
时间:2022-11-11 22:25:45

I have website with many languages with address like http://domain.com/<lang>/

我的网站有很多语言,地址如http://domain.com/ /

I would like to create exclude filter in one of my views to report global traffic but i don't want to create dozen of exclude filter for each country (easy to forget to add some lang code).


Is this right to use custom exclude filter for Request URI with regex like ^\/[a-z]{2}\/ to exclude all requests which begins with /xx/ like /en/ /de/ etc.

对于使用正则表达式(如^ \ / [a-z] {2} \ /的请求URI使用自定义排除过滤器是否正确,以排除所有以/ xx / like / en / / de /等开头的请求

Thanks for help.


1 个解决方案



You may use



There is no need escaping / in GA regex and (/|$) (match / or end of string) alternation group will make the / optional at the end of the input.

没有必要转义/在GA正则表达式和(/ | $)(匹配/或字符串结束)交替组将在输入的末尾使/可选。



You may use



There is no need escaping / in GA regex and (/|$) (match / or end of string) alternation group will make the / optional at the end of the input.

没有必要转义/在GA正则表达式和(/ | $)(匹配/或字符串结束)交替组将在输入的末尾使/可选。