I have added a new column to my table Attributes which already has (id , form_id(foreign key),type,label,size,sequence no,instr) where instr is the new column i have added.
My application is in CakePHP and MySQL.
I have used the following code to insert into the table Attributes But the field instr alone not inserted.
function saveFieldname($data)//from untitledfieldname
$this->data['Attribute']['form_id'] = $this->find( 'all', array(
'fields' => array('Form.id'),
'order' => 'Form.id DESC'
$this->data['Attribute']['form_id'] = $this->data['Attribute']['form_id'][0]['Form']['id'];
$this->data['Attribute']['label'] = 'Label';
$this->data['Attribute']['size'] ='50';
$this->data['Attribute']['instr'] ='Fill';
$this->data['Attribute']['type'] = $data['Attribute']['type'];
$this->data['Attribute']['sequence_no'] = $data['Attribute']['sequence_no'];
Please suggest me..
2 个解决方案
The information about the structure of your table is probably cached. Remove the content of "app/tmp/cache/models" and try it again.
有关表结构的信息可能已缓存。删除“app / tmp / cache / models”的内容并再次尝试。
Note that in development the debug level in app/config/core.php is usually set to > 1. This means you should never run into the issue in development because Cake will not cache. However, in production, debug is set to 0 in core.php, thus causing cake to start caching.
请注意,在开发中,app / config / core.php中的调试级别通常设置为> 1.这意味着您永远不应该遇到开发中的问题,因为Cake不会缓存。但是,在生产中,core.php中的debug设置为0,从而导致cake开始缓存。
To add to that, I had removed the cache files in app/tmp/cache/models as dhofstet specified on my production CakePHP app and the find queries were still not grabbing my new column.
为了补充一点,我删除了app / tmp / cache / models中的缓存文件,就像我在生产的CakePHP应用程序中指定的dhofstet一样,查找查询仍然没有抓住我的新列。
As well as clearing the model cache files, I set the debug level to 2 on my production site and did page refresh then set it back to 0 and it got it working again. I know this is an ugly approach, but it fixed it for me when no other methods were working.
The information about the structure of your table is probably cached. Remove the content of "app/tmp/cache/models" and try it again.
有关表结构的信息可能已缓存。删除“app / tmp / cache / models”的内容并再次尝试。
Note that in development the debug level in app/config/core.php is usually set to > 1. This means you should never run into the issue in development because Cake will not cache. However, in production, debug is set to 0 in core.php, thus causing cake to start caching.
请注意,在开发中,app / config / core.php中的调试级别通常设置为> 1.这意味着您永远不应该遇到开发中的问题,因为Cake不会缓存。但是,在生产中,core.php中的debug设置为0,从而导致cake开始缓存。
To add to that, I had removed the cache files in app/tmp/cache/models as dhofstet specified on my production CakePHP app and the find queries were still not grabbing my new column.
为了补充一点,我删除了app / tmp / cache / models中的缓存文件,就像我在生产的CakePHP应用程序中指定的dhofstet一样,查找查询仍然没有抓住我的新列。
As well as clearing the model cache files, I set the debug level to 2 on my production site and did page refresh then set it back to 0 and it got it working again. I know this is an ugly approach, but it fixed it for me when no other methods were working.