLookAt.xlPart, Excel.XlSearchOrder.xlByRows, Excel.XlSearchDirection.xlNext, false, Missing.Value, Missing.Value); return firstFind; //如果没找到,返回空 } //http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/en-us/dv_wrcore/html/wrtskHowToSearchForTextInWorksheetRanges.asp?frame=true /// <summary> /// 当前勾当事情表中有效行数(总行数) /// </summary> /// <param></param> /// <summary> /// 判断单元格是否有数据 /// </summary> public bool CellValueIsNull(int CellLineID, int CellColumnID)////已经测试 { //判断单元格是否有数据 if ((((Excel.Range)excelWorkSheet.Cells[CellLineID, CellColumnID]).Text.ToString().Trim() != "")) return false; return true; } public void newWorkbook(string excelTemplate, string fileName) { //以excelTemplate为模板新建文件fileName //excelApplication. excelWorkBook = excelWorkBooks.Add(excelTemplate); SaveFileName = ""; SaveExcel(); } public void newWorksheet() { excelWorkBook.Worksheets.Add(Missing.Value, Missing.Value, 1, Missing.Value); } public void setWorksheetName(int sheetIndex, string worksheetName) { // Missing.Value Excel._Worksheet sheet = (Excel._Worksheet)(excelWorkBook.Worksheets[(object)sheetIndex]); sheet.Name = worksheetName; } public void mergeOneLineCells(string startCell, string endCell) { //合并一行单元格 excelRange = excelWorkSheet.get_Range(startCell, endCell); //excelRange.Merge(true); excelRange.MergeCells = true; } public void HorizontalAlignmentCells(string startCell, string endCell, Excel.Constants alignment) { //程度对齐一行单元格 excelRange = excelWorkSheet.get_Range(startCell, endCell); excelRange.HorizontalAlignment = alignment; } public void VerticalAlignmentCells(string startCell, string endCell, Excel.Constants alignment) { //垂直对齐一行单元格 excelRange = excelWorkSheet.get_Range(startCell, endCell); excelRange.VerticalAlignment = alignment; } //实现列号-〉字母 (26-〉Z,27->AA) private string ConvertColumnIndexToChar(int columnIndex) { if (columnIndex < 1 || columnIndex > 256) { MessageBox.Show("columnIndex=" + columnIndex + ",超过了有效范畴(1-256)"); return "A"; } if (columnIndex >= 1 && columnIndex <= 26)//1--26 { return "AA"; } if (columnIndex >= 27 && columnIndex <= 256)//27--256 { return "AA"; } return "A"; } //字母-〉列号 Z-〉26 public void SaveExcel() { if (excelSaveFileName == "") { throw new Exception("未指定要生存的文件名"); } try { //excelWorkSheet.SaveAs(excelSaveFileName, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Excel.XlSaveAsAccessMode.xlNoChange, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value); excelWorkSheet.SaveAs(excelSaveFileName, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Excel.XlSaveAsAccessMode.xlNoChange, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value); } catch (Exception e) { CloseExcelApplication(); throw new Exception(e.Message); } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// <summary> /// 生存Excel文件,格局xml. /// </summary> public void SaveExcelAsXML() { if (excelSaveFileName == "") { throw new Exception("未指定要生存的文件名"); } try { //excelWorkSheet.SaveAs(excelSaveFileName, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Excel.XlSaveAsAccessMode.xlNoChange, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value); excelWorkSheet.SaveAs(excelSaveFileName, Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.XlFileFormat.xlXMLSpreadsheet, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Excel.XlSaveAsAccessMode.xlNoChange, Missing.Value, Missing.Value, Missing.Value); } catch (Exception e) { CloseExcelApplication(); throw new Exception(e.Message); } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// <summary> /// *Excel文件,释放东西;最后必然要挪用此函数,否则会引起异常 /// </summary> /// <param></param> public void CloseExcelApplication() { try { excelWorkBooks = null; excelWorkBook = null; excelWorkSheet = null; excelRange = null; if (excelApplication != null) { excelApplication.Workbooks.Close(); //Object missing = Type.Missing; excelApplication.Quit(); excelApplication = null; //ReleaseAllRef(excelApplication);//Error } } finally { GC.Collect(); GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers(); GC.Collect(); GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers(); } } private void ReleaseAllRef(Object obj) {//ReleaseComObject()要领可以使RCW减少一个对COM组件的引用,并返回减少一个引用后RCW对COM组件的残剩引用数量。 //我们用一个循环,就可以让RCW将所有对COM组件的引用全部去失。 try { while (System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject(obj) > 1) ; } finally { obj = null; } } } }
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