ASP.NET MVC2的性能监控?

时间:2021-12-29 04:52:31

I would like to know if there is an equivalent of "New Relic RPM" or "JavaMelody" for ASP.NET MVC2 ? I can't find anything about monitoring on ASP.NET MVC2...

我想知道是否有相当于ASP.NET MVC2的“New Relic RPM”或“JavaMelody”?我在ASP.NET MVC2上找不到任何有关监控的信息......

Any idea ? How do you monitor the performances of you ASP.NET MVC2 applications ?

任何的想法 ?如何监控ASP.NET MVC2应用程序的性能?

Thank you

2 个解决方案



For real world uptime/performance monitoring, we use outside services such as BrowserMob. For internals, an ASP.NET MVC app is just a ASP.NET app as far as IIS is concerned, so your normal ASP.NET/IIS monitoring tools do just fine.

对于真实世界的正常运行时间/性能监控,我们使用BrowserMob等外部服务。对于内部,就MV而言,ASP.NET MVC应用程序只是一个ASP.NET应用程序,因此您的普通ASP.NET / IIS监控工具就可以了。

By normal tools I'd start with the performance counters for IIS and ASP.NET. This page is perhaps a good place to start.


I should add the underlying point here is, unlike ruby and some java stuff, you are building on a very solid, instrumented platform here. There is lots of data there, and tools to make it more understandable.




New Relic now supports ASP.NET monitoring (still in beta) :

New Relic现在支持ASP.NET监控(仍处于测试阶段):



For real world uptime/performance monitoring, we use outside services such as BrowserMob. For internals, an ASP.NET MVC app is just a ASP.NET app as far as IIS is concerned, so your normal ASP.NET/IIS monitoring tools do just fine.

对于真实世界的正常运行时间/性能监控,我们使用BrowserMob等外部服务。对于内部,就MV而言,ASP.NET MVC应用程序只是一个ASP.NET应用程序,因此您的普通ASP.NET / IIS监控工具就可以了。

By normal tools I'd start with the performance counters for IIS and ASP.NET. This page is perhaps a good place to start.


I should add the underlying point here is, unlike ruby and some java stuff, you are building on a very solid, instrumented platform here. There is lots of data there, and tools to make it more understandable.




New Relic now supports ASP.NET monitoring (still in beta) :

New Relic现在支持ASP.NET监控(仍处于测试阶段):