The Silverlight strategy has shifted to Windows Phone, and for cross-platform web development, it's HTML 5.
Silverlight策略已转移到Windows Phone,而对于跨平台Web开发,它是HTML 5。
I'm just starting to get comfortable with the idea of developing desktop line-of-business apps with Silverlight out-of-browser (over WPF), but I'm not sure what this strategic shift means for the desktop.
Should I shift back to considering WPF instead, thinking that when HTML5 matures, they might abandon Silverlight eventually?
4 个解决方案
Also mentioned was this quote:
Silverlight also has some “sweet spots” in media and line-of-business applications, he said.
News media frequently twist facts, or mention only selected facts, as a way of making the story better. Silverlight is not dying off, and the HTML5 spec has not been ratified.
新闻媒体经常扭曲事实,或仅提及选定的事实,作为改善故事的一种方式。 Silverlight并没有消亡,HTML5规范尚未批准。
One could also draw the conclusion from that article that MS are doing their best to manipulate the HTML5 spec to suit themselves and we will end up with a situation like we had in the past: everyone implements the same spec in a different way and you need to code workarounds for each major browser. Because of this wrangling (which other vendors will no doubt also be doing) it may take a long time for the spec to be fully ratified.
Having said that, WPF is not subject to any of this uncertainty - but it still isn't cross platform. So you have to ask yourself these questions:
话虽如此,WPF不受任何这种不确定性的影响 - 但它仍然不是跨平台的。所以你必须问自己这些问题:
- what is the expected lifespan of your LOB app?
- 您的LOB应用程序的预期寿命是多少?
- how long before it gets a major rewrite?
- 在重大改写之前多久了?
- is it possible to release it in several different technologies to suit different setups?
- 是否有可能以几种不同的技术发布它以适应不同的设置?
LOB apps tend to be quite tightly spec'd and controlled to specific setups, so a long term change of focus for Silverlight may not affect you that much at all.
EDIT: the day after i answered this question, Colin Eberhardt wrote this very good blog post: Does HTML5 mean the end is in sight for Silverlight? which covers this exact news story / quote. Colin also references this follow up blog post from Bob Muglia1 which elaborates on what he was quoted as saying. I think you can safely conclude that it is absolutely fine to develop your LOB app in Silverlight if you want to :)
编辑:在我回答这个问题后的第二天,Colin Eberhardt撰写了这篇非常好的博文:HTML5是否意味着Silverlight的结束?它涵盖了这个确切的新闻报道/报价。科林还引用了Bob Muglia1的这篇后续博客文章,其中详细阐述了他所引用的内容。我想你可以有把握地得出结论,如果你想要在Silverlight中开发你的LOB应用程序是完全没问题的:)
1 President of the Server and Tools Division at Microsoft
I think it will all boil down to a choice... reachability vs. fast development. And naturally this may not be an easy answer for any project because of a lot of factors.
If I have to go for reachability, probably I will not go with Silverlight. But the moment, I will think of fast development, applications that take some load off the server, complex reporting, code that could easily run on the client, I would think of plugins like SL or Flash... and since I prefer .NET, I would choose SL. HTML 5 has a long way to go, and things aren't going to change overnight [or overyears, if there is such a word :p].
如果我必须寻求可达性,我可能不会选择Silverlight。但是现在,我会考虑快速开发,需要从服务器上卸下一些负载的应用程序,复杂的报告,可以在客户端轻松运行的代码,我会想到像SL或Flash这样的插件......而且我更喜欢.NET ,我会选择SL。 HTML 5还有很长的路要走,而且事情不会在一夜之间发生变化[或者如果有这样的话,那就是overyears:p]。
I can't ask people to upgrade their browsers to IE9 that easily... but getting them a SL plugin is a lot easier. Besides, I will be "almost" sure about my application's performance when I use SL plugin. This might not be true if I choose to work with browsers. For instance, IE 9 gives uses hardware acceleration and can give me an output in the range of 50-60 fps, while chrome may suffer with around 5-10 fps!
我不能要求人们轻松地将他们的浏览器升级到IE9 ......但是让他们成为SL插件要容易得多。此外,当我使用SL插件时,我将“几乎”确定我的应用程序的性能。如果我选择使用浏览器,则可能不是这样。例如,IE 9使用硬件加速,可以给我50-60 fps的输出,而chrome可能会受到大约5-10 fps的影响!
For consumer and/or wide-distribution products, HTML5 is very compelling. But for LOB applications where - by definition - you have a technically captive audience with mandatory platform configuration and tightly controlled distribution channels, WPF/Silverlight is far more economical. So that's where the activity will be for the vast majority of LOB applications.
对于消费者和/或广泛分发的产品,HTML5非常引人注目。但是对于LOB应用程序 - 根据定义 - 您拥有强制平台配置和严格控制的分发渠道的技术专属受众,WPF / Silverlight更加经济。这就是绝大多数LOB应用程序的活动所在。
Silverlight won't be running on non-Microsoft mobile apps anytime soon. I'd put my money on HTML 5 - simple and open win.
Silverlight不会很快在非Microsoft移动应用程序上运行。我把钱花在HTML 5上 - 简单而开放的胜利。
Also mentioned was this quote:
Silverlight also has some “sweet spots” in media and line-of-business applications, he said.
News media frequently twist facts, or mention only selected facts, as a way of making the story better. Silverlight is not dying off, and the HTML5 spec has not been ratified.
新闻媒体经常扭曲事实,或仅提及选定的事实,作为改善故事的一种方式。 Silverlight并没有消亡,HTML5规范尚未批准。
One could also draw the conclusion from that article that MS are doing their best to manipulate the HTML5 spec to suit themselves and we will end up with a situation like we had in the past: everyone implements the same spec in a different way and you need to code workarounds for each major browser. Because of this wrangling (which other vendors will no doubt also be doing) it may take a long time for the spec to be fully ratified.
Having said that, WPF is not subject to any of this uncertainty - but it still isn't cross platform. So you have to ask yourself these questions:
话虽如此,WPF不受任何这种不确定性的影响 - 但它仍然不是跨平台的。所以你必须问自己这些问题:
- what is the expected lifespan of your LOB app?
- 您的LOB应用程序的预期寿命是多少?
- how long before it gets a major rewrite?
- 在重大改写之前多久了?
- is it possible to release it in several different technologies to suit different setups?
- 是否有可能以几种不同的技术发布它以适应不同的设置?
LOB apps tend to be quite tightly spec'd and controlled to specific setups, so a long term change of focus for Silverlight may not affect you that much at all.
EDIT: the day after i answered this question, Colin Eberhardt wrote this very good blog post: Does HTML5 mean the end is in sight for Silverlight? which covers this exact news story / quote. Colin also references this follow up blog post from Bob Muglia1 which elaborates on what he was quoted as saying. I think you can safely conclude that it is absolutely fine to develop your LOB app in Silverlight if you want to :)
编辑:在我回答这个问题后的第二天,Colin Eberhardt撰写了这篇非常好的博文:HTML5是否意味着Silverlight的结束?它涵盖了这个确切的新闻报道/报价。科林还引用了Bob Muglia1的这篇后续博客文章,其中详细阐述了他所引用的内容。我想你可以有把握地得出结论,如果你想要在Silverlight中开发你的LOB应用程序是完全没问题的:)
1 President of the Server and Tools Division at Microsoft
I think it will all boil down to a choice... reachability vs. fast development. And naturally this may not be an easy answer for any project because of a lot of factors.
If I have to go for reachability, probably I will not go with Silverlight. But the moment, I will think of fast development, applications that take some load off the server, complex reporting, code that could easily run on the client, I would think of plugins like SL or Flash... and since I prefer .NET, I would choose SL. HTML 5 has a long way to go, and things aren't going to change overnight [or overyears, if there is such a word :p].
如果我必须寻求可达性,我可能不会选择Silverlight。但是现在,我会考虑快速开发,需要从服务器上卸下一些负载的应用程序,复杂的报告,可以在客户端轻松运行的代码,我会想到像SL或Flash这样的插件......而且我更喜欢.NET ,我会选择SL。 HTML 5还有很长的路要走,而且事情不会在一夜之间发生变化[或者如果有这样的话,那就是overyears:p]。
I can't ask people to upgrade their browsers to IE9 that easily... but getting them a SL plugin is a lot easier. Besides, I will be "almost" sure about my application's performance when I use SL plugin. This might not be true if I choose to work with browsers. For instance, IE 9 gives uses hardware acceleration and can give me an output in the range of 50-60 fps, while chrome may suffer with around 5-10 fps!
我不能要求人们轻松地将他们的浏览器升级到IE9 ......但是让他们成为SL插件要容易得多。此外,当我使用SL插件时,我将“几乎”确定我的应用程序的性能。如果我选择使用浏览器,则可能不是这样。例如,IE 9使用硬件加速,可以给我50-60 fps的输出,而chrome可能会受到大约5-10 fps的影响!
For consumer and/or wide-distribution products, HTML5 is very compelling. But for LOB applications where - by definition - you have a technically captive audience with mandatory platform configuration and tightly controlled distribution channels, WPF/Silverlight is far more economical. So that's where the activity will be for the vast majority of LOB applications.
对于消费者和/或广泛分发的产品,HTML5非常引人注目。但是对于LOB应用程序 - 根据定义 - 您拥有强制平台配置和严格控制的分发渠道的技术专属受众,WPF / Silverlight更加经济。这就是绝大多数LOB应用程序的活动所在。
Silverlight won't be running on non-Microsoft mobile apps anytime soon. I'd put my money on HTML 5 - simple and open win.
Silverlight不会很快在非Microsoft移动应用程序上运行。我把钱花在HTML 5上 - 简单而开放的胜利。