如何从flash swf文件中获取有用信息?

时间:2022-11-11 23:39:42

I'm doing some crawling with Python, and would like to be able to identify (however imperfectly) the flash I come across - is it a video, an ad, a game, or whatever.

我正在使用Python进行一些爬行,并且希望能够识别(但不完美)我遇到的闪存 - 它是视频,广告,游戏还是其他什么。

I assume I would have to decompile the swf, which seems doable. But what sort of processing would I do with the decompiled Actionscript to figure out what it's purpose is?


Edit: or any better ideas would be most welcome also.


3 个解决方案


I think your best bet would be to check the context where you see the swf file


usually they're embedded within web pages so if that page has 100 occurences of the word "game", then it might be a game, as an example


To detect an ad it might be trickier but i think that checking the domainname where the swf is hosted might do the trick, also html tags around the swf will be of great use



It might help to look at the arguments passed to the Flash movie. If there's reference to an FLV file then there's a good chance the SWF is being used to play a movie.


The path to the SWF might help too. If it's under, say an /ads directory then it's probably just a banner ad. Or if it's under /games then it's probably a game.

SWF的路径也可能有所帮助。如果它位于/ ads目录下,那么它可能只是一个横幅广告。或者如果它在/游戏之下那么它可能是一个游戏。

Other than using heuristics like this there's probably not much you can do. SWFs can be used for a lot of different things, and there's really nothing in the SWF itself that would tell you what "type" it is.

除了使用这样的启发式方法之外,你可能做的并不多。 SWF可用于许多不同的事情,SWF本身并没有什么可以告诉你它是什么“类型”。


Tough one. I guess you should try find a scope for a swf context. As you said, swfs can be: ads,games, video players, they can also contain experimental art. who knows. Once you know what exactly your after, it should be easier to figure out how to look for that kind of data.


I think it would be easier to get started with commercial websites. Those need promotion, so if they might promotional ria's setup with a little bit of SEO in mind so look for things like swfobject, swfaddress and tracking stuff ( omniture and who knows what else ). They should have keywords in the embedding html.


Google and Yahoo are working with Adobe as far as I know to make SWFs indexable. There is something mentioned about a custom FlashPlayer used for Flash indexing in the Flash Internals presentation from Adobe MAX. Hope it helps.

据我所知,谷歌和雅虎正与Adobe合作,使SWF可转换。在Adobe MAX的Flash Internals演示文稿中,提到了一些用于Flash索引的自定义FlashPlayer。希望能帮助到你。


I think your best bet would be to check the context where you see the swf file


usually they're embedded within web pages so if that page has 100 occurences of the word "game", then it might be a game, as an example


To detect an ad it might be trickier but i think that checking the domainname where the swf is hosted might do the trick, also html tags around the swf will be of great use



It might help to look at the arguments passed to the Flash movie. If there's reference to an FLV file then there's a good chance the SWF is being used to play a movie.


The path to the SWF might help too. If it's under, say an /ads directory then it's probably just a banner ad. Or if it's under /games then it's probably a game.

SWF的路径也可能有所帮助。如果它位于/ ads目录下,那么它可能只是一个横幅广告。或者如果它在/游戏之下那么它可能是一个游戏。

Other than using heuristics like this there's probably not much you can do. SWFs can be used for a lot of different things, and there's really nothing in the SWF itself that would tell you what "type" it is.

除了使用这样的启发式方法之外,你可能做的并不多。 SWF可用于许多不同的事情,SWF本身并没有什么可以告诉你它是什么“类型”。


Tough one. I guess you should try find a scope for a swf context. As you said, swfs can be: ads,games, video players, they can also contain experimental art. who knows. Once you know what exactly your after, it should be easier to figure out how to look for that kind of data.


I think it would be easier to get started with commercial websites. Those need promotion, so if they might promotional ria's setup with a little bit of SEO in mind so look for things like swfobject, swfaddress and tracking stuff ( omniture and who knows what else ). They should have keywords in the embedding html.


Google and Yahoo are working with Adobe as far as I know to make SWFs indexable. There is something mentioned about a custom FlashPlayer used for Flash indexing in the Flash Internals presentation from Adobe MAX. Hope it helps.

据我所知,谷歌和雅虎正与Adobe合作,使SWF可转换。在Adobe MAX的Flash Internals演示文稿中,提到了一些用于Flash索引的自定义FlashPlayer。希望能帮助到你。