I have tried to solve this issue for at couple of days with no luck. I have a form, where I use the validation plugin, and when I try to submit it, it submits empty vars. Now, if I remove the validation, everything works fine. Here is my implementation:
rules: {
field1: {
required: true,
minlength: 5
field2: {
required: true,
minlength: 10
messages: {
field1: "this is required",
field2: "this is required",
errorLabelContainer: $("#validate_msg"),
invalidHandler: function(e, validator) {
var errors = validator.numberOfInvalids();
if (errors) {
onkeyup: false,
success: false,
submitHandler: function(form) { doAjaxPost(form); }
function doAjaxPost(form) {
// do some stuff
return false;
As I wrote this does not work when I have my validation, BUT if I remove that, and just add an
onsubmit="doAjaxPost(this.form); return false";
to my HTML form, it works - any clue???
到我的HTML表单,它的工作原理 - 任何线索???
2 个解决方案
Why do you even need doAjaxPost
? And I guess the return false
might be the culprit. Do you really need that?
Can't you just do
submitHandler: function(form) {
//do some stuff
I soved the issue, the problems was the url i sued for post. Instead of using a full URL:
var url = "https://" + document.domain + "/ajax.php";
I just use:
var url = "/ajax.php";
and everything works as it should.
When using php with cookies, the session ID will automatically be sent in the request headers even for Ajax XMLHttpRequests. If you use or allow URL-based php sessions, you'll have to add the session id to every Ajax request url, OR use a relative URL path (like above solution).
使用带cookie的php时,即使对于Ajax XMLHttpRequests,会话ID也会自动发送到请求头中。如果您使用或允许基于URL的php会话,则必须将会话ID添加到每个Ajax请求URL,或使用相对URL路径(如上面的解决方案)。
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
var url = 'https://'+document.domain+'/ajax.php?<?=session_name(); ?>=<?=session_id(); ?>';
Which works as well.
Why do you even need doAjaxPost
? And I guess the return false
might be the culprit. Do you really need that?
Can't you just do
submitHandler: function(form) {
//do some stuff
I soved the issue, the problems was the url i sued for post. Instead of using a full URL:
var url = "https://" + document.domain + "/ajax.php";
I just use:
var url = "/ajax.php";
and everything works as it should.
When using php with cookies, the session ID will automatically be sent in the request headers even for Ajax XMLHttpRequests. If you use or allow URL-based php sessions, you'll have to add the session id to every Ajax request url, OR use a relative URL path (like above solution).
使用带cookie的php时,即使对于Ajax XMLHttpRequests,会话ID也会自动发送到请求头中。如果您使用或允许基于URL的php会话,则必须将会话ID添加到每个Ajax请求URL,或使用相对URL路径(如上面的解决方案)。
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
var url = 'https://'+document.domain+'/ajax.php?<?=session_name(); ?>=<?=session_id(); ?>';
Which works as well.