如何防止人们将HTTP POST循环到函数?

时间:2022-11-11 22:15:57

I am trying to develop a website, the website got a pop-up modal which allows the user to subscribe to our latest promotion. In that input, we got a textbox to allow users to key in their email.


However, when we look at the HTML code, the HTTP POST URL is visible:

但是,当我们查看HTML代码时,HTTP POST URL可见:

如何防止人们将HTTP POST循环到函数?

If someone is trying to use this URL, and spam HTTP POST requests (see below), unlimited entries can be created in the subscriber database table.

如果有人试图使用此URL和垃圾邮件HTTP POST请求(见下文),则可以在订阅者数据库表中创建无限条目。

for (int a = 0; a < 999999; a++)
    var values = new Dictionary<string, string>
        { "email", a+"@gmail.com" }

    var content = new FormUrlEncodedContent(values);
    var response = await client.PostAsync("http://www.example.com/recepticle.aspx", content);
    var responseString = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

How can I prevent this from happening? We cannot put a capcha, since this is subscriber to our promotion.


Edit: Please note that a ANTI-forgery token will not work, because the hacker can download entire HTML string using GET, and get the value from the anti forgery token textbox and POST the value to the POST URL again, so it will not work and the same anti-forgery token can use multiple times, it is not secure.

编辑:请注意,ANTI伪造令牌不起作用,因为黑客可以使用GET下载整个HTML字符串,并从防伪令牌文本框中获取值并再次将值POST到POST URL,因此它将无法正常工作并且相同的防伪令牌可以多次使用,这是不安全的。

2 个解决方案



You can choose one of the below option to implement what you are looking for.


1- Implement CAPTCHA/re-CAPTCHA, it will make sure that using any tool request can't be made. I understand that you don't want to use CAPTCHA, I still feel you should go with it, as it is the best approach to handle this type of scenarios.

1-实施CAPTCHA / re-CAPTCHA,它将确保无法使用任何工具请求。我知道你不想使用CAPTCHA,我仍然认为你应该使用它,因为这是处理这种情况的最佳方法。

2- IP Based restriction, lock submitting the request from one IP for some time.


3- Other option can be OTP (one time password), you can send the OTP to the email, and only after successful verification you can register the email.




Use AntiForgeryToken. Read more about Antiforgery Tokens here

使用AntiForgeryToken。在此处阅读有关Antiforgery Tokens的更多信息

  1. In your form Razor View, Add an @Html.AntiForgeryToken() as a form field.

    在您的Razor View表单中,添加@ Html.AntiForgeryToken()作为表单字段。

    @using (Html.BeginForm())
        <div class="form-horizontal">
            @*Rest of the form*@
  2. In your Action Method use ValidateAntiForgeryTokenAttribute


    public ActionResult Edit( MyViewModel form)
        if (ModelState.IsValid)
           // Rest of ur code



You can choose one of the below option to implement what you are looking for.


1- Implement CAPTCHA/re-CAPTCHA, it will make sure that using any tool request can't be made. I understand that you don't want to use CAPTCHA, I still feel you should go with it, as it is the best approach to handle this type of scenarios.

1-实施CAPTCHA / re-CAPTCHA,它将确保无法使用任何工具请求。我知道你不想使用CAPTCHA,我仍然认为你应该使用它,因为这是处理这种情况的最佳方法。

2- IP Based restriction, lock submitting the request from one IP for some time.


3- Other option can be OTP (one time password), you can send the OTP to the email, and only after successful verification you can register the email.




Use AntiForgeryToken. Read more about Antiforgery Tokens here

使用AntiForgeryToken。在此处阅读有关Antiforgery Tokens的更多信息

  1. In your form Razor View, Add an @Html.AntiForgeryToken() as a form field.

    在您的Razor View表单中,添加@ Html.AntiForgeryToken()作为表单字段。

    @using (Html.BeginForm())
        <div class="form-horizontal">
            @*Rest of the form*@
  2. In your Action Method use ValidateAntiForgeryTokenAttribute


    public ActionResult Edit( MyViewModel form)
        if (ModelState.IsValid)
           // Rest of ur code