将String ^转换为std :: string(基本字符串) - >错误。我怎样才能解决这个问题?

时间:2022-11-07 19:12:27

I try to convert a String^ to basic string...but I get the error after this code. What does it mean and how can I fix it? I need to input basic string into a class constructor. The string^ would not work.

我尝试将String ^转换为基本字符串...但是在此代码之后我收到错误。它是什么意思,我该如何解决?我需要将基本字符串输入到类构造函数中。字符串^不起作用。

System::String^ temp = textBox1->Text;
string dummy = System::Convert::ToString(temp);
error C2440: 'initializing' : cannot convert from 'System::String ^' to 'std::basic_string'
1>        with
1>        [
1>            _Elem=char,
1>            _Traits=std::char_traits,
1>            _Ax=std::allocator
1>        ]
1>        No constructor could take the source type, or constructor overload resolution was ambiguous

6 个解决方案


You need to marshal your string. The managed string sits somewhere on the managed heap (garbage collector is free to move it around).


One way of getting the string to the native side is as follows:


using System::Runtime::InteropServices::Marshal;

char *pString = (char*)Marshal::StringToHGlobalAnsi(managedString);
std::string nativeString(pString); // make your std::string
Marshal::FreeHGlobal(pString);     // don't forget to clean up

If you are using Visual Studio 2008, you can take advantage of much nicer marshaling utilities. Check out this MSDN page.

如果您使用的是Visual Studio 2008,则可以利用更好的编组实用程序。查看此MSDN页面。

#include <msclr/marshal.h>
#include <msclr/marshal_cppstd.h>

using namespace msclr::interop;

std::string nativeString(marshal_as<std::string>(managedString));


I spend 11h to find a solution:


 #include <stdlib.h
 #include <string.h>
 #include <msclr\marshal_cppstd.h>
 //ListaQuad<int> prueba;
 using namespace msclr::interop;
 System::String^ clrString = (TextoDeBoton);
 std::string stdString = marshal_as<std::string>(clrString);  //String^ to std
 //System::String^ myString = marshal_as<System::String^>(MyBasicStirng);   //std to String^ (no lo he probado, pero sería algo así.)
 prueba.CopyInfo(stdString); //MyMethod
 //where, String^ = TextoDeBoton;
 //and, stdString = normal string;


You need to do two things to convert a System::String to a std::string:

您需要做两件事来将System :: String转换为std :: string:

  • Marshal the memory from the managed heap an unmanaged one.
  • 从托管堆中分配内存和非托管堆。

  • Convert your character encoding from a wide characters to (what looks like from your question) ansi characters.
  • 将您的角色编码从宽字符转换为(从您的问题看起来像)ansi字符。

One way, without having to worry about freeing any HGlobal memory is to define a method along the lines of:


interior_ptr<unsigned char> GetAsciiString(System::String ^s)
    array<unsigned char> ^chars = System::Text::Encoding::ASCII->GetBytes(s);
    return &chars[0];
    // of course you'd want to do some error checking for string length, nulls, etc..

And you'd use it like:


// somewhere else...
    pin_ptr<unsigned char> pChars = GetAsciiString(textBox1->Text);
    std:string std_str(pChars); // I don't have my compiler in front of me, so you may need a (char*)pChars

This also lets you use the encoding of your choice (like utf-8 over ascii), but you may not really need this.



May be, you will need inverse converting, from std::string to String^. I was searching this converting, but I didn't find. So, I wrote it. I hope, it will be useful for somebody:

可能是,你需要逆转换,从std :: string到String ^。我正在寻找这种转换,但我没有找到。所以,我写了它。我希望,这对某些人有用:

String^ stdStringToPlatformString(string stdString){
    const size_t newsizew = strlen(stdString.c_str()) + 1;
    size_t convertedChars = 0;
    wchar_t *ch1 = new wchar_t[newsizew];
    mbstowcs_s(&convertedChars, ch1, newsizew, stdString.c_str(), _TRUNCATE);
    String ^platformString;
    platformString = ref new Platform::String(ch1, newsizew);
    return platformString;


I think you can also just do:


string dummy = string( textBox1->Text );

Check out How to: Convert Between Various String Types on MSDN.



string platformStringToStdString(String ^input){
    int size=input->Length()+1;
    char* auxiliary=(char *)malloc(sizeof(char)*size);
    string result(auxiliary);
    return result;


You need to marshal your string. The managed string sits somewhere on the managed heap (garbage collector is free to move it around).


One way of getting the string to the native side is as follows:


using System::Runtime::InteropServices::Marshal;

char *pString = (char*)Marshal::StringToHGlobalAnsi(managedString);
std::string nativeString(pString); // make your std::string
Marshal::FreeHGlobal(pString);     // don't forget to clean up

If you are using Visual Studio 2008, you can take advantage of much nicer marshaling utilities. Check out this MSDN page.

如果您使用的是Visual Studio 2008,则可以利用更好的编组实用程序。查看此MSDN页面。

#include <msclr/marshal.h>
#include <msclr/marshal_cppstd.h>

using namespace msclr::interop;

std::string nativeString(marshal_as<std::string>(managedString));


I spend 11h to find a solution:


 #include <stdlib.h
 #include <string.h>
 #include <msclr\marshal_cppstd.h>
 //ListaQuad<int> prueba;
 using namespace msclr::interop;
 System::String^ clrString = (TextoDeBoton);
 std::string stdString = marshal_as<std::string>(clrString);  //String^ to std
 //System::String^ myString = marshal_as<System::String^>(MyBasicStirng);   //std to String^ (no lo he probado, pero sería algo así.)
 prueba.CopyInfo(stdString); //MyMethod
 //where, String^ = TextoDeBoton;
 //and, stdString = normal string;


You need to do two things to convert a System::String to a std::string:

您需要做两件事来将System :: String转换为std :: string:

  • Marshal the memory from the managed heap an unmanaged one.
  • 从托管堆中分配内存和非托管堆。

  • Convert your character encoding from a wide characters to (what looks like from your question) ansi characters.
  • 将您的角色编码从宽字符转换为(从您的问题看起来像)ansi字符。

One way, without having to worry about freeing any HGlobal memory is to define a method along the lines of:


interior_ptr<unsigned char> GetAsciiString(System::String ^s)
    array<unsigned char> ^chars = System::Text::Encoding::ASCII->GetBytes(s);
    return &chars[0];
    // of course you'd want to do some error checking for string length, nulls, etc..

And you'd use it like:


// somewhere else...
    pin_ptr<unsigned char> pChars = GetAsciiString(textBox1->Text);
    std:string std_str(pChars); // I don't have my compiler in front of me, so you may need a (char*)pChars

This also lets you use the encoding of your choice (like utf-8 over ascii), but you may not really need this.



May be, you will need inverse converting, from std::string to String^. I was searching this converting, but I didn't find. So, I wrote it. I hope, it will be useful for somebody:

可能是,你需要逆转换,从std :: string到String ^。我正在寻找这种转换,但我没有找到。所以,我写了它。我希望,这对某些人有用:

String^ stdStringToPlatformString(string stdString){
    const size_t newsizew = strlen(stdString.c_str()) + 1;
    size_t convertedChars = 0;
    wchar_t *ch1 = new wchar_t[newsizew];
    mbstowcs_s(&convertedChars, ch1, newsizew, stdString.c_str(), _TRUNCATE);
    String ^platformString;
    platformString = ref new Platform::String(ch1, newsizew);
    return platformString;


I think you can also just do:


string dummy = string( textBox1->Text );

Check out How to: Convert Between Various String Types on MSDN.



string platformStringToStdString(String ^input){
    int size=input->Length()+1;
    char* auxiliary=(char *)malloc(sizeof(char)*size);
    string result(auxiliary);
    return result;