
时间:2022-09-11 20:28:44

I'm loading XML data into an object with this LINQ statement:


var smartFormFields = from smartFormField in xmlDoc.Descendants("smartFormField")
                      select new Models.SmartFormField
                          IdCode = smartFormField.Element("idCode").Value,
                          Label = smartFormField.Element("label").Value,
                          FieldType = smartFormField.Element("fieldType").Value,
                          DisplayStatus = smartFormField.Element("displayStatus").Value,
                          RequiredStatus = smartFormField.Element("requiredStatus").Value,
                          DisplayColumn = (int)smartFormField.Element("displayColumn"),
                          DisplayOrder = (int)smartFormField.Element("displayOrder"),
                          Description = smartFormField.Element("description").Value,
                          Example = smartFormField.Element("example").Value,
                          ControlType = smartFormField.Element("controlType").Value,
                          AutoSuggestDataSource = smartFormField.Element("autoSuggestDataSource").Value

However, my WHERE (and ORDERBY) statement will change each time, e.g.


it may be this:


var smartFormFields = from smartFormField in xmlDoc.Descendants("field")
                      where smartFormField.Element("IdCode").Value == "lastName"
                      select new Models.SmartFormField

it may be this:


var smartFormFields = from smartFormField in xmlDoc.Descendants("field")
                      where (int)smartFormField.Element("DisplayOrder").Value > 50
                      select new Models.SmartFormField


How can I put the Where statement into a variable, something like this:



string whereStatement = "where (int)smartFormField.Element(\"DisplayOrder\").Value > 50";

var smartFormFields = from smartFormField in xmlDoc.Descendants("field")
                      select new Models.SmartFormField

1 个解决方案


Do you have to express it as a string? If you're happy to supply it as a delegate, you can use:


// Just as one example of a where clause
Func<XElement, bool> whereClause = sff => (int) sff.Element("DisplayOrder").Value > 50;

var smartFormFields = xmlDoc.Descendants("field")
                            .Select(sff => 
                                new Models.SmartFormField
                                    IdCode = sff.Element("idCode").Value,

If you put this into a method, then you just need to use a lambda expression:


var fields = GetFormFields(sff => (int) sff.Element("DisplayOrder").Value > 50);


That will let you easily supply different values for different calls, but you won't be able to just put the expressions into a text file without a bit more work. What are your real requirements here? Could you have a map of "filter name" to Func<XElement, bool>, and then read the filter names at execution time? Or do you really need it to be fully controlled at execution time, in an arbitrary way?

这样可以让您轻松地为不同的调用提供不同的值,但是如果没有更多的工作,您将无法将表达式放入文本文件中。你有什么真正的要求吗?你有一个“过滤器名称”映射到Func ,然后在执行时读取过滤器名称吗?或者你真的需要它在执行时以任意方式完全控制吗? ,bool>

(Note that ordering is similar but probably slightly trickier... let's get the filtering sorted first.)



Do you have to express it as a string? If you're happy to supply it as a delegate, you can use:


// Just as one example of a where clause
Func<XElement, bool> whereClause = sff => (int) sff.Element("DisplayOrder").Value > 50;

var smartFormFields = xmlDoc.Descendants("field")
                            .Select(sff => 
                                new Models.SmartFormField
                                    IdCode = sff.Element("idCode").Value,

If you put this into a method, then you just need to use a lambda expression:


var fields = GetFormFields(sff => (int) sff.Element("DisplayOrder").Value > 50);


That will let you easily supply different values for different calls, but you won't be able to just put the expressions into a text file without a bit more work. What are your real requirements here? Could you have a map of "filter name" to Func<XElement, bool>, and then read the filter names at execution time? Or do you really need it to be fully controlled at execution time, in an arbitrary way?

这样可以让您轻松地为不同的调用提供不同的值,但是如果没有更多的工作,您将无法将表达式放入文本文件中。你有什么真正的要求吗?你有一个“过滤器名称”映射到Func ,然后在执行时读取过滤器名称吗?或者你真的需要它在执行时以任意方式完全控制吗? ,bool>

(Note that ordering is similar but probably slightly trickier... let's get the filtering sorted first.)
